Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Demonu Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:48 pm

I'm listing here the items that have been, are or will be featured in my ongoing Pony Team Bravo campaign, both for having a list for easy reference and for feedback. These are items the group specifically can use so things like modes of transport and the like aren't included in this list.

Regular stuff
- oil lantern
- oil
- dynamite
you can probably figure out what these can be used for

Mystical and strange objects
Here's where the good stuff is listed in no particular order. Also, if there isn't an explicit explination accompanying an item, it's because the group hasn't used/discovered it and I don't want to give out spoilers. Will be updated as the group finds out.

Piece of rock
--> seemingly ordinary piece of rock given by a Rock Snake. Looks normal but with Arcana/Perception, one can discover it possesses a strange sort of energy, almost as if it's alive... Group concludes that it's a baby Rock Snake.

Magic Power Gems
- white diamond of righteousness/justice. Effects are still pending.
- black onyx of potential. Effects are still pending but can have greater effects for a cost.
- green emerald of nature. Effects are still pending.
- red ruby of emotion. Effects are still pending.
- blue sapphire of knowledge. Allows the user to ask 3 game related questions to which the GM has to give an absolute answer. Doesn't prevent the GM from being a dick and interpret said questions as a Literal Genie, though generally not advised.
(e.g. "What's the best way to defeat the boss at the end?" "Reducing his hp to 0, duh.")

--> book of the damned. Effects aren't known yet but general consensus rules it as "pretty damn bad".

White Pearl
--> shiny round orb. Probably has some other effects as well, otherwise I wouldn't list it here. Further inspection revealed that it amplifies magic. GM rolls a d20 and amplifies spell accordingly. As a failsafe feature, rolling 1, 2 or 3 causes the spell to fizzle instead (like Derp)

Collar of Bells
--> second verse, same as the first. See above.

3 urns with dust, a different kind of dust and rocks.
--> what does it do? Nobody knows!

--> old fashioned pirate gun that once belonged to the dread pirate Jolly Roger.

Pirate Hat
--> it's a hat for pirates! Aside from looking menacing and fabulous, the wearer starts hearing an unfamiliar voice in his or her head while wearing it.

--> goes well with the Pirate Hat.

Fire Rock
--> a scorching hot rock that spews fire. Kind of looks like the pokémon Shuckle but with, you know, flames instead of limbs and a head.

Green Rock
--> pale green, glow in the dark rock that eminates low level radiation. Currently being used to power a submarine. If you can't figure out the actual name from that desciption, I feel sad for you.
SPOILER: it's really
Don't read this, Pony Team Bravo! You... ah crap, you already read it, didn't you?

Parasprite Staff
--> Used by changelings to herd parasprites.

Combat items
Probably the most interesting category because as we all know, things that make the enemy become dead faster are always in high demand.

Mighty Morphing Power Ponies items
1) Morpher for red, black, blue, yellow and pink power ranger
2) Morpher for green power ranger
3) Dinozords
4) Dragonzord
5) Dino Megazord
6) Mega-Dragonzord

This list will be updated as the campaign evolves.

Last edited by Demonu on Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:49 am; edited 5 times in total
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  XandZero2 Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:13 pm


I don't know what inspired you to make Pony Power Rangers, but color me impressed. I have absolutely no idea how powerful that combo of items is in-game, but it looks silly.
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Xel Unknown Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:20 pm

It was fun as all hell when we got them. Still haven't yet summoned a zord, but we did have one battle where we got to morph and so far only one time we were allowed to be morphed outside of combat, because Demonu was intending us to fight either what looked to be an old one or fight a Brainwashed Evil Green Ranger. Pitty we solved BOTH of those conflicts without fighting. And while it does look silly, it's power rangers, if it don't looks silly, your doing it wrong. XD
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Demonu Thu Sep 27, 2012 2:37 pm

XandZero2 wrote:Demonu,

I don't know what inspired you to make Pony Power Rangers, but color me impressed. I have absolutely no idea how powerful that combo of items is in-game, but it looks silly.
The fact that I grew up with and absolutely love Power Ranges might have something to do with it ^^

And yes, they are powerful. Even without the Zords, each player using the morpher gains resist 2, a basic attack with a high PiP gain and relative average damage output and it's a free action, meaning they aren't stranded at 0 PiP's when using it as I figure that would be a too big setback for the (optimized) combat progress I based it on.

Of course with the Zords, it opens up an entirely new battle strategy. Keep hitting with individual attacks and stats effects or power on through to Megazord for the instant finisher? Power Rangers always work in teams so teamwork was what I was going for in terms of strategy. Suffice to say, when the players actually do need Zords, shit will have hit the fan hard.

And silly? It's a show where 5 teenagers receive powers from a floating head in a tube so they can combat space monsters from a moon where you can breath. I think the notion of "silly" got obliterated the moment the theme song rolled along. And I wouldn't have it any other way Cool

If you like the design, feel free to try it out in your own game(s).
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Post  Xel Unknown Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:04 pm

Personally when I see the Megazord, I keep thinking about that the Turbo Megazord would have a move saying. "Do the TJ Maneuver!" Where you destory said Megazord for the rest of that CAMPAIN to win the fight, and would only be useible by a full team vote and can be vetoed by the GM if the fight isn't the right level of dire to worrent doing such a move.
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Demonu Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:06 pm

Xel Unknown wrote:Personally when I see the Megazord, I keep thinking about that the Turbo Megazord would have a move saying. "Do the TJ Maneuver!" Where you destory said Megazord for the rest of that CAMPAIN to win the fight, and would only be useible by a full team vote and can be vetoed by the GM if the fight isn't the right level of dire to worrent doing such a move.
Suicide bombing a Megazord is not the Power Rangers' way.
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Post  Xel Unknown Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:09 pm

It's not, but they have used such a move when it seems that there is no other way to save the day... After all take a look at Linkara's History of Power Rangers... There are quite a view megazords that were used to destory the zord to take out the monster, and The Turbo Megazord was one of them, (Not sure if it was the first...) that was how it was retired.
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Demonu Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:21 pm

Xel Unknown wrote:It's not, but they have used such a move when it seems that there is no other way to save the day... After all take a look at Linkara's History of Power Rangers... There are quite a view megazords that were used to destory the zord to take out the monster, and The Turbo Megazord was one of them, (Not sure if it was the first...) that was how it was retired.
I have seen all of those and I still find it a stupid plan. If Zords get defeated, they go down and the Rangers go out to find more powerful ones. That's how it always goes.

Suicide bombing is, for lack of better terms, lame and stupid. If you're outmatched by the enemy, you retreat and restrategies. Blowing up the Zord just guarantees that you lose a resource without the certainty the enemy will do as well. Yes, I know blowing yourself up has the tendency to blow up whatever you're attacking as well but it just seems so senseless to do.

I have no idea how later seasons did it as I only watched 1 to 6 and have Linkara's History Of Power Rangers to go on for the rest but in the original Japanese version of Power Rangers (Kyuranger), the Zords weren't as much machines as Guardian Beasts aka alive. The Turbo Megozord being cars obviously doesn't have that problem but when you have a Zord that's essentially sentient, asking it to suicide bomb because you don't have exploited every other possibility, that's just wrong.

Anyway, back to Pony Tales, items and happy thoughts Smile
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Post  Xel Unknown Thu Sep 27, 2012 6:32 pm

Agreed... Let's go back to happy thoughts.. Happy thoughts...
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Post  Xel Unknown Sat Sep 29, 2012 2:04 pm

And now for a more Happy comment/suggestion... The Morphers and the combat skills one gets with them. I'd not think it any bit odd if some fights they were not allowed to morph, some fights one would be allowed to start morphed... And maybe even have the Megazord be unallowed in a fight, or just limit the zord count. After all a big thing about Power Rangers is that the Rangers must NEVER excialite a fight. So by that logic, Ranger Powers would come with some limits.
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Demonu Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:55 pm

Edits to the list:
- changed morphing and demorphing to a Standard action to keep it from being OP and/or usable in insane PiP combos. Also updated some items.
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Post  Xel Unknown Fri Nov 09, 2012 2:13 am

You've forgotten to add the Parasprite Staff to this list...
Xel Unknown
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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Philadelphus Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:31 am

Well, that was an interesting final boss fight, getting that Dragon Megazord out like we did.

Also, the rest of the objects could probably stand to be updated given what we've learned about them. Smile

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Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress) Empty Re: Items from Demonu's Pony Tales campaign (currently in progress)

Post  Demonu Sun Mar 24, 2013 2:26 pm

Philadelphus wrote:Well, that was an interesting final boss fight, getting that Dragon Megazord out like we did.

Also, the rest of the objects could probably stand to be updated given what we've learned about them. Smile
Probably will do after the campaign is over. Just need to remember the errata.
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