The Final Prize [IC]
Xel Unknown
Dusk Raven
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Storm Blade saw the opportunity to strike when the balls of liquid began to move up into the air and dove down towards Orient. Striking at her twice in quick succession with the back of his blade. The first strike was only a glancing blow, but the second one was a lot more telling. He had to land afterwards, and got splashed by the liquid as it fell onto him. Grimacing as he felt his limbs start to tremble in a weakness.
Undeterred, the pegasus struck again, trying once more to pull off the inverse trick he knew, but not only was the trick completely unsuccessful, but he strike was so slow and weak it was easily deflected away by Orient to his displeasure, still, from the looks of it, the two zebra’s likely weren’t going to last too much longer.
Undeterred, the pegasus struck again, trying once more to pull off the inverse trick he knew, but not only was the trick completely unsuccessful, but he strike was so slow and weak it was easily deflected away by Orient to his displeasure, still, from the looks of it, the two zebra’s likely weren’t going to last too much longer.
- Turn:
- Reaction. [-2] Vengance, x2. 1d12 damage to Orient. 2+9 = 11.
Gain 2 energy.
[-1] Vampirc Blade, heal negated
[+2] Slash. 2d6 damage to Orient. 2+6 = 8. Negated by weakness.
Health: 65
PiPs: 3
Status: Ongoing Damage 20, Health Debuf 5, Weakness 2.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Almost instinctively, Occident went limp and rolled with the neck twist. She then pushed Calm Strike away. Visibly shaken, Orient stepped forward,
"Pause and rest my sister dear.
Now it's time to fuel their fear."
Orient tossed an orange vial that splashed across her opponents in an abnormal arc. She then tossed a tiny red vial at Calm Strike. It didn't feel like getting splashed in the face with liquid and felt more like getting hit by a cart carrying a cart full of carts. Occident recovered and then tossed a blue vial at the red orb, forming a set of planetary rings. She then tossed another red vial at the red orb, forming orbital bodies.
"Pause and rest my sister dear.
Now it's time to fuel their fear."
Orient tossed an orange vial that splashed across her opponents in an abnormal arc. She then tossed a tiny red vial at Calm Strike. It didn't feel like getting splashed in the face with liquid and felt more like getting hit by a cart carrying a cart full of carts. Occident recovered and then tossed a blue vial at the red orb, forming a set of planetary rings. She then tossed another red vial at the red orb, forming orbital bodies.
- OOC:
- Orient & Occident are still bloodied.
Calm Strike & Acoustic splashed twice and thus suffer 20 ongoing damage (save ends)
Calm Strike takes 20 damage. This is direct for reaction purposes.
Red x2 and Blue are now in play.
ZamuelNow- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Supernova's head cleared. She glanced over the injured ponies who all appeared to be one her side, and the two zebras who had definitely been attacking them. For some reason, she hadn't been the target of many attacks, and some of her allies were looking battered. You thinking what I'm thinking, gramps? Blackstar didn't reply verbally, just sending a small pulse of power through the cane. She stepped forwards, and gestured dramatically with the cane....before jabbing Orient (she thought it was Orient) with it lightly.
"Does that bug you? I'm not touching you.
"Does that bug you? I'm not touching you.
- ooc:
- Supernova's been lucky with the attacks so far...
[+4] Prod (Pot-Shot) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Deal 1 damage to target creature.
No dice to roll, just 11 damage flat to Orient
[-3] Flaming Cane - Minor Action (Bladespell)
The next Single Attack Power you use deals an additional 6 damage to its target, and causes its target to suffer 3 Ongoing Damage (Save ends).
It'll become visible next turn
HP:95 (after Vampiric cane, assuming this attack hits)
Status Normal
mjh6- Newbie Designer
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Evil Eye landed on the ground before bull-rushing the persistent Orient, his rage building again.
- Spoiler:
- Previously saved from Ongoing Damage by the Echo.
Gain 2 Energy at start.
[-2] Excessive Force (Sparkblade) - Minor Action (Bladespell)
The next Single Attack Power you use deals an additional 1d10 damage to its target.
[-1] Building Rage (Thrill of Battle) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Deal 1d12 damage to target creature and gain 5 Hatred.
Damage: 8 + 7 = 15 to Orient.
HP: 45
Energy: 6
Hatred: 5
Status: Good
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
When Orient threw the tiny red vial at Calm Strike, Storm Blade quickly nipped in and swung the flat of his blade. Whilst the weakness still effected him somewhat, he was shaking it off and this blow was a strong, solid blow to the zebra's side, that was surely gonna hurt. Afterwards, he struck at Orient once again. Trying to draw energy from the inversed lighting once more, and whilst the strike was solid, he didn't feel any healing from it either, though he swore he felt some weakness falling away. Still, the acid had eaten though his hair and was now eating away at his skin, making him hiss in pain as he began to bleed, though it seems the acid's potency had died once it had got to his skin.
- Turn:
- [-2] Vengeance. 11-2 = 9 damage to Orient.
Gain 2 PiPs and made the saving throw
[-1] Vampiric Blade - Minor
[+2] Slash, 2+5 = 7 damage.
Health: 45, Bloodied.
Pips: 4
Status: Bloodied, but recovering
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
- Combat:
- Gain 4 energy from Energetic (Up to 4.)
Lose 20 from Ongoing 20 (Down to 26!)
Saving Throw: 1d6 [4] = Yay!
[-2] Rush for the Kill - Minor Action (Attack, Single)
Deal 2d6 damage to target creature.
2d6 [4+2] = 6 Damage to Occident.
Calm Strike crumpled under the assault, and briefly blacked out...
He was in the dojo. He was training with Master Rainbow Dash, sparring with her; his goal was to successfully use a specific technique on her. What would happen instead is he would start the move, and if he wasn't quick enough his master would counter it and have him on the floor.
"Get up!" she would say. He would struggle to his feet, and she would knock him over again. "The enemy isn't going to just let you walk away! Never give in; they won't!"
He stirred. He managed to get his feet under him...
...And got to his knees. And spoke for the first time in the encounter:
"N-no... I won't..."
He stood up and shouted. "I WILL NOT GIVE UP!" he screamed as he began another assault on Occident...
- Status:
- HP: 26
Energy: 2
Status: Bloodied
...I need some healing. Please?
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
- Spoiler:
- Alright. Hmmm...with this much damage being tossed around I should probably make a healer that focuses much on healing than this guy to keep up. Also do not speculate how rock music can heal the injured.
- Turn summary and status:
- Gained 2 energy from energetic and lost 20 from ongoing.
Used [-4] Amp Riser (Divine Light) - Standard Action (Healing, Burst)
Do each of the following:
-Target creature gains 10 Life.
-Target creature gains 10 Life.
-Target creature gains 10 Life.
-Target creature gains 10 Life.
-Target creature gains 10 Life.
You may choose different targets for each effect.
Granting 10 HP to Evil Eye and Storm Blade along with 30 HP to Calm Strike.
Using [-1] Reverb (Conjure Imaginary Friend) - Minor Action (Conjuration)
Echo using {1} Song Fragments (Never Had a Friend Like Me)
Target creature makes a saving throw against a (save ends) condition of your choice.
To grant Acoustic a saving throw against ongoing 20
Rolling Saving throw for ongoing 20
Echo at 0 charges activating Trait - Continuous Noise (Persistent Delusion)
Echo fades.
Rolling turn saving throw for Ongoing 20
Saved against ongoing 20
Total Energy used: 3
HP: 55 Energy: 1 Conditions: None
Conjurations: None.
Doc pseudopolis- Best Pony
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Bruised and battered with heavy breathing, Orient and Occident had not given up yet. Orient tossed a yellow vial at Storm Blade which left him tired and exhausted. She then tossed a purple vial at the red orb and it rocketed into the air. Raining down a multicolored meteor shower, the first two struck were Evil Eye and Storm Blade who felt internal burning from the blue liquid. Then, Storm Blade, Evil Eye, Supernova, and Calm Strike were struck with red splashes that felt more like a ton of bricks. Occident tossed a vial of green liquid which formed a floating orb. Then, she splashed the group with orange liquid from one of her vials.
- OOC:
- Orient & Occident are still bloodied.
Storm Blade suffers Weakness 5.
Meteor shower effects:
-Evil Eye and Storm Blade take X damage. X = 5 times your current amount of energy. Direct damage for reactions.
-Storm Blade, Evil Eye, Supernova, and Calm Strike take 20 damage. Direct damage for reactions.
Storm Blade, Calm Strike, Supernova, and Acoustic suffer 10 ongoing damage (save ends)
Green and Yellow are now in play.
ZamuelNow- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Once again Evil Eye felt the burning within, and was splashed with even more noxious fluid. It was all too much even for him, and he gave one last snarl before collapsing to the mat.
- Spoiler:
- Now at 0 Life and 5 Fatal Damage. Knew I should have used Schadenfreude while I had the chance...
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Supernova flinched under the barrage of liquids, but inside she focused on the important part. The part that would hopefully take out Bun Pony for good. She raised her cane once more, and felt the magic woven into it. As an Earth pony, she had never been able to sense magic until Grandpa Blackstar came along, but now she felt it even away from him. That was one of the reasons why she never regretted picking this cane up for a second. She loved magic, and here, she cold use it to it's full potential
You know it.
And with that sentence and a short flick of the wrist, Supernova shot an intense stream of light and fire directly at her prey.
You know it.
And with that sentence and a short flick of the wrist, Supernova shot an intense stream of light and fire directly at her prey.
- ooc:
- [-2] Frikin’ Lazer Beams (Lightning Vortex) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Roll a d6 and gain the corresponding result.
Odd: Deal 2d20 damage to target creature.
Even: Gain 4 energy, then deal 1d12 damage to target creature
Deal 10+6(flaming cane)+11+18=45 damage to Orient
Inflict 3 ongoing damage on Orient
I really hope this takes her out.
Saving throw vs ongoing:1
Status:Ongoing 10
mjh6- Newbie Designer
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
With a gasp of terror, Occident watches as her sister falls. Swiftly, she splashes herself with a vial of black liquid. The smell of burning ash permeates the air as she leaps out with a shrieking battle cry. She collides with Supernova in a blow that feels like a stinger from a hornet the size of a building.
- Orient is KOed
Occident is bloodied.
Supernova takes 50 damage
Green and Yellow are in play.
ZamuelNow- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Storm Blade founding his knee’s nearly buckling at the sister’s second meteor shower covered the arena, knowing there was little chance to dodge it, he instead struck back against Orient, landing two powerful blows. The second one was strong enough from Storm Blade to push off it, turning round and dealing a rapid three-strike combination against Occident.
With his assault and Supernova’s laser, Orient soon collapsed, which caused Occident to cry out and charge Supernova, doing significant damage but luckily not taking her out. This left her open for Storm to strike. To be on the safe side, he charged his weapon with the inverse lighting to heal him before he struck, unfortunately he was a bit to hasty in his strike and so it wasn’t at full strength.
With his assault and Supernova’s laser, Orient soon collapsed, which caused Occident to cry out and charge Supernova, doing significant damage but luckily not taking her out. This left her open for Storm to strike. To be on the safe side, he charged his weapon with the inverse lighting to heal him before he struck, unfortunately he was a bit to hasty in his strike and so it wasn’t at full strength.
- Reaction + Turn:
- [-2]Vengance, 11-5 = 6 damage to Orient.
[-2]Vengance, 12 damage to Orien. Crit.
Warrior's Frenzy. 3d8+2 damage. 4+1+6+2 = 13 damage to Occident.
Gain 2 energy, saving throw failed
[-1] Vampiric Blade,
[-1] Bull's Eye. 1+3+4 = 8 damage to Occident.
Health: 10
PiPs: 0
Status: Ongoing 10. HELP!
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
The unicorn hopped about in an attempt to get the liquid off of himself as the hands fiddled around with the guitar.
- Turn summary and Status:
- Gained 2 energy from energetic and lost 10 HP from ongoing 10
Used [+1] Tune (Stalk the Kill) - Standard Action (Self)
You are dazed until the start of your next turn. You may take an additional standard action on your next turn. You cannot use this Power two turns in a row.
Roll save vs ongoing
1d6 → [1] = (1)
HP: 45 Energy: 4 Conditions: Ongoing 10, Bloodied.
Conjurations: None.
Doc pseudopolis- Best Pony
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Occident aggressively tossed a purple vial at the floating orb which resulted in yet another multicolored cascade upon her enemies. She then tossed a red vial to form another glowing orb.
- OOC:
- Occident is still bloodied.
Meteor shower effects:
-Supernova and Calm Strike suffer Weakness 5
-Supernova and Storm Blade have a 10 HP healing debuff and may not make a saving throw this turn unless granted by an ally
Red is now in play.
ZamuelNow- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Supernova staggered under the blow from the other zebra. No chance of charging up another magic hit. This could be it, Gramps. We had a good run, don't you think?
We sure did. he replied, focusing his attention back on the second zebra.
Not interested in talking more, Supernova settled for whacking the zebra on the head with her cane one last time.
We sure did. he replied, focusing his attention back on the second zebra.
Not interested in talking more, Supernova settled for whacking the zebra on the head with her cane one last time.
- turn+ Status:
Now that that's taken care of...
Spent my minor declaring Occident my prey.
[+2] Get off My Lawn! (Slash) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Deal 2d6 damage to target creature.
2d6: 5,2
Deal 5+2+10-5=12 damage to Occident
Status: Finish her before we all die! I mean, Ongoing 10
mjh6- Newbie Designer
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Fiddling complete the hands opened up the guitar to reveal a CD player and a built-in amp while the Unicorn produced a disc from somewhere.
"Okay! Disc M! Set on!"
The solo that came from the guitar was a lot different than what the Unicorn had been making with the CD including Drums and a second guitar briefly and almost literally picked Storm Blade, Supernova and Evil Eye up again with it sticking to Storm Blade for a second before splitting off into another Echo.
When the Solo, or at least the Discs part of it, finished the unicorn went back to attempting to shake off the fluid and failing.
"Okay! Disc M! Set on!"
The solo that came from the guitar was a lot different than what the Unicorn had been making with the CD including Drums and a second guitar briefly and almost literally picked Storm Blade, Supernova and Evil Eye up again with it sticking to Storm Blade for a second before splitting off into another Echo.
When the Solo, or at least the Discs part of it, finished the unicorn went back to attempting to shake off the fluid and failing.
- Turn Summary and Status:
- Gained 2 Energy from Energetic and Lost 10 HP from ongoing 10
Using [-1] Directional Raise (Divine Vitality) - Standard Action (Healing, Single) Targeting Supernova.
Target creature gains 3d10 life and may make a Saving Throw.
3d10=20 [10,5,5] = (20)
10 Rolled on d10 activating Special move: Solo
[10] - Special (Burst, Healing)
A) Target creature gains 3d8 life.
B) Up to 3 different target creatures gain 1d10 life.
Choosing B Variant Targeting Storm Blade, Supernova and Evil Eye.
Healing each of them for 5.
Also using [-4] Amp Riser (Divine Light) - Standard Action (Healing, Burst)
Healing Supernova for 10, Stormblade for 20 and Evil Eye for 20
Total Healing (not including Debuff Values): Supernova: 35. Stormblade: 25. Evil Eye: 25.
[-1] Reverb (Conjure Imaginary Friend) - Minor Action (Conjuration) To Conjure a friendly Echo
Echo using {1} Song Fragments (Never Had a Friend Like Me) On Stormblade allowing him to make a saving throw.
Activating Continuous Noise.
And sticking around at 1 charge.
Rolling Saving throw for Ongoing 10
1d6 → [2] = (2)
HP: 35. Energy: 0 Conditions: Ongoing 10, Bloodied.
Conjurations: Echo, 1 charge.
- Spoiler:
- Finish her off, I probably wont make it to the next round.
Doc pseudopolis- Best Pony
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
With the power of rock, Evil Eye was back on his feet. Taking flight, he gained a bit of altitude before zooming in towards the remaining zebra with a snarl, hitting with a flying kick, landing a heavy impact.
- Spoiler:
Gain 2 Energy at start.
[-2] Excessive Force (Sparkblade) - Minor Action (Bladespell)
The next Single Attack Power you use deals an additional 1d10 damage to its target.
[+2] Hell Strike (Blood Rage) - Standard Action (Attack, Single)
Pay 5 Hatred. If you do, deal 6d6 damage to target creature.
Targeting Occident. Damage: 4 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 34
Using Reaction:
[-X] Schadenfreude (Drink Pain) - Reaction (Healing, Self)
Trigger - You deal damage to one or more creatures.
Effect - Gain up to 5 life for each energy spent. However, you cannot gain more life than the total triggering damage you dealt.
Using 6 energy to gain 30 Life.
HP: 55
Fatal Damage: 5
Energy: 2
Hatred: 0
Status: Good
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
With those forceful blows connecting, Occident was finally down for the count. A boisterous female voice booms through an unseen speaker:
"Quite amazing! It seems the twin terrors have finally been bested by this group of newcomers. Do they have the drive to keep on the road to victory? No more time today but we'll see soon enough on The Final Prize!"
The floor's texture softens to the consistency of pudding, then the top of the forcefield rapidly compressed downward. Pushing them through the "floor", Supernova, Acoustic, Evil Eye, and Storm Blade found themselves in a cramped, foamlike room with dim lights coming from the ceiling.
"Quite amazing! It seems the twin terrors have finally been bested by this group of newcomers. Do they have the drive to keep on the road to victory? No more time today but we'll see soon enough on The Final Prize!"
The floor's texture softens to the consistency of pudding, then the top of the forcefield rapidly compressed downward. Pushing them through the "floor", Supernova, Acoustic, Evil Eye, and Storm Blade found themselves in a cramped, foamlike room with dim lights coming from the ceiling.
- OOC:
- Occident KOed and battle over.
Leaving things here in case you choose to mingle IC between this and the next battle. And yes, two player characters got separated off.
ZamuelNow- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Supernova, seeing that she felt a lot better, and had not been squashed by the remaining zebra, smiled sleepily and stretched. "Well, that was fun."
Inside, she wondered, Hey gramps, you want to come out and play for a bit? If we have to do more fighting, they probably wouldn't suspect some creeky old man to kick flank the same way they would me.
Inside, she wondered, Hey gramps, you want to come out and play for a bit? If we have to do more fighting, they probably wouldn't suspect some creeky old man to kick flank the same way they would me.
- ooc:
- Prepping Second Skin. Don't know how long it'll take before the next fight though, so we may have to wait until after to switch
mjh6- Newbie Designer
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Storm Blade swore he blacked out during the fight, but he managed to climb back onto his feet in time to see the two twins collapse, he prayed that they were simply knocked out and not dead, though he had no time to see as they were pushed through the floor. A rather unpleasant experience that had him nearly panic as he was completely swallowed up.
Shaking that fear off him, he stood up and looked around their new location, though there was little to look at, so he turned to those that he was stuck with. “Storm Blade, Captain of the Royal Guard. May I be the tactical leader during the battles we must go though?” Storm Blade confident that his time as a guard would let him effectively lead them in battle.
Shaking that fear off him, he stood up and looked around their new location, though there was little to look at, so he turned to those that he was stuck with. “Storm Blade, Captain of the Royal Guard. May I be the tactical leader during the battles we must go though?” Storm Blade confident that his time as a guard would let him effectively lead them in battle.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
The Unicorn settled down by the wall and started strumming on the guitar.
Doc pseudopolis- Best Pony
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Supernova shrugged. "You can give all the orders you like in battle. Can't promise I'll listen if I see an opening.
mjh6- Newbie Designer
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
"Evil Eye," the thus-named Batpony said. His armor marked him as a member of the Night Guard - and therefore not under Storm Blade's jurisdiction. Still, he'd likely listen to the royal guard.
In the meantime, he crouched down and closed his eyes, letting his breathing steady and his hatred ease. His wounds still stung, but he could endure for the time being...
In the meantime, he crouched down and closed his eyes, letting his breathing steady and his hatred ease. His wounds still stung, but he could endure for the time being...
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
Supernova realized she forgot to introduce herself. "I'm Supernova." She pointed to her nametag, wondering if it would change when Blackstar took over.
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Re: The Final Prize [IC]
The foamlike walls close in and things go quiet. Then once again the group found themselves in a room with the back wall pushing them forward. However, there was now a teenage dragon with them. As they reached the stage, the boisterous female voice once again booms through an unseen speaker:
"Last time these plucky newcomers set hoof on the stage, they bested a duo of veterans. Let's see how they face off against another up and coming newcomer!"
Out from the other room charged a black coated alicorn mare with a blood red mane and glowing red eyes. Wasting no time to receive introduction, a black beam of magic from her horn swept across the field. She then immediately summoned four glowing crystal icosahedron which hovered near her.
"Last time these plucky newcomers set hoof on the stage, they bested a duo of veterans. Let's see how they face off against another up and coming newcomer!"
Out from the other room charged a black coated alicorn mare with a blood red mane and glowing red eyes. Wasting no time to receive introduction, a black beam of magic from her horn swept across the field. She then immediately summoned four glowing crystal icosahedron which hovered near her.
- OOC:
- Flipped coin and enemy goes first.
All players take 21 damage
Four targetable summons now in play.
ZamuelNow- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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