Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Adjacency is king...

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Adjacency is king... Empty Adjacency is king...

Post  Snagging Roots Sat Nov 23, 2013 11:34 am

So, as the title suggests I'm making this topic to cover combat builds which revolve around adjacency; and due to the sub forum, I'm also adding the prerequisite that they use items to cause this central theme. If there is already a topic for this, I apologise and would appreciate a link to it; I'm crunched for time right now and didn't have the chance to make a search for it.
(For your reference I'll generally be using the skype version of the combat system)

I'd love to see what other sorts of ridiculous combos you've made like the example!
Snagging Roots
Snagging Roots
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Join date : 2012-07-24
Location : Everfree Forest

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Adjacency is king... Empty Re: Adjacency is king...

Post  Philadelphus Sat Nov 23, 2013 1:40 pm

Ah, yes, the Hookblade + Boomstick combo. I found that one a couple of months ago when Boomstick was still 2/battle and set it up on my character. After the change to Boomstick I dropped it and took the combat talent Explosive Arrow instead, and have been running it with my current character, although I've only really gotten to use it once in fights so far.

Explosive Arrow:
And yes, Explosive Arrow counts as a single-target attack for the purposes of Boomstick, if you want to run it that way. I asked. Smile

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