Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Some Everypony Talents

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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Zarhon Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:52 pm

Too Hot to Handle - 2/Day
You self-immolate from a surge of emotion (anger, romance, etc...). Anypony attempting to keep you physically restrained, or otherwise keeping you pinned immediately lets go and is unable to attempt so without being set ablaze themselves, unless immune or highly resistant to fire (e.g. dragons). Your self-immolation does not harm you, but can harm others, burning them or setting stuff on fire. The fire lasts for 5 minutes and acts like a campfire, providing light and allowing cooking, as long as you stand still. Whenever you attempt a stunt check, acrobatics check, try to fly, or move at any speed faster than a slow trot, you must succeed an endurance check (DC15 or higher, depending on how much you move) or else the fire extinguishes itself early. The fire can also be extinguished by yourself manually, or by outside influences (rain, bucket of water, etc...). The fire automatically extinguishes when entering combat.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Demonu Tue Aug 21, 2012 11:08 pm

A Day At The Spa - magic
You've been tuckered out so much that you decided to take some r&r and go to the local spa. Go ahead, you know you've earned it. While the spa ponies tend to your every need, you relax as best as you can and you walk out a brand new pony. Regain the use of a spend Daily Utility Talent and all X/day Utility Talents are restored to full use.
Equestrian Honor Guard
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Philadelphus Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:48 am

Demonu wrote:A Day At The Spa - magic
You've been tuckered out so much that you decided to take some r&r and go to the local spa. Go ahead, you know you've earned it. While the spa ponies tend to your every need, you relax as best as you can and you walk out a brand new pony. Regain the use of a spend Daily Utility Talent and all X/day Utility Talents are restored to full use.
That's an interesting idea. How about a preparation time of, say, an hour to represent the time spent relaxing? I like the flavor, but what if you're out in the middle of the woods 2 days from the nearest spa? Or is that a restriction, that it can only be used in an appropriate location?

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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Snaitf Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:42 pm

I have to admit this sounds more like a boon than a utility to me, but I do like the idea.

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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  The Warrior of Many Faces Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:39 pm

Zarhon wrote:Too Hot to Handle - 2/Day
You self-immolate from a surge of emotion (anger, romance, etc...). Anypony attempting to keep you physically restrained, or otherwise keeping you pinned immediately lets go and is unable to attempt so without being set ablaze themselves, unless immune or highly resistant to fire (e.g. dragons). Your self-immolation does not harm you, but can harm others, burning them or setting stuff on fire. The fire lasts for 5 minutes and acts like a campfire, providing light and allowing cooking, as long as you stand still. Whenever you attempt a stunt check, acrobatics check, try to fly, or move at any speed faster than a slow trot, you must succeed an endurance check (DC15 or higher, depending on how much you move) or else the fire extinguishes itself early. The fire can also be extinguished by yourself manually, or by outside influences (rain, bucket of water, etc...). The fire automatically extinguishes when entering combat.

A bit wordy, but definitely an interesting talent. Nice and balanced, with plenty of ways that the fire can extinguish itself early to counterbalance the utility of this talent. Unfortunately, making things less wordy is not one of my talents, so I'll have to pass the buck on this one.

Demonu wrote:A Day At The Spa - magic
You've been tuckered out so much that you decided to take some r&r and go to the local spa. Go ahead, you know you've earned it. While the spa ponies tend to your every need, you relax as best as you can and you walk out a brand new pony. Regain the use of a spend Daily Utility Talent and all X/day Utility Talents are restored to full use.

A very interesting and useful idea here. I like Phil's suggestion of preparation time as well. The only issue I have with this one was already raised by Phil (again). XD
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Zarhon Thu Aug 23, 2012 2:51 pm

The Warrior of Many Faces wrote:
A bit wordy, but definitely an interesting talent. Nice and balanced, with plenty of ways that the fire can extinguish itself early to counterbalance the utility of this talent. Unfortunately, making things less wordy is not one of my talents, so I'll have to pass the buck on this one.

Compact version:

Too Hot to Handle - 2/Day
You self-immolate, causing you to burn like a campfire (Providing light, allowing cooking, etc). Anypony trying to keep you physically restrained fails and cannot attempt it while the fire lasts, unless immune to fire (Like dragons). This does not harm you, but can affect others or your surroundings (Setting things on fire). The fire lasts for 5 minutes as long as you stand still. Whenever you attempt a stunt/acrobatics check, fly, or move faster than a slow trot, you must succeed an endurance check (DC15+, modified for movement type/amount) or the fire is blown out. You can safely extinguish it on command, or by outside influences (rain, bucket of water, hurricane winds, etc...) and it automatically extinguishes when entering combat.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  The Warrior of Many Faces Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:52 pm

Zarhon wrote:
The Warrior of Many Faces wrote:
A bit wordy, but definitely an interesting talent. Nice and balanced, with plenty of ways that the fire can extinguish itself early to counterbalance the utility of this talent. Unfortunately, making things less wordy is not one of my talents, so I'll have to pass the buck on this one.

Compact version:

Too Hot to Handle - 2/Day
You self-immolate, causing you to burn like a campfire (Providing light, allowing cooking, etc). Anypony trying to keep you physically restrained fails and cannot attempt it while the fire lasts, unless immune to fire (Like dragons). This does not harm you, but can affect others or your surroundings (Setting things on fire). The fire lasts for 5 minutes as long as you stand still. Whenever you attempt a stunt/acrobatics check, fly, or move faster than a slow trot, you must succeed an endurance check (DC15+, modified for movement type/amount) or the fire is blown out. You can safely extinguish it on command, or by outside influences (rain, bucket of water, hurricane winds, etc...) and it automatically extinguishes when entering combat.

Much better. :twilightsmile:
The Warrior of Many Faces
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  AProcrastinatingWriter Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:23 pm

Can't recall this name being used yet, may be wrong. Let's find out!

Hop, Skip, and Jump 2/day
On your next Stunts or Acrobatics check, you may roll 3d20 and take the middle result.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Demonu Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:39 pm

AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:Can't recall this name being used yet, may be wrong. Let's find out!

Hop, Skip, and Jump 2/day
On your next Stunts or Acrobatics check, you may roll 3d20 and take the middle result.
That sounds a bit redundant. Why not roll 2 times and take the highest result?
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  LoganAura Wed Aug 29, 2012 12:42 pm

Demonu wrote:
AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:Can't recall this name being used yet, may be wrong. Let's find out!

Hop, Skip, and Jump 2/day
On your next Stunts or Acrobatics check, you may roll 3d20 and take the middle result.
That sounds a bit redundant. Why not roll 2 times and take the highest result?
Because it'd be a Hop Skip. No jump.

And I tried this out twice. 11 14 14 (14 roll) and 3 10 19 (10 roll.

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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Demonu Wed Aug 29, 2012 1:05 pm

LoganAura wrote:
Demonu wrote:
AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:Can't recall this name being used yet, may be wrong. Let's find out!

Hop, Skip, and Jump 2/day
On your next Stunts or Acrobatics check, you may roll 3d20 and take the middle result.
That sounds a bit redundant. Why not roll 2 times and take the highest result?
Because it'd be a Hop Skip. No jump.

And I tried this out twice. 11 14 14 (14 roll) and 3 10 19 (10 roll.
Yeah but then you have flavour messing up a game mechanic as rolling twice and take the highest generates more favorable results on average than roll thrice and take the middle result.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  AProcrastinatingWriter Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:03 pm

I'm not seeing how having a lower average messes up the game mechanic, though. Question

I guess what you're trying to say is that it isn't powerful enough. How about this:

Hop, Skip, and Jump Daily
On your next Stunts or Acrobatics check, you may roll 3d10 instead of 1d20 and take the total value of the three dice.

This averages out to about 5+5+5 = 15, which is a few points higher than the average of 1d20 and still keeps the flavor intact. Better? Very Happy
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Demonu Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:07 pm

AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:I'm not seeing how having a lower average messes up the game mechanic, though. Question
Okay, look at it this way: have you ever encountered a game with a mechanic that says: rolls 3d20 and take the middle results?

It's because rolling 3 times and taking the middle one usually results in worse outcomes than when you would roll 2 times and take the highest result.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  AProcrastinatingWriter Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:53 pm

Demonu wrote:Okay, look at it this way: have you ever encountered a game with a mechanic that says: rolls 3d20 and take the middle results?

It's because rolling 3 times and taking the middle one usually results in worse outcomes than when you would roll 2 times and take the highest result.

That's what I figured you meant and edited my post real quick to reflect that, so you probably missed it and I don't blame you. But thanks for the clarification!
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Demonu Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:56 pm

AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:
Demonu wrote:Okay, look at it this way: have you ever encountered a game with a mechanic that says: rolls 3d20 and take the middle results?

It's because rolling 3 times and taking the middle one usually results in worse outcomes than when you would roll 2 times and take the highest result.

That's what I figured you meant and edited my post real quick to reflect that, so you probably missed it and I don't blame you. But thanks for the clarification!
No problem.

Yeah, rolling 3d10 should be fine. Should result in a better outcome on average than 1d20, unless my math teacher was full of it. Smile
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Cardbo Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:40 pm

Crime Fighting With Cash
You have access to more bits than normal and connections that go with it. You're marginally famous, and get special consideration at fancy restaurants parties and shows. Your operating budget is higher than normal and you can afford lots of little luxury items and services.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  SilentBelle Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:47 pm

Cardbo wrote:Crime Fighting With Cash
You have access to more bits than normal and connections that go with it. You're marginally famous, and get special consideration at fancy restaurants parties and shows. Your operating budget is higher than normal and you can afford lots of little luxury items and services.

This almost sounds like a boon to me. It's definitely a talent that would need to have some game mechanics added to it. (Probably a bonus to social interactions of some sort.)
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Cardbo Sat Sep 01, 2012 1:09 am

SilentBelle wrote:

This almost sounds like a boon to me. It's definitely a talent that would need to have some game mechanics added to it. (Probably a bonus to social interactions of some sort.)

Well this is for a single character not the group. Basically I'm trying to justify my character in one of my current RPs being stinkin' rich, because at the current moment its just RP. If we want to attach a mechanical bonus to it also, lets say it provides a +5 benefit to streetwise and persuasion rolls to those who know who you are.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Zarhon Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:08 pm

Duct Tape - 10/Day
This seemingly mundane object has a LOT of uses. It provides a +5 bonus to mechanics checks, but you may also use it for/along with any other task or skill check where it may be of use. Each such successful check applies a +1 bonus for each subsequent use, stacking up to an additional +5 bonus when used. The duct tape is completely waterproof, easily sticks to any surface, relatively heat resistant (but not fireproof, or magma/lava-proof) and can be used to make something air-tight. Intentionally applying it to creatures may be viewed as a hostile action, especially for creatures with fur, hair, or feathers (as its removal is both painful and causes loss of hair).
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Xel Unknown Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:28 pm

Zarhon wrote:Duct Tape - 10/Day
This seemingly mundane object has a LOT of uses. It provides a +5 bonus to mechanics checks, but you may also use it for/along with any other task or skill check where it may be of use. Each such successful check applies a +1 bonus for each subsequent use, stacking up to an additional +5 bonus when used. The duct tape is completely waterproof, easily sticks to any surface, relatively heat resistant (but not fireproof, or magma/lava-proof) and can be used to make something air-tight. Intentionally applying it to creatures may be viewed as a hostile action, especially for creatures with fur, hair, or feathers (as its removal is both painful and causes loss of hair).
My god, this is pure win... PURE WIN!!! I'll die of shock if this doesn't get into a new expansion.
Xel Unknown
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Zarhon Wed Sep 19, 2012 6:41 pm

Electrified hoof-claws (Inspired by this)- Daily
You obtained/posses, through some means, a pair of long, retractable claws for your front legs/hooves. They can be electrified once a day. They provide the following uses:
- Climb any vertical, non-hazardous surface with ease (DC20 or higher stunts/acrobatics/endurance check). Electrifying the claws allows you to cling to a metallic surface with magnetic force.
- Cut or slice objects, as though wielding a dull knife. Electrifying certain objects can make them explode, catch fire, break or malfunction.
- Operate non-complex machinery or locks (DC30 or lower mechanics) without tools. You can also try to electrify it, giving a 50-50 chance of either succeeding the roll, or suffering a critical failure (as though a mechanics attempt was made).
- Electrocute a creature, which must roll endurance to avoid getting knocked unconscious (DC20) or disoriented (DC30). This is considered a hostile act. If done in a body of water, this affects all creatures touching that body of water within 100 feet (including yourself, unless touching with just the claws).
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:50 am

... I can see that Utility Talent unlocking a Combat Talent or something.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  tygerburningbright Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:01 pm

Fury of the Tempest wrote:... I can see that Utility Talent unlocking a Combat Talent or something.

Fury Utility Talents and Combat Talents do not intersect...
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 1:02 pm

tygerburningbright wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:... I can see that Utility Talent unlocking a Combat Talent or something.

Fury Utility Talents and Combat Talents do not intersect...

Yeah? What's your point? I'm not actually suggesting that they should - well actually in a different thread I am - I was just saying I can see this being linked to a Combat Talent.
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Some Everypony Talents - Page 5 Empty Re: Some Everypony Talents

Post  Xel Unknown Thu Oct 04, 2012 6:02 pm

Now here be a talent that'd go really well with one of my characters...

Cloudsurfer - Magic
Either by Unicorn Magic, Pegasus skill, a kooky gadget, or some type of magical item, you somehow have gained the power to make some Cloudsurfing Clouds once per day... Your limits with the cloud making skill is to either make a giant three-pony sized cloud, a big two pony sizes cloud and one One-Pony sized cloud, or three one-pony sized clouds. Now Cloudsurfing Clouds are extreamly magical in nature and have a cloudwalking spell built into their very makeup, along with some other helpful magic to assist with flight. Yes, flight, for Cloudsurfing Clouds as the name implies are built to allow anybody to use them to fly... Now the Pony who is Cloudsurfing, takes no penalty to any skill checks relating to flying the Cloud (staying on the cloud sadly does NOT count in this list) but that same pony does take a -15 penalty to any skill check unrelated to the Cloud's Flight. This is because Cloudsurfing takes a LOT of focus to pull off so multi-tasking is not wise to do. Passenger Ponies do not have any such penalty to any of their own skill checks made while riding said cloud, other then trying to force control of the cloud from the driver which has a -5 penalty. The Driver of the Cloud can winningly give control to any of their passengers for any reason. If anybody fails a skill check that'd have them fall off the Cloudsurfing Cloud, roll one unassisted d20 saving throw and if made, said pony stays on the cloud, and if the pony who had to make a saving throw was the Driver, they get a +5 bonus to their throw. Cloudsurfing Clouds last for about 8 hours when at that time the magic keeping it together goes out and the cloud just brakes apart...
Xel Unknown
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