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The Elder Scrolls

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The Elder Scrolls  Empty The Elder Scrolls

Post  A1C Bronymous Fri Sep 06, 2013 1:23 am

I've been meaning to do this for a while- these are all ten of the playable races in the Elder Scrolls series:


They aren't exactly finalized, I tried to cut down on repeated stuff but some are still there. Most of the decisions- including the forced UTs- are based on racial characteristics found in the games. The primary issue was that most of the racial differences between the human races relate to skills and combat applications, so I had to come up with ways around that that still made sense.
A1C Bronymous
A1C Bronymous
Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command

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The Elder Scrolls  Empty Re: The Elder Scrolls

Post  Dusk Raven Fri Sep 13, 2013 10:27 pm

Something I notice - I see that you've given the Expert Skill to some races but not others, why is that?
Dusk Raven
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The Elder Scrolls  Empty Re: The Elder Scrolls

Post  A1C Bronymous Sat Sep 14, 2013 12:02 am

That's mostly a gut decision when they had a few points to spare. The first thing I looked at giving them was stuff that you can see in the games themselves (Dunmer having fireborn, Argonians breathing underwater), and then if all of those fit and there are points left over, I filled in with pure mechanics racials. Considering that there isn't a huge difference between the human races flavor-wise, and therefor not many unique racial options to differentiate them, they had to have varying mechanics based racials, and it just so happened that one or two would come up with an expert skill, while others would have the equivalent in other mechanical areas.

They could probably use some touching up as is, when it comes to those extra points, but I think the Expert Skills being set to only a few races holds true to the Elder Scrolls tradition (among others), of individual races being better suited to certain roles. So if you want to play a character with a maxed out skill, choose a race with expert skill.
A1C Bronymous
A1C Bronymous
Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command

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