The Elder Scrolls
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The Elder Scrolls
I've been meaning to do this for a while- these are all ten of the playable races in the Elder Scrolls series:
They aren't exactly finalized, I tried to cut down on repeated stuff but some are still there. Most of the decisions- including the forced UTs- are based on racial characteristics found in the games. The primary issue was that most of the racial differences between the human races relate to skills and combat applications, so I had to come up with ways around that that still made sense.
- Races:
One with the Waves (1)
You can breathe underwater.
Expert Skill (2)
Characters of this race may choose one of their skills as their area of Expertise. This becomes their Expert Skill, giving them a +5 bonus to checks of that skill. In addition to the +5 bonus it provides to that skill – rolling a natural 20 on one of those skill checks results in them achieving a Spectacular Success… A Spectacular Success makes normal Critical Successes look tame by comparison. For example, a Critical Success in trying to pick a guard’s pocket might nab you his coin purse or even his blade without his notice. A Spectacular Success might let you strip him of his armor without him being any the wiser.
Acidborn (1)
Characters of your race cannot be harmed by naturally occurring acid (though magical acid blasts and similar can still harm them in combat). Characters of your race can also safely spit small globules of acid at will. Outside of combat, these globules are capable of dissolving an inch of a weak substance such as wood, rope or leather within a minute. On small objects of a stronger substance, such as an iron lock, the acid has the effect of the utility talent Weaken Substance a minute after application.
Adaptable (3) - Magic
Choose another racial trait worth three or less trait points. For the rest of the day, Adaptable is replaced by that racial trait.
We’re Just Good At This Stuff (1)
Choose a skill. You gain training in that skill. You may take this trait multiple times, choosing a different skill each time.
Spellchild (4)
During character creation, a character of your race can choose one of its Magic talents. Once per day, the character can use that talent without spending a Magic point.
Adaptable (3) - Magic
Choose another racial trait worth three or less trait points. For the rest of the day, Adaptable is replaced by that racial trait.
Magical Attunement (1)
Your race can use perception to detect magic, though this does not let them decipher exactly what the magic does - that requires arcane knowledge.
Dark Elf (Dunmer)-
Fireborn (1)
Characters of your race cannot be harmed by any naturally occurring heat, including natural fire and lava (though magical fire blasts and similar can still harm them in combat). Characters of your race can also safely create puffs of flame at will. These puffs of flame are identical to a torch in many respects and are capable of burning objects and lighting fires outside of combat just as a torch might. Puffs of flame are ordinary fire, they extinguish quickly without tinder.
Predestined (4)
After each extended rest you may roll three d20s. These die results are “stored” until you expend them when using the following talent., or until after your next extended rest (when they are replaced by the three new rolls).
I Make My Own Fate - Interrupt [3/Day]
Trigger - You make a skill check and dislike the result.
Effect - Treat the die as though you had rolled one of the stored die results. This expends the chosen roll. For example, if you rolled a natural 1 - you could trade it out for the natural 20 you were lucky enough to roll at the end of your last extended rest.
Heart of Courage (2)
You gain a +5 bonus when attempting any skill check that has a DC of 30 or higher
Overachiever (1)
You can have a maximum of 12 points in any attribute rather than 10.
High Elf (Altmer)-
Naturally Skilled (2)
Characters of your race gain an additional utility talent at character creation. You may take this racial trait multiple times.- DERP
Best of the Breed (3)
Characters of your race gain an additional 2 attribute points at creation.
Magical Attunement (1)
Your race can use perception to detect magic, though this does not let them decipher exactly what the magic does - that requires arcane knowledge.
Weather-Crafter (1)
You gain the Weather-Crafter utility talent.
Specialist (1)
Characters of your race start with each attribute at 3 at character creation and gain 8 extra points to allocate between them (10 is still the maximum you can have in a given attribute).
Mimicry (1)
You can make your voice sound like anyone or anything.
Grandeur (3)
Your race provides a +1 morale bonus to the skill checks of all allies that can see it.
Predestined (4)
After each extended rest you may roll three d20s. These die results are “stored” until you expend them when using the following talent., or until after your next extended rest (when they are replaced by the three new rolls).
I Make My Own Fate - Interrupt [3/Day]
Trigger - You make a skill check and dislike the result.
Effect - Treat the die as though you had rolled one of the stored die results. This expends the chosen roll. For example, if you rolled a natural 1 - you could trade it out for the natural 20 you were lucky enough to roll at the end of your last extended rest.
Naturally Skilled (2)
Characters of your race gain an additional utility talent at character creation. You may take this racial trait multiple times- NIGHTWATCH
Feline Grace (1)
You take no damage from falls.
Sharp Eyes (1)
Characters of your race gain a +3 bonus to perceptions checks to notice physical details. For example, noticing a tiny crack in the wall would gain benefit from this, but things that require mental insight - figuring out if someone is lying, for instance - would not.
Scent Tracker (1) - At Will
Characters of your race can pick up a person’s scent off of an object they have worn or held. You gain a +15 bonus to tracking that creature, until their trail crosses water, is washed away by rain or encounters any other circumstance that would mask or remove scents.
Terrify (2) - [1/Day]
Characters of your race can put on a terrifying display, terrifying a creature that can see you for the next minute. Creatures gain +5 to persuasion checks when attempting to intimidate a terrified creature.
Clever Tail (1)
Your race’s tail can function much like another hand. You can use it to stealthily manipulate objects and make mechanics checks. When you do this, you gain a +5 bonus to stealth checks made to conceal this action, but suffer a -5 penalty to the actual manipulation. For example, if you try to surreptitiously pick a lock with your tail without attracting attention, you’d gain a +5 bonus to the stealth check to avoid attracting attention but suffer a -5 penalty to the actual act of lockpicking.
Frostborn (1)
Characters of your race cannot be harmed by any natural cold, including the temperatures found in arctic climates (though magical ice bolts and similar can still harm them in combat). Characters of your race can also safely breathe puffs of frigid vapor at will. This vapor can be used to freeze small volumes of liquid, or to coat up to 5 square feet of a solid surface in ice. Anyone trying to walk over the affected area must make a DC 20 acrobatics check not to fall (the creatures attempting this suffer a -10 penalty if they were running or moving similarly quickly).
Stubborn as a Mule (3) - Interrupt [3/Day]
Trigger - You fail a skill check.
Effect - Reroll the skill check.
Call Out (1) – At Will
You let out a loud call. You make make it clear whether or not your call is meant as a warning, distress call, etc.
Choose one
A) Name any number of creatures that could recognize your voice. They hear your howl automatically and know how far away from them you are and in what direction.
B) Every creature within one to ten miles (your choice) hears the call and knows where you are in relation to them.
Specialist (1)
Characters of your race start with each attribute at 3 at character creation and gain 8 extra points to allocate between them (10 is still the maximum you can have in a given attribute).
Expert Skill (2)
Characters of this race may choose one of their skills as their area of Expertise. This becomes their Expert Skill, giving them a +5 bonus to checks of that skill. In addition to the +5 bonus it provides to that skill – rolling a natural 20 on one of those skill checks results in them achieving a Spectacular Success… A Spectacular Success makes normal Critical Successes look tame by comparison. For example, a Critical Success in trying to pick a guard’s pocket might nab you his coin purse or even his blade without his notice. A Spectacular Success might let you strip him of his armor without him being any the wiser.
Orc (Orsimer)-
Focused Evolution (1)
Creatures of your race gain 6 extra racial trait points. Creatures of your race cannot have magic points or Magic Drain talents. Only a creature that would otherwise have one or more magic points may take this talent.
Attack The Day! (2) - [2/Day]
Trigger - You or one of your allies rolls a natural 20 on a skill check that is not their Expert skill.
Effect - Treat the result as though it was a spectacular success.
Adept (3)
Whenever a character of your race rolls a natural 19 using its Expert Skill, it treats the result as if it had rolled a natural 20.
Naturally Skilled (2)
Characters of your race gain an additional utility talent at character creation. You may take this racial trait multiple times.
Expert Skill (2)
Characters of this race may choose one of their skills as their area of Expertise. This becomes their Expert Skill, giving them a +5 bonus to checks of that skill. In addition to the +5 bonus it provides to that skill – rolling a natural 20 on one of those skill checks results in them achieving a Spectacular Success… A Spectacular Success makes normal Critical Successes look tame by comparison. For example, a Critical Success in trying to pick a guard’s pocket might nab you his coin purse or even his blade without his notice. A Spectacular Success might let you strip him of his armor without him being any the wiser.
Challenge Fate (3) – Magic
Trigger – The DM makes a D20 roll and you dislike the result
Effect - You can tell the DM to treat the result of the d20 roll as a natural 1. No rerolls are possible.
Deceive the Senses (3) - Magic
Your illusionary magic may change the appearance of all objects and terrain features within 50 feet of you - making them look, smell, sound, and sometimes even feel like something else. For example, you could make a flask of acid look like a bottle of wine, or make a priceless artifact look and feel like a clumsy wood carving.
Roll a d20+15. This number becomes the DC for a creature to see through your deception (using a Perception check). A creature automatically sees through the illusion if it takes damage from a disguised object or disguised terrain (such as walking on an illusory carpet that is actually lava).
The effect of your Deceive the Senses ends after 5 minutes.
Wood Elf (Bosmer)-
Untraceable (2) - At Will
Your race is a slippery folk. Your features and identity blur in the minds of others, making you very hard to pin down. Whenever you like, you can choose a creature that you can see. For the next month, that creature finds it nearly impossible to describe your appearance to others or remember what your name is. They still remember all your actions and will recognize you if they see you again, but can’t seem to give a description of you to anyone that might ask.
Naturally Skilled (2)
Characters of your race gain an additional utility talent at character creation. You may take this racial trait multiple times.- ANIMAL SPEAK
All Awesome (3) - [1/Day]
Trigger - You roll a natural 1.
Effect - You may treat the result as if you had rolled a natural 20.
Spider Climb (1)
You can adhere to surfaces for the purpose of climbing and hanging, though if the surface is smooth or slippery you may need to make an athletics or acrobatics check.
They aren't exactly finalized, I tried to cut down on repeated stuff but some are still there. Most of the decisions- including the forced UTs- are based on racial characteristics found in the games. The primary issue was that most of the racial differences between the human races relate to skills and combat applications, so I had to come up with ways around that that still made sense.
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Re: The Elder Scrolls
Something I notice - I see that you've given the Expert Skill to some races but not others, why is that?
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: The Elder Scrolls
That's mostly a gut decision when they had a few points to spare. The first thing I looked at giving them was stuff that you can see in the games themselves (Dunmer having fireborn, Argonians breathing underwater), and then if all of those fit and there are points left over, I filled in with pure mechanics racials. Considering that there isn't a huge difference between the human races flavor-wise, and therefor not many unique racial options to differentiate them, they had to have varying mechanics based racials, and it just so happened that one or two would come up with an expert skill, while others would have the equivalent in other mechanical areas.
They could probably use some touching up as is, when it comes to those extra points, but I think the Expert Skills being set to only a few races holds true to the Elder Scrolls tradition (among others), of individual races being better suited to certain roles. So if you want to play a character with a maxed out skill, choose a race with expert skill.
They could probably use some touching up as is, when it comes to those extra points, but I think the Expert Skills being set to only a few races holds true to the Elder Scrolls tradition (among others), of individual races being better suited to certain roles. So if you want to play a character with a maxed out skill, choose a race with expert skill.
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Join date : 2012-07-18
Age : 33
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