Monsters by 7 of 9
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Monsters by 7 of 9
Lesser Hydra - 80 HP
Trait – Many-Headed
The Lesser Hydra has four heads. Each time the Lesser Hydra becomes stunned, it instead loses the active use of one head. It cannot roll a saving throw unless it is down to one head, so the first and second heads cannot become unstunned (unless the effect does not wear off with a saving throw - ex. at the end of the pony who stunned the hydra's next turn).
[+3] Bite: 1d8+X damage, where X is the number of heads the Lesser Hydra has active.
[+1] Shake Off: The Hydra regains the use of one head.
[-1] Poison: Target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). If target is already taking ongoing damage, the target is instead stunned (save ends).
[-X] Multi-Bite: Deal Xd8 damage to multiple targets of the Hydra’s choice, where X is the number of heads the Lesser Hydra uses to attack. It cannot use inactive heads to attack.
Design Note:
Greater Hydra - 120 HP
Trait – Many-Headed
The Greater Hydra has six heads. Each time the Greater Hydra becomes stunned, it instead loses the active use of one head. It cannot roll a saving throw unless it is down to two heads, so the first, second, and third heads cannot become unstunned (unless the effect does not wear off with a saving throw - ex. at the end of the pony who stunned the hydra's next turn).
[+3] Bite: 1d10+X damage, where X is the number of heads the Lesser Hydra has active.
[+1] Shake Off: The Hydra regains the use of one head.
[-1] Poison Spit: Target takes 1d8 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). If target is already taking ongoing damage, the target is instead stunned (save ends).
[-6] Hydra Storm: Attack once for each active head, using either Poison or Bite. For each inactive head, this attack costs 1 less PiP.
Design Note:
Chimera – 30 HP
Trait – Three Brains
The Chimera is actually composed of three "heads," which attack independently. However, they share one initiative, one PiP count, and one life bar. As its life drops to 20 and 10 HP, the Chimera "shuts down" one of the heads.
[+3] Threatening Roar [Lion]: Target gains Vulnerability 3 until the end of the Chimera’s next turn.
[-2] Fire Breath [Lion]: 1d10 damage to target and adjacent targets.
[+2] Hoof the Ground [Goat]: The next damage-dealing attack by the user deals +3 damage.
[-2] Charge [Goat]: 1d12 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends.)
[+1] Snake Bite [Snake]: 1d6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 3 damage (save ends).
[-2] Sinister Venom [Snake]: 1d8 damage, or 2d8 damage if the target is suffering ongoing damage.
Design Note:
Gold Golem – 30 HP
Trait – Shedding Gold
If the Gold Golem takes more than 6 damage in one turn, gain 1 PiP. (Note: If it takes more than 12 damage, it gains a total of 2 PiPs, if it takes 18, it gains a total of 3, etc.)
[+2] Ooh, Shiny!: Force an enemy to attack the Gold Golem.
[+1] Gold Smash: 1d8 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Berserk Attack: Use two Gold Smash attacks. The Gold Golem does not have to target the same character with both.
[-4] Unstoppable: 1d6 damage to all enemies, who must flip a coin – if tails, they are stunned (save ends.)
These golems were made to defend treasure rooms, disguising themselves as the very gold they guard. Whether or not they are made of actual gold depends on the stinginess of their creator, but a servant is usually more valuable to anypony with the know-how. They’re simple creatures, and will attack anyone but the master – even the master’s allies, unless the master programs a work-around.
Design Note:
Kill-a-Rilla – 50 HP
Trait – Berserk
Deal half damage to self (unless otherwise noted) when attacking an enemy. Can also attack an ally to gain 1 extra PiP.
[+2] Beat Chest: Deal 1d4 damage to yourself.
[+1] Headbutt: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and flip a coin. If Heads, the enemy is stunned until the end of their next turn.
[+1] Punch: 1d12 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Ground Pound: 1d12 damage to one enemy, and 1d10 damage to adjacent enemies. The Kill-a-Rilla takes full damage from the d12 and no damage from the d10.
[-2] Spin-a-Rilla: 1d10 damage to all enemies and Kill-a-Rilla.
[-X] Giant Punch: Xd12 damage to one enemy, where X cannot be greater than 4.
This big, white gorilla-like creature is the angriest, maddest primate in the universe. Whenever it meets another animal, it is so filled with rage that it goes berserk with the gnashing and the smashing and spiking and biting and destroys it in seconds. This makes it even angrier because it can’t carry on destroying, and the next animal it meets is destroyed even quicker, with even more gore-clawing and dreadful head-shredding and aaghhh… IT’S SO MENTAL!
Design Note:
Derpfish – 30 HP
[+1] Swim, Swim: Move up the Initiative order (immediately before the character who went before you) on your next turn. Revert after your next turn (so you can’t use Swim, Swim twice to move up two spaces in the Initiative order.
[-1] Hungry: 1d10 damage to one enemy. The Derpfish fails to attack if the result is a 1, 2, or 3.
The Derpfish is the second dumbest creature in the universe. Its thought patterns are roughly, “Swim swim hungry, swim swim hungry.” Dopefish will eat anything moving near them, though they prefer heroes. What’s the dumbest creature in the universe you ask? Simple – the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. It thinks that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you, so you might wish to throw a towel over your head.
Design Note:
Audrey II – 90 HP
[+2] French Kiss: 1d8 damage to one enemy.
[+1] Draining Vines: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and heal that many HP.
[-1] Allure: Charm one enemy (save ends).
[-2] Grasping Vines: Conjure one Grasping Vine with the following stat block-
Grasping Vine – 10 HP
[+1] Don’t Feed the Plants: 1d6 damage to one enemy.
[-2] Hold: Stun one enemy until the end of the Grasping Vine’s next turn, or until the Grasping Vine is destroyed.
[-3] Dig in Roots: Gain Regeneration 10 for three turns. Cannot use again until Regeneration wears off.
[-3] Feed Me!: 1d12 damage, or 2d12 if the enemy is under a (Save ends) effect.
Some of the plants in Everfree Forest are rumored not to be native to the forest at all. Take, for example, the oddly named Audrey II. While hardly mobile, it doesn’t need to be if tales of it manipulating ponies to bring their kind to it are true – because what is known is that Audrey II dines on flesh and blood, and has malevolent sentience to rival most animals. No pony should handle Audrey II alone, no matter how tempting it is.
Design Notes:
Diamond Dogs: I know, I know, everyone’s got a take on the Diamond Dogs. I thought I’d do my take on the three original ones from the episode.
Rover – 45 HP
Trait – Boss Around
Spot and Fido gain +5 to Initiative while Rover is alive.
[+2] Dig: Flip a coin. If heads, gain 1 extra PiP.
[+1] Pickaxe: 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[-3] Cart: If used alone, does nothing. If used on the same turn as Harness and Saddle, Dominate one enemy (Save ends).
[-1] Dual Pickaxe: 2d10 damage to one enemy. Can only be used if Fido has fallen.
[-2] Board Smack: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and the target is stunned (save ends). Can only be used if Spot, but not Fido, has fallen.
[-5] Saddle Up!: Dominate one creature (save ends). While the creature is dominated, Rover gains Resist 4 due to hiding behind them. Can only be used if Rover is the only Diamond Dog left.
Fido – 50 HP
Trait – Anger
Fido gains +2 damage whenever an ally falls.
[+1] Dig: Flip a coin. If heads, gain 1 extra PiP.
[+1] Pickaxe: 1d12 damage to one enemy.
[-3] Harness: If used alone, does nothing. If used on the same turn as Cart and Saddle, Dominate one enemy (Save ends).
[-1] Pickaxe Toss: 1d8 damage to one enemy, and the target is stunned until the end of their next turn. Can only be used if Spot has fallen.
[-2] Fastball Special: 1d6 damage to Spot and 3d6 to one enemy. Can only be used if Rover, but not Spot, has fallen.
[-4] Bash: 3d12 damage to one enemy and 1d12 damage to adjacent enemies. Can only be used if Fido is the only Diamond Dog left.
Spot – 40 HP
Trait – Stench
Spot gains Resist 3 against attacks that would deal 8 or more damage (a roll of 9 on a d10 would thus deal only 6 damage to Spot).
[+1] Dig: Flip a coin. If heads, gain 1 extra PiP.
[+1] Pickaxe: 1d8 damage.
[-3] Saddle: If used alone, does nothing. If used on the same turn as Cart and Harness, Dominate one enemy (Save ends).
[-1] Spinning Pickaxes: Half of 1d10 damage to all enemies. Can only be used if Rover has fallen.
[-2] Vaulting Hide: Deal 1d12 damage to one enemy, then gain Resist 2 until the start of your next turn. Can only be used when Fido, but not Rover, has fallen.
[-X] Dirt in the Air: Confuse all enemies for X-2 turns, where X is not greater than 5. Can only be used if Spot is the only Diamond Dog left.
Greedy, boorish, stupid… all are fairly generous words to describe the Diamond Dogs. Cowardly by nature, they hate engaging in direct combat, and will usually try to turn the environment to their favor – after all, they’re much more used to life underground than ponies. Rover is among the most high-profile Diamond Dogs out there, having masterminded the kidnapping of one Rarity the unicorn. Fido, his muscle, is known for dragging ponies underground, while Spot, his scout, is the best at digging for gems, but is exceptionally lazy and would much rather a pony do the work for him.
Design Notes:
Cyan Storm – 30 HP
[+1] Lightning Arc: 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[+1] Thunderclap: The next attack by this creature gains 1d6 power.
[-2] Charged Mist: Gain Resist 3 and Counter 3 (counter all attacks with 3 damage) until the start of your next turn.
[-X] Lightning Storm: Unleash X bolts of lightning. Each bolt targets a random creature and deals half of 2d10 damage.
Not every cloud is peaceful. Some are perfectly happy remaining the way they are, and not having a Pegasus suddenly come and demand that they move somewhere else. Some thunderclouds decided to take matters into their own hands.
Design Notes:
Fire Ent – 60 HP
Trait – Burning Tree
Starts the battle with Resist 2 and Counter 1. Before acting, may trade one Resist for one Counter or vice versa.
[+2] Solid as the Soil: Does nothing.
[+1] Tree Smack: Deal 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Hurl Fire: Deal 1d8 damage and 1d4 ongoing damage to one enemy. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has at least 1 Counter.
[-4] Put Down Roots: Gain Regeneration 5 until the Fire Ent regains 1 Counter. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has no Counter.
[-2] Entangling Roots: 1d8 damage to one enemy, and flip a coin. If heads, they are stunned. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has at least 1 Resist.
[-4] Forest Fire: Deal 2d12 damage to all enemies. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has no Resist.
The spirits of the forest tolerate intruders little. They come with fire, they come with axes! Gnawing, scratching, hacking, biting, burning! Curse the lot of them! Repay their hatred with the fire they would bestow upon you!
Design Notes:
Prof. Higgins McRilla – 60 HP
Trait – Berserk
Deal half damage to self when attacking an enemy (unless otherwise noted).
[+2] Pull Yourself Together, Man!: Let an ally make a saving throw.
[+1] No, THIS is how you do it! (Free Action): Allow an ally to reroll an attack. Can only be used once per turn.
[+1] Punch: 1d12 damage to one enemy.
[-2] Oh, for Celestia’s Sake…: Immediate Reaction.
Trigger: Ally deals 5 or more damage to itself.
Effect: Gain Resist 3 until the start of your next turn.
[-2] Spin-a-Rilla: 1d10 damage to all enemies and Kill-a-Rilla.
[-X] Giant Punch: Xd12 damage to one enemy, where X cannot be greater than 4.
Even Kill-a-Rillas need educated leaders. Unfortunately, as Kill-a-Rillas are about as smart as rocks, they only remember the name of one leader – Higgins. Thus, no matter how much a Kill-a-Rilla may protest, every educated Kill-a-Rilla is referred to as Higgins.
Design Notes:
Mysterious Sphere – 60 HP
Trait – See Everything
After becoming bloodied, the Mysterious Sphere can move twice in one turn.
Trait – Into the Darkness
The Mysterious Sphere can immediately roll saving throws after it is subjected to a (save ends) effect.
[+2] Mindcarve: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and roll 1d4. If 4, the target is stunned (save ends).
[+1] Fleasheat: One enemy takes 1d8 ongoing damage (save ends).
[-1] Bonecave: One enemy gains 1d8 vulnerability (save ends).
[-2] Bloodfeast: One enemy takes 1d12 damage. The Mysterious Sphere heals the damage it deals.
[-2] Farsend: One enemy takes a -5 penalty to saving throws until the end of the Mysterious Sphere’s next turn.
[-4] Souleat: If the target is under two different (save ends) effects, they immediately drop to 0 HP.
No one knows where the Mysterious Spheres come from – hence, Mysterious. One thing’s for sure – they are so alien to Equestria that merely being around one will break a pony’s body, mind, and (it’s rumored) soul.
Design Notes:
Purger – 30 HP
Trait – Magic Fumes
Immediately when the Purger becomes bloodied and again when it, magical fumes leak out, subjecting one enemy to Ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
[+1] Iron Blade: 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Cleave: 1d10 damage to one enemy and 1d8 to adjacent enemies.
[-2] Dazing Fist: 1d8 damage to one enemy, and flip a coin. If heads, they are blinded.
Maddened golems from a time long ago, they have lost their original purpose. They tirelessly run to “purge” the unclean from Equestria, and will continue to do so until the end of time, or until they run out of the magical fumes that power them.
Design Notes:
Grey Wind – 1 HP
Trait – You Cannot Catch the Wind
This creature has Resist 4
[+2] Gather Wind: Does nothing.
[-1] Propel: Move one ally up in the Initiative countdown so it acts immediately after the Grey Wind.
[-1] Walking Against the Wind: Force one enemy to the last position on the Initiative countdown (they are now considered to have rolled the lowest out of all the enemies.)
[-4] Blowback: One ally gains an additional Standard Action on its next turn.
Leftovers of the Wendigos, a cold wind follows the Grey Wind as they ride through the skies, backing the spirits of hatred. They cannot be reasoned with, and serve no higher purpose other than spreading hate.
Designer Notes:
I put in some design notes if people just wanted to look at the monsters and not my thought process.
Trait – Many-Headed
The Lesser Hydra has four heads. Each time the Lesser Hydra becomes stunned, it instead loses the active use of one head. It cannot roll a saving throw unless it is down to one head, so the first and second heads cannot become unstunned (unless the effect does not wear off with a saving throw - ex. at the end of the pony who stunned the hydra's next turn).
[+3] Bite: 1d8+X damage, where X is the number of heads the Lesser Hydra has active.
[+1] Shake Off: The Hydra regains the use of one head.
[-1] Poison: Target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends). If target is already taking ongoing damage, the target is instead stunned (save ends).
[-X] Multi-Bite: Deal Xd8 damage to multiple targets of the Hydra’s choice, where X is the number of heads the Lesser Hydra uses to attack. It cannot use inactive heads to attack.
Design Note:
- Spoiler:
- My first attempt at an MLP monster, I designed the Lesser Hydra as a solo wall; high HP but low damage potential. The Hydra in Feeling Pinkie Keen seemed like it would deal more than d8 damage per bite, but I didn’t want to go ridiculous for something like a “Lesser” Hydra.
Greater Hydra - 120 HP
Trait – Many-Headed
The Greater Hydra has six heads. Each time the Greater Hydra becomes stunned, it instead loses the active use of one head. It cannot roll a saving throw unless it is down to two heads, so the first, second, and third heads cannot become unstunned (unless the effect does not wear off with a saving throw - ex. at the end of the pony who stunned the hydra's next turn).
[+3] Bite: 1d10+X damage, where X is the number of heads the Lesser Hydra has active.
[+1] Shake Off: The Hydra regains the use of one head.
[-1] Poison Spit: Target takes 1d8 damage and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). If target is already taking ongoing damage, the target is instead stunned (save ends).
[-6] Hydra Storm: Attack once for each active head, using either Poison or Bite. For each inactive head, this attack costs 1 less PiP.
Design Note:
- Spoiler:
- Hydra Storm sounds a little confusing due to the needed arithmetic, so if there’s any way I can make it look clearer, let me know. Anyway, I made the Greater Hydra just in case the Lesser Hydra wasn’t crazy enough. It doesn’t seem very well balanced right now, so I’ll probably work on it more.
Chimera – 30 HP
Trait – Three Brains
The Chimera is actually composed of three "heads," which attack independently. However, they share one initiative, one PiP count, and one life bar. As its life drops to 20 and 10 HP, the Chimera "shuts down" one of the heads.
[+3] Threatening Roar [Lion]: Target gains Vulnerability 3 until the end of the Chimera’s next turn.
[-2] Fire Breath [Lion]: 1d10 damage to target and adjacent targets.
[+2] Hoof the Ground [Goat]: The next damage-dealing attack by the user deals +3 damage.
[-2] Charge [Goat]: 1d12 damage, and the target is stunned (save ends.)
[+1] Snake Bite [Snake]: 1d6 damage, and the target takes ongoing 3 damage (save ends).
[-2] Sinister Venom [Snake]: 1d8 damage, or 2d8 damage if the target is suffering ongoing damage.
Design Note:
- Spoiler:
- My attempt at a Glass Cannon monster. I thought the easiest way to deal lots of damage in one turn was to attack a lot per turn, hence the Chimera’s Three Brains trait. The idea behind it was to have one of the Chimera’s heads get “shut down,” as it were, so at 20 HP the Lion head might get KO’d, so no fire breath or roaring, but the goat and snake still function. Since the lion can’t act, the chimera only moves twice per turn instead of three times.
Gold Golem – 30 HP
Trait – Shedding Gold
If the Gold Golem takes more than 6 damage in one turn, gain 1 PiP. (Note: If it takes more than 12 damage, it gains a total of 2 PiPs, if it takes 18, it gains a total of 3, etc.)
[+2] Ooh, Shiny!: Force an enemy to attack the Gold Golem.
[+1] Gold Smash: 1d8 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Berserk Attack: Use two Gold Smash attacks. The Gold Golem does not have to target the same character with both.
[-4] Unstoppable: 1d6 damage to all enemies, who must flip a coin – if tails, they are stunned (save ends.)
These golems were made to defend treasure rooms, disguising themselves as the very gold they guard. Whether or not they are made of actual gold depends on the stinginess of their creator, but a servant is usually more valuable to anypony with the know-how. They’re simple creatures, and will attack anyone but the master – even the master’s allies, unless the master programs a work-around.
Design Note:
- Spoiler:
- I didn’t intend the Gold Golem as a particularly difficult enemy, but not too easy – I have yet to figure out the proper pony-to-Golem ratio, but I don’t particularly think one Gold Golem is on equal terms with one Pony – 1.5 ponies to one Golem maybe? I based it around the Shedding Gold trait, but now I think it may be a bit much.
Kill-a-Rilla – 50 HP
Trait – Berserk
Deal half damage to self (unless otherwise noted) when attacking an enemy. Can also attack an ally to gain 1 extra PiP.
[+2] Beat Chest: Deal 1d4 damage to yourself.
[+1] Headbutt: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and flip a coin. If Heads, the enemy is stunned until the end of their next turn.
[+1] Punch: 1d12 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Ground Pound: 1d12 damage to one enemy, and 1d10 damage to adjacent enemies. The Kill-a-Rilla takes full damage from the d12 and no damage from the d10.
[-2] Spin-a-Rilla: 1d10 damage to all enemies and Kill-a-Rilla.
[-X] Giant Punch: Xd12 damage to one enemy, where X cannot be greater than 4.
This big, white gorilla-like creature is the angriest, maddest primate in the universe. Whenever it meets another animal, it is so filled with rage that it goes berserk with the gnashing and the smashing and spiking and biting and destroys it in seconds. This makes it even angrier because it can’t carry on destroying, and the next animal it meets is destroyed even quicker, with even more gore-clawing and dreadful head-shredding and aaghhh… IT’S SO MENTAL!
Design Note:
- Spoiler:
- If the Kill-a-Rilla were to be in a party it would spend probably as much time hitting other enemies as it would allies – it’s that angry. I figured doing damage to itself was a good trade-off for how hard the Kill-a-Rilla can hit.
Derpfish – 30 HP
[+1] Swim, Swim: Move up the Initiative order (immediately before the character who went before you) on your next turn. Revert after your next turn (so you can’t use Swim, Swim twice to move up two spaces in the Initiative order.
[-1] Hungry: 1d10 damage to one enemy. The Derpfish fails to attack if the result is a 1, 2, or 3.
The Derpfish is the second dumbest creature in the universe. Its thought patterns are roughly, “Swim swim hungry, swim swim hungry.” Dopefish will eat anything moving near them, though they prefer heroes. What’s the dumbest creature in the universe you ask? Simple – the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal. It thinks that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you, so you might wish to throw a towel over your head.
Design Note:
- Spoiler:
- The Derpfish is a really, really simple enemy to use, and I was almost going to make neither of his attacks give or take any PiPs, but I remembered the Dopefish’s pattern interspersed “Hungry” with “Swim, Swim”. I didn’t intend the Derpfish to be a serious threat at all – hence its version of “Derp” affecting how often it’ll hit with Hungry.
Audrey II – 90 HP
[+2] French Kiss: 1d8 damage to one enemy.
[+1] Draining Vines: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and heal that many HP.
[-1] Allure: Charm one enemy (save ends).
[-2] Grasping Vines: Conjure one Grasping Vine with the following stat block-
Grasping Vine – 10 HP
[+1] Don’t Feed the Plants: 1d6 damage to one enemy.
[-2] Hold: Stun one enemy until the end of the Grasping Vine’s next turn, or until the Grasping Vine is destroyed.
[-3] Dig in Roots: Gain Regeneration 10 for three turns. Cannot use again until Regeneration wears off.
[-3] Feed Me!: 1d12 damage, or 2d12 if the enemy is under a (Save ends) effect.
Some of the plants in Everfree Forest are rumored not to be native to the forest at all. Take, for example, the oddly named Audrey II. While hardly mobile, it doesn’t need to be if tales of it manipulating ponies to bring their kind to it are true – because what is known is that Audrey II dines on flesh and blood, and has malevolent sentience to rival most animals. No pony should handle Audrey II alone, no matter how tempting it is.
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- I couldn’t think of a better name for a Pony-eating plant than Audrey II, but the plant actually inspired me to include a Charm attack. Most Solo monsters I’ve seen have 120 HP, but considering Audrey II can easily gain Regeneration and heal itself, in the long run it takes longer to deal with, so I made sure Audrey II had low damage output – but that’s the trap of Solo monsters in D&D 4e, so if you have any advice, please share!
Diamond Dogs: I know, I know, everyone’s got a take on the Diamond Dogs. I thought I’d do my take on the three original ones from the episode.
Rover – 45 HP
Trait – Boss Around
Spot and Fido gain +5 to Initiative while Rover is alive.
[+2] Dig: Flip a coin. If heads, gain 1 extra PiP.
[+1] Pickaxe: 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[-3] Cart: If used alone, does nothing. If used on the same turn as Harness and Saddle, Dominate one enemy (Save ends).
[-1] Dual Pickaxe: 2d10 damage to one enemy. Can only be used if Fido has fallen.
[-2] Board Smack: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and the target is stunned (save ends). Can only be used if Spot, but not Fido, has fallen.
[-5] Saddle Up!: Dominate one creature (save ends). While the creature is dominated, Rover gains Resist 4 due to hiding behind them. Can only be used if Rover is the only Diamond Dog left.
Fido – 50 HP
Trait – Anger
Fido gains +2 damage whenever an ally falls.
[+1] Dig: Flip a coin. If heads, gain 1 extra PiP.
[+1] Pickaxe: 1d12 damage to one enemy.
[-3] Harness: If used alone, does nothing. If used on the same turn as Cart and Saddle, Dominate one enemy (Save ends).
[-1] Pickaxe Toss: 1d8 damage to one enemy, and the target is stunned until the end of their next turn. Can only be used if Spot has fallen.
[-2] Fastball Special: 1d6 damage to Spot and 3d6 to one enemy. Can only be used if Rover, but not Spot, has fallen.
[-4] Bash: 3d12 damage to one enemy and 1d12 damage to adjacent enemies. Can only be used if Fido is the only Diamond Dog left.
Spot – 40 HP
Trait – Stench
Spot gains Resist 3 against attacks that would deal 8 or more damage (a roll of 9 on a d10 would thus deal only 6 damage to Spot).
[+1] Dig: Flip a coin. If heads, gain 1 extra PiP.
[+1] Pickaxe: 1d8 damage.
[-3] Saddle: If used alone, does nothing. If used on the same turn as Cart and Harness, Dominate one enemy (Save ends).
[-1] Spinning Pickaxes: Half of 1d10 damage to all enemies. Can only be used if Rover has fallen.
[-2] Vaulting Hide: Deal 1d12 damage to one enemy, then gain Resist 2 until the start of your next turn. Can only be used when Fido, but not Rover, has fallen.
[-X] Dirt in the Air: Confuse all enemies for X-2 turns, where X is not greater than 5. Can only be used if Spot is the only Diamond Dog left.
Greedy, boorish, stupid… all are fairly generous words to describe the Diamond Dogs. Cowardly by nature, they hate engaging in direct combat, and will usually try to turn the environment to their favor – after all, they’re much more used to life underground than ponies. Rover is among the most high-profile Diamond Dogs out there, having masterminded the kidnapping of one Rarity the unicorn. Fido, his muscle, is known for dragging ponies underground, while Spot, his scout, is the best at digging for gems, but is exceptionally lazy and would much rather a pony do the work for him.
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- I based the Diamond Dogs off the idea of an evolving boss fight – a good boss isn’t going to do the same things over and over, it’s going to change tactics as the battle moves on. Thus, as some of the Diamond Dogs fall, the rest try different strategies, leading to different outcomes of battle depending on how the players proceed – in Rover’s case, he becomes a dirty coward, hiding behind Dominated creatures. In Fido’s case he becomes a physical powerhouse, while Spot simply becomes much harder to hit. Naturally, Harness, Saddle, and Cart cannot be used if one of the Diamond Dogs has fallen.
Cyan Storm – 30 HP
[+1] Lightning Arc: 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[+1] Thunderclap: The next attack by this creature gains 1d6 power.
[-2] Charged Mist: Gain Resist 3 and Counter 3 (counter all attacks with 3 damage) until the start of your next turn.
[-X] Lightning Storm: Unleash X bolts of lightning. Each bolt targets a random creature and deals half of 2d10 damage.
Not every cloud is peaceful. Some are perfectly happy remaining the way they are, and not having a Pegasus suddenly come and demand that they move somewhere else. Some thunderclouds decided to take matters into their own hands.
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- I just thought that a sentient thundercloud would be an interesting enemy for a party which may or may not include a Pegasus, whose very job it is to control the weather. I was at a loss for how to use Lightning Storm at first before I just copied the Sorcerer ability – my main concern about this thing is that Charged Mist is overpowered.
Fire Ent – 60 HP
Trait – Burning Tree
Starts the battle with Resist 2 and Counter 1. Before acting, may trade one Resist for one Counter or vice versa.
[+2] Solid as the Soil: Does nothing.
[+1] Tree Smack: Deal 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Hurl Fire: Deal 1d8 damage and 1d4 ongoing damage to one enemy. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has at least 1 Counter.
[-4] Put Down Roots: Gain Regeneration 5 until the Fire Ent regains 1 Counter. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has no Counter.
[-2] Entangling Roots: 1d8 damage to one enemy, and flip a coin. If heads, they are stunned. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has at least 1 Resist.
[-4] Forest Fire: Deal 2d12 damage to all enemies. Can only be used if the Fire Ent has no Resist.
The spirits of the forest tolerate intruders little. They come with fire, they come with axes! Gnawing, scratching, hacking, biting, burning! Curse the lot of them! Repay their hatred with the fire they would bestow upon you!
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- The Fire Ent’s HP is double that of a normal pony or enemy – in essence it’s an Elite enemy from D&D 4e. They’re meant to take the place of 2 standard enemies, but given that the Fire Ent has Resist, I would think they take the place of 3, or maybe 2.5. The idea of trading Resist and Counter is based around how on fire the Fire Ent is.
Prof. Higgins McRilla – 60 HP
Trait – Berserk
Deal half damage to self when attacking an enemy (unless otherwise noted).
[+2] Pull Yourself Together, Man!: Let an ally make a saving throw.
[+1] No, THIS is how you do it! (Free Action): Allow an ally to reroll an attack. Can only be used once per turn.
[+1] Punch: 1d12 damage to one enemy.
[-2] Oh, for Celestia’s Sake…: Immediate Reaction.
Trigger: Ally deals 5 or more damage to itself.
Effect: Gain Resist 3 until the start of your next turn.
[-2] Spin-a-Rilla: 1d10 damage to all enemies and Kill-a-Rilla.
[-X] Giant Punch: Xd12 damage to one enemy, where X cannot be greater than 4.
Even Kill-a-Rillas need educated leaders. Unfortunately, as Kill-a-Rillas are about as smart as rocks, they only remember the name of one leader – Higgins. Thus, no matter how much a Kill-a-Rilla may protest, every educated Kill-a-Rilla is referred to as Higgins.
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- Well, why not? Even mad apes like Kill-a-Rillas need a natural leader.
Mysterious Sphere – 60 HP
Trait – See Everything
After becoming bloodied, the Mysterious Sphere can move twice in one turn.
Trait – Into the Darkness
The Mysterious Sphere can immediately roll saving throws after it is subjected to a (save ends) effect.
[+2] Mindcarve: 1d6 damage to one enemy, and roll 1d4. If 4, the target is stunned (save ends).
[+1] Fleasheat: One enemy takes 1d8 ongoing damage (save ends).
[-1] Bonecave: One enemy gains 1d8 vulnerability (save ends).
[-2] Bloodfeast: One enemy takes 1d12 damage. The Mysterious Sphere heals the damage it deals.
[-2] Farsend: One enemy takes a -5 penalty to saving throws until the end of the Mysterious Sphere’s next turn.
[-4] Souleat: If the target is under two different (save ends) effects, they immediately drop to 0 HP.
No one knows where the Mysterious Spheres come from – hence, Mysterious. One thing’s for sure – they are so alien to Equestria that merely being around one will break a pony’s body, mind, and (it’s rumored) soul.
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- Something as grimdark as the Mysterious Sphere isn’t going to be used in a straight-up MLP game, and would probably make a perfect enemy for Cthulhu-style campaigns. Of course, that’s if you hate your players.
Purger – 30 HP
Trait – Magic Fumes
Immediately when the Purger becomes bloodied and again when it, magical fumes leak out, subjecting one enemy to Ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
[+1] Iron Blade: 1d10 damage to one enemy.
[-1] Cleave: 1d10 damage to one enemy and 1d8 to adjacent enemies.
[-2] Dazing Fist: 1d8 damage to one enemy, and flip a coin. If heads, they are blinded.
Maddened golems from a time long ago, they have lost their original purpose. They tirelessly run to “purge” the unclean from Equestria, and will continue to do so until the end of time, or until they run out of the magical fumes that power them.
Design Notes:
- Spoiler:
- Purgers are easy to use effectively – not much programming in them other than “Smash” and “Smash Harder”. The Magic Fumes are the only things that really make the Purger notable – obviously something’s going to have to power these golems. Magic Fumes, incidentally, makes Purgers easy to use in steampunk and/or crapsack worlds.
Grey Wind – 1 HP
Trait – You Cannot Catch the Wind
This creature has Resist 4
[+2] Gather Wind: Does nothing.
[-1] Propel: Move one ally up in the Initiative countdown so it acts immediately after the Grey Wind.
[-1] Walking Against the Wind: Force one enemy to the last position on the Initiative countdown (they are now considered to have rolled the lowest out of all the enemies.)
[-4] Blowback: One ally gains an additional Standard Action on its next turn.
Leftovers of the Wendigos, a cold wind follows the Grey Wind as they ride through the skies, backing the spirits of hatred. They cannot be reasoned with, and serve no higher purpose other than spreading hate.
Designer Notes:
- Spoiler:
- Grey Winds don’t have any method of direct attack, so they obviously have to be backup for something else. Though they’re minions, it’ll often be easiest to take them out first – Propel and Walking against the Wind make Grey Wind allies much quicker on the attack, and Celestia help you if they get out more than one Blowback in a turn.
I put in some design notes if people just wanted to look at the monsters and not my thought process.
Last edited by Brony 7 of 9 on Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:53 pm; edited 7 times in total
Brony 7 of 9- Epic Pwny
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
Hmm, it's an interesting concept. I think there's just one flaw: stunning isn't that common. I think you'd be really, really lucky to get more than one stun on it at a time. Not to mention it can immediately just shake it off.
Yeah, Hydra Storm is pretty confusing. Is it -(X+Y) or is it (-X)+Y? Couldn't it just be:
[-6] Hydra Storm
Attack once for each active head, using either Poison or Bite. For each inactive head, this attack costs 1 less PiP.
Your Chimera is stuck in your Spoilers. Your end-bracket messed up. Anyway, I don't quite think this was the best way to do the Chimera. For starters, how does Domination work, or Stunning? Can I control the Lion Head and pit it against the others? Maybe something like this:
Chimera-30 HP
Trait: Three-Headed
The Chimera is actually composed of three "heads," which attack independently. However, they share one initiative and one life bar. As its life drops to 20 and 10 HP, the Chimera "shuts down" one of the heads.
Then list each head and its separate abilities. (That's more or less what I did for Gemini.)
Yeah, Hydra Storm is pretty confusing. Is it -(X+Y) or is it (-X)+Y? Couldn't it just be:
[-6] Hydra Storm
Attack once for each active head, using either Poison or Bite. For each inactive head, this attack costs 1 less PiP.
Your Chimera is stuck in your Spoilers. Your end-bracket messed up. Anyway, I don't quite think this was the best way to do the Chimera. For starters, how does Domination work, or Stunning? Can I control the Lion Head and pit it against the others? Maybe something like this:
Chimera-30 HP
Trait: Three-Headed
The Chimera is actually composed of three "heads," which attack independently. However, they share one initiative and one life bar. As its life drops to 20 and 10 HP, the Chimera "shuts down" one of the heads.
Then list each head and its separate abilities. (That's more or less what I did for Gemini.)
AlicornPriest- Administrator
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
Thanks for the feedback!
I based the hydra off the Feymire Hydra from Monster Manual 1 for 4e, so that's what I based the Many-Headed trait on. In that, Daze or Stun would work, but as far as I know we don't have Daze as a status effect, so I chose just stun. To make it less overpowered, I decided to make the hydra not roll saving throws until it gets down to a certain number of heads - it's still got a bit of defense against stun, but the defense shouldn't be ridiculous anymore.
For Hydra Storm, I meant it to be [-(X+Y)], otherwise it would be rather ridiculous; after all, Poison Spit normally subtracts PiPs, why would it add them now? If that was the case, why not just have it use Poison Spit 6 times and gain 6 PiPs? Anyway, the -6 sounds like a good idea - I doubt Hydras would show restraint and only use a few heads to attack a pony when they can use all of them.
The chimera looks a lot less crazy to deal with in this simplified version, and I was considering making it flat-out immune to stun or domination. While that would, in fact, clear up questions like "can the lion head breathe fire at the other heads," merely having it be one creature makes it a lot easier to deal with - and having it attack multiple times makes it look like a tempting target to dominate if it's in a group.
I based the hydra off the Feymire Hydra from Monster Manual 1 for 4e, so that's what I based the Many-Headed trait on. In that, Daze or Stun would work, but as far as I know we don't have Daze as a status effect, so I chose just stun. To make it less overpowered, I decided to make the hydra not roll saving throws until it gets down to a certain number of heads - it's still got a bit of defense against stun, but the defense shouldn't be ridiculous anymore.
For Hydra Storm, I meant it to be [-(X+Y)], otherwise it would be rather ridiculous; after all, Poison Spit normally subtracts PiPs, why would it add them now? If that was the case, why not just have it use Poison Spit 6 times and gain 6 PiPs? Anyway, the -6 sounds like a good idea - I doubt Hydras would show restraint and only use a few heads to attack a pony when they can use all of them.
The chimera looks a lot less crazy to deal with in this simplified version, and I was considering making it flat-out immune to stun or domination. While that would, in fact, clear up questions like "can the lion head breathe fire at the other heads," merely having it be one creature makes it a lot easier to deal with - and having it attack multiple times makes it look like a tempting target to dominate if it's in a group.
Brony 7 of 9- Epic Pwny
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
Hmm, I'm liking these monsters, but I can't help but feel the hydra would work better having a separate initiative for each head (each successive head at -3 initiative). I prefer multi-monsters/boss monsters to have many turns. Specifically the smaller hydra: You could have a bite attack that has a cost of [0], have the only pip gain being a simple move that gives 1 pip and does something small like: the hydra rolls a saving throw. Then have a [-3] 4d8 damage attack or something. But it works they way you have it.
I just like tossing any thoughts that cross my mind as I read other people's topics.
Also a thing to consider, does the chimera share it's pips amongst all heads? I think that's the case but I'm not certain. You should include a clause to clarify that in it's Three Brains trait.
Always love to see more monsters. Good job so far
I just like tossing any thoughts that cross my mind as I read other people's topics.
Also a thing to consider, does the chimera share it's pips amongst all heads? I think that's the case but I'm not certain. You should include a clause to clarify that in it's Three Brains trait.
Always love to see more monsters. Good job so far
Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
It took me forever but I finally clarified that the Chimera shares a PiP pool.
Also, I added some new monsters if anyone's curious.
Also, I added some new monsters if anyone's curious.
Brony 7 of 9- Epic Pwny
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
The monsters are mechanically good but well they have no flavor for the DM.
one more thing I do not think that there is a Confusion in the current build.
one more thing I do not think that there is a Confusion in the current build.
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
tygerburningbright wrote:The monsters are mechanically good but well they have no flavor for the DM.
one more thing I do not think that there is a Confusion in the current build.
[-3] Confusion
Target creature suffers confusion (save ends). A creature suffering confusion flips a coin when it
attacks. If it loses the flip the attack targets a random enemy instead.
It's a Psion ability.
Brony 7 of 9- Epic Pwny
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
I have been proven wrong.
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
Thought I'd give more solo monsters a go based on Dan's three basic types. They're all G1 villains, which may or may not have anything to do with a play-by-post RPG that I may or may not be planning. They may or may not be stupidly overpowered right now.
Grogar: 120 HP
Trait – Indomitable
Grogar is immune to being Charmed, Confused, Condemned, and Dominated.
Trait – Will of Tambelon
Grogar gains a +5 bonus to saving throws.
Trait – Aura of Hate
When bloodied, enemies that dealt damage to Grogar before the start of his next turn take 1d6 damage.
[+2] Spirit Ram
Deal half of 2d10+10 damage to one target. If this ability defeats an opponent, adjacent opponents take 1d10 damage.
[-1] Tail Lash (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: An opponent gives Grogar a (save ends) effect.
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, target is stunned until the end of Grogar’s next turn.
[-1] Foul Chord
Target is weakened (save ends.)
[-2] Ringing Bell
1d12 damage to all enemies, and Grogar regains 2d8 HP.
[-3] Wake the Dead (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: An opponent drops to 0 HP.
Effect: Target opponent revives with 5 HP and is dominated (save ends).
[-5] Touch of Death
Target must make a saving throw. If they succeed, they take damage equal to half their current HP. If they fail, they instantly drop to 0 HP.
Design Notes: My attempt at a Type A boss monster. Grogar is actually pretty straightforward until he starts destroying people.
Tirek: 120 HP
Trait – Rainbow of Darkness
Tirek gains 1 PiP each turn.
Trait – Fast Learner
Tirek gains 2 PiPs whenever he sees an opponent use a move he has not seen before in this battle. Tirek gains the use of any move that has been used in battle (for example, he gains the use of Frostfall if a pony uses it on him).
Trait – Shrug it Off
Tirek can make saving throws at the beginning and end of his turn.
Trait – Anger
Tirek gain instantly remove one (save ends) effect at the cost of 10 HP.
Trait – Spread the Hate
Tirek can pay 2 extra PiPs to spread a (save ends) effect to adjacent targets.
[+3] Study
Does nothing but gain PiPs.
[+1] Sinister Chuckle
Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent is charmed (save ends.)
[-2] Chariot of Night
1d10 damage to target, 1d8 damage to adjacent targets, and ongoing 5 damage to all targets (save ends).
[-5] Corruption of the Rainbow
Target is Condemned (save ends.) If they fail a saving throw, they are instead Stunned (save ends). If they fail a second saving throw, they are Dominated (save ends.)
Design Note: My attempt at a Type B Dan-recommended boss, though Anger is really the only indication. Tirek is a technical, complicated boss – another way of punishing the use of status effects is to give them right back to the opponent.
Arabus: 100 HP
Trait – Insubstantial
Arabus takes half damage from direct attacks. Ongoing damage is not affected.
Trait – Shadow Consumption
Regain 15 HP whenever an opponent is KO’d.
Trait – Shadow Storm
Arabus has two initiative counts and acts on each one.
[+2] Cloak of Shadow
1d10 damage to target and adjacent targets.
[+1] Tendril of Darkness
1d12 damage to two random targets.
[-1] Spinning Shadow Blades
1d12 damage to all enemies.
[-2] Mist of Ensnarement
Target is stunned (save ends.)
[-3] Energy Web
1d8 damage, 1d6 ongoing damage (save ends), and target is stunned until the end of Arabus’ next turn.
[-X] Phantom Vipers
Arabus summons (X*2) Phantom Vipers with the following stat blocks –
Phantom Viper – 4 HP
Trait – Insubstantial
Phantom Vipers take half damage from direct attacks. Ongoing damage is not effected.
Trait – Shed Damage
If an attack does not destroy a Phantom Viper, the Phantom Viper regains all HP.
[+1] Bite
1d8 damage to target.
[-X] Gather the Storm
The Phantom Viper is destroyed. All PiPs it had go to Arabus.
Design Note: My attempt at a Type C Dan-recommended boss monster. I may have made him too powerful, but hey, if the players insist on going up against the Shadow Storm in direct combat, they know what they got into.
Grogar: 120 HP
Trait – Indomitable
Grogar is immune to being Charmed, Confused, Condemned, and Dominated.
Trait – Will of Tambelon
Grogar gains a +5 bonus to saving throws.
Trait – Aura of Hate
When bloodied, enemies that dealt damage to Grogar before the start of his next turn take 1d6 damage.
[+2] Spirit Ram
Deal half of 2d10+10 damage to one target. If this ability defeats an opponent, adjacent opponents take 1d10 damage.
[-1] Tail Lash (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: An opponent gives Grogar a (save ends) effect.
Effect: Flip a coin. If heads, target is stunned until the end of Grogar’s next turn.
[-1] Foul Chord
Target is weakened (save ends.)
[-2] Ringing Bell
1d12 damage to all enemies, and Grogar regains 2d8 HP.
[-3] Wake the Dead (Immediate Reaction)
Trigger: An opponent drops to 0 HP.
Effect: Target opponent revives with 5 HP and is dominated (save ends).
[-5] Touch of Death
Target must make a saving throw. If they succeed, they take damage equal to half their current HP. If they fail, they instantly drop to 0 HP.
Design Notes: My attempt at a Type A boss monster. Grogar is actually pretty straightforward until he starts destroying people.
Tirek: 120 HP
Trait – Rainbow of Darkness
Tirek gains 1 PiP each turn.
Trait – Fast Learner
Tirek gains 2 PiPs whenever he sees an opponent use a move he has not seen before in this battle. Tirek gains the use of any move that has been used in battle (for example, he gains the use of Frostfall if a pony uses it on him).
Trait – Shrug it Off
Tirek can make saving throws at the beginning and end of his turn.
Trait – Anger
Tirek gain instantly remove one (save ends) effect at the cost of 10 HP.
Trait – Spread the Hate
Tirek can pay 2 extra PiPs to spread a (save ends) effect to adjacent targets.
[+3] Study
Does nothing but gain PiPs.
[+1] Sinister Chuckle
Flip a coin. If heads, the opponent is charmed (save ends.)
[-2] Chariot of Night
1d10 damage to target, 1d8 damage to adjacent targets, and ongoing 5 damage to all targets (save ends).
[-5] Corruption of the Rainbow
Target is Condemned (save ends.) If they fail a saving throw, they are instead Stunned (save ends). If they fail a second saving throw, they are Dominated (save ends.)
Design Note: My attempt at a Type B Dan-recommended boss, though Anger is really the only indication. Tirek is a technical, complicated boss – another way of punishing the use of status effects is to give them right back to the opponent.
Arabus: 100 HP
Trait – Insubstantial
Arabus takes half damage from direct attacks. Ongoing damage is not affected.
Trait – Shadow Consumption
Regain 15 HP whenever an opponent is KO’d.
Trait – Shadow Storm
Arabus has two initiative counts and acts on each one.
[+2] Cloak of Shadow
1d10 damage to target and adjacent targets.
[+1] Tendril of Darkness
1d12 damage to two random targets.
[-1] Spinning Shadow Blades
1d12 damage to all enemies.
[-2] Mist of Ensnarement
Target is stunned (save ends.)
[-3] Energy Web
1d8 damage, 1d6 ongoing damage (save ends), and target is stunned until the end of Arabus’ next turn.
[-X] Phantom Vipers
Arabus summons (X*2) Phantom Vipers with the following stat blocks –
Phantom Viper – 4 HP
Trait – Insubstantial
Phantom Vipers take half damage from direct attacks. Ongoing damage is not effected.
Trait – Shed Damage
If an attack does not destroy a Phantom Viper, the Phantom Viper regains all HP.
[+1] Bite
1d8 damage to target.
[-X] Gather the Storm
The Phantom Viper is destroyed. All PiPs it had go to Arabus.
Design Note: My attempt at a Type C Dan-recommended boss monster. I may have made him too powerful, but hey, if the players insist on going up against the Shadow Storm in direct combat, they know what they got into.
Brony 7 of 9- Epic Pwny
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Re: Monsters by 7 of 9
I'm personally of the option that any PiP gain only Talent should AT LEST be +4 or do something else to help the monster like it can gain pips then do another move too or something... But other then that comment, I like the three bosses, they look cool. :3
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