Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players)

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PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players) Empty PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players)

Post  Senshuken Fri Feb 24, 2017 1:24 pm

The three clans:

Three hundred years ago, the forces of light and darkness clashed in the Celestial Wars. The Nightmarish monsters of the dark hordes were rampaging through the lands, destroying and slaughtering everything in their path. Celie, the head of the Dusk clan and leader of pony kind gathered as many as she could and sent them south to save what she could before facing the oncoming horde alone. In an act of pure sacrifice she channeled her very life essence into the fabled 'Celestia's Orb' to unleash one final spell, destroying the horde and sundering most of the world in the process. She didn't know that the Nightmare hordes would just be the first of many enemies to plague the Dusk clan... or that without the Orb's guidance and power, her descendants would be weak and wicked.... Did she ever truly have a choice?

Based in a world where the war between Celestia and Nightmare Moon was much grander in scale and a lot more brutal, the end of the conflict left both sisters gone and the world largely shattered; Pony kind found itself isolated on a large island land mass, alongside the Changelings and Diamond Dogs. Three hundred years after the mythical war between darkness and light, the teachings of Celestia the Sun Goddess (also called the Path of Dawn) has largely become a fringe belief held by peasants and a small number of pegasus and unicorns, largely replaced by the more brutally pragmatic path of Dusk.

However... this story begins elsewhere...

Long ago, life was better for the Wolf Clan.

Our ancestors lived in a faraway land,  living in peace and harmony. They dug through the earth seeking riches while those with a green paw helped ensure that those who dug through the earth had plenty to eat. Everything was simple and good... until the storms came, and drowned us out of our mines. Our ancestors' simple magic was powerless to stop the destruction. They knew only that they had to flee... or perish. Using our clans' most scared totem, the White Wolves Skull, our druidess order rescued us from death. The totem brought us here, to the lands of the Dusk Empire. Thankful for our salvation, we rebuilt our homes and our lives. Our new neighbors, the devious Dusk and cold hearted Hive welcomed us as allies and promised us safety.

Unfortunately, we trusted them.

Everything seemed simple and good again... Until a new disaster broke over our people -- A disaster of betrayal and fire. Queen Chrysalis of the Hive clan made a deal with the treacherous Dusk Emperor and attacked us by surprise. The Dusk looked the other way as the Hive slaughtered our farmers and burned our homes. Like the rest of our brothers and sisters, I fought to save our clan and I could not. The survivors of our clan have been slaves in the Hive's shale mines ever since.  For seven years we've worked and died to make the Hive wealthy. The Changeling slave master, a favored spawn of Chrysalis whom calls herself Princess Arthropia, rules the clan through fear. She believes we have lost the ability to dream of freedom.

She is wrong.

For seven years, we've trained ourselves in the arts of war. Hammers, picks and stones are our weapons... those and our unending anger. A third disaster is coming -- A disaster for the murderers who dared to cross us.  

Soon, the Wolf Clan will rise again.

For years the Diamond Dogs of the Wolf Clan have suffered under the watchful eyes of their cold and sadistic Changeling overseers and task masters, forced to dig out shale and other riches until they drop dead. The mines themselves are infested with creatures that would happily make a meal out of any hapless miner that they come across, but among the most feared are the giant shale spiders, whom not only feed on those they kill but oftentimes use the bodies of the dead (and the truly unfortunate living) to lay their eggs into so that their young can have a meal when they hatch. Gas leaks, cave ins, flooding, illness and starvation are common causes of death, not to mention random acts of cruelty or brutality committed by the guards; Being assigned babysitting duty for the mutts is considered a punishment just shy of execution and those that get it only have one source to take their displeasure at the situation out on.

Of course, it is not just the Diamond Dogs who toil in these mines. The Dusk Empire has long found that the Changeling mines were wonderful places to get rid of ponies who were... problematic. While criminals who either failed to commit a crime grave enough for death (or had earned a death sentence that was believed to require as brutally drawn out and painful a death as possible) make up the most of those sent into the mines, there are other ponies who end up here because they simply couldn't pay their taxes... or pissed off the wrong unicorn who wanted them to suffer.

Characters start at level 1. The races they can is limited to Diamond Dogs or some kind of pony... keep in mind however, it is insanely rare for a Unicorn to be sent to the mines as a slave due to their status as nobility in the Dusk Empire. It can happen, but at most there will only be one unicorn accepted (two if they are in the same family and they are in the mines due to political skullduggery).

Tech Level:

A closer look at Ideologies:
Rating is M15+

Last edited by Senshuken on Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:07 am; edited 5 times in total
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PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players) Empty Re: PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players)

Post  AleneShazam Sat Feb 25, 2017 4:07 pm

i've had a combat build and character concept lying around, might as well put her to use
introducing Vambrace the bat pony thestral.
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PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players) Empty Re: PT- Pbp - Winter of the Wolf (looking for players)

Post  Senshuken Mon Feb 27, 2017 5:33 am

It's looking good Shazam. Accepted... through I have noticed that you seem to have missed your Special Moves.
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