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Crystal Symphony

Doc pseudopolis
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Doc pseudopolis Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:58 pm

Bonham may have followed Blitz and tried to lead her back to the band but the possible appearance of the one shouting in the room and the appearance of this new foal forced his hoof. The roadie stepped out of the shadow he was in.
"Whoever you are we can make introductions and answer questions later."
He quickly turned his head to regard Blitz, preempting her reaction
"and Blitz I think we should clear out before whoever is in that room comes out and finds us so let's leave now."

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Crystalite Wed Mar 25, 2015 9:49 pm

Blitz jumped at the sight of Bonham (How did he get there so quickly!?) and started to complain - and then thought better of it. She honestly did not care to explore the castle more, and it didn't seem fair to lead the new pony on a chase just because she could. Bonham didn't deserve that.

Yet. Eventually something would happen that she could take a petty revenge trip for, but it hadn't happened yet.

"...Okay. Can he come with us? He said he was lost, we should really help him get unlost," she replied, not voicing the self apparent fact that "we" meant "Bonham", since she had no idea where she was either.
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Copper Rose Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:11 pm

"Yeah, that does sound like a somewhat good idea. I would probably end up following you two anyway, since at least one of you seem to know where you're going." Blast says, eyeing the door speculatively but ready to follow them the moment they start moving. "I'm Blast, by the way."
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  mjh6 Thu Mar 26, 2015 7:50 pm

Lark's blinked in confusion at Liberty's behavior and the shock. It was probably nothing, and magic wasn't Lark's specialty, but she could still at least sense some things...

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Senshuken Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:54 am

It was always somewhat interesting to walk through the streets of the capital of the Crystal Empire as it got itself ready for the upcoming festival. It was like watching all the backstage workers running around to get the stage ready for the show; All things considered that was pretty much what was happening.

Silver Tongue enjoyed the relaxing nature of the trip, giving his wings a ruffle in order to air them out a bit. But sadly the journey to the palace had to come to an end and Silver was faced with a closed door and a number of ponies seemingly baring his way. Taking a moment to examine the crowd of ponies for the one that might be best able to answer his inquiry, Silver walked over to them before asking "Excuse me, but would you happen to know the best pony to speak to in order to arrange a meeting with the royal family?"

Perception Roll:
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Crystalite Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:04 pm

"I'm Blitz!" she responded cheerfully. "And this is Bonham," she continued, gesturing to the roadie. "Would you look at that? I guess we can't do introductions later. Too bad!"
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  TheCavalry Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:32 pm

Oasis, Door
The guard ponies glared as Oasis removed her enchanted items. As she undid each piece, one of the guards pulled them towards himself with a spear. When she was done, the clothes, bands (and Jingles bell) formed a neat little pile on the ground.

One of the guards reached for a small bucket. He upended it over the items, and a rainbow of glittering crystals fell out. As they landed on the objects, their colors changed, turning from clear to blue, white, gold and green. One of the guards lifted the items, and distributed them between the two mares as his companion gathered up the gems.

"Magic beyond telekinesis is forbidden during your stay," he said. Frowning, he added, "Her Majesty, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, will allow some small enchantments to be enacted during the festival. You will be informed when this happens. If a guard tells you to stop your magic immediately, you will do so, or the penalty will be...severe."
He reached into a coat pocket, pulling out a pair of small, metallic instruments.

"You are also required to wear magic dampners while within the Empires limits," he said. "Again, failing to do so would be...unwise."

He turned to glare at Door.
"Of course, if you don't like any of this, you're free to get back on the train to Equestria."

If you've read Asylum, you might recognise this. Basically, whenever you make an arcane roll while wearing a magic dampner, roll twice and take the lower option.


You don't think you feel anything. Your ability to sense magic isn't as powerful as a unicorns, of course, but you still feel magic through the earth. The problem is that the Crystal Empire is a high-magic environment; more than the average place in Equestria at least. You can feel a denser magic in this area, but that's probably just the after effect of Blitz show diffusing through the area. Maybe.

You do feel a presence primed with magic entering the area, though.
(Speaking OOC, it's Silver arriving in the area.)


The doors were shut, which probably meant that the truly important ponies - dignitaries and such- were already inside. That left the ponies who believed they were important outside. Asking one of them -or the common ponies- would probably make the most sense, but as Silver scans the area, for some reason, a particular pony catches his eye; a guard, an equestrian unlike many of the others, with wings and an orange coat.

As he approaches and asks, the guards companion -a crystal pony- scoffs.
"You should have been here earlier," the crystal guard said, scowling. "The Royal Family is too busy to be making appearances all day to every colt and mare, just because they missed Her Majesty before. It's-"
"That's enough," the Pegasus interrupts, rustling his feathers. The crystal pony falls silent, but glares at his guard partner and Silver sullenly.

The Pegasus turns back to Silver.
"Though I'm afraid he has a point. Ordinarily, petitioners would be free to book appointments to bring their grievances before the princess and the cap- the prince. Their going to be busy until this evening. If you want to see them, they'll be at the ceremony to kick off the festival. If you want to meet with them, you can probably get an appointment, but it won't be until tomorrow at the earliest. Still, if it's imporant, I can leave a message with captain Arm- Prince, Shining Armor."

Blast, Blitz, Bonham
The sound of the conversation picks up again, though it's harder for Blitz to eves drop from this side. Even so, the trio is fortunate- or supremely unfortunate, in Blasts case. The corridor is completely empty besides the three; the fact that Blast managed to wander to perhaps the one part of the. Astor with no servants to direct him back is almost impressive in how unfortunate it is.

Still, that leaves them with two options; back down the corridor that Bonham came from... Or up the one Blast wandered down.
Honestly, I'm totally content to sit back and let you guys develop characters and stuff, but you probably should be moving in a direction so... Here's two for you.
Feel free to continue talking whichever path you choose though. Since we have a full assembled team- and slower schedules really mean we should be further along than we are- I might start pushing towards stuff a little more to get things started.
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  A1C Bronymous Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:29 pm

Door Kicker cocks an eyebrow at the guard, flatly irritated. "Well firstly, we're still on the train, jackass. Second, I'm not a unicorn, and I don't have any magical stuff, so you can chill the buck out. I'm sure you have a shitty job, but I guarantee you you can make it a lot less shitty on yourself by dropping the big bad Gestapony attitude and treat ponies like ponies, instead of the bastard foals of Nightmare Moon. Now if you're quite done trying to intimidate us for no reason, I'm sure there's some filly somewhere whose candy you forgot to confiscate." Door pushes his way past the guard, holding the door for the two mares. "This way ladies, before he gets extra huffy and puffy with us."

Don't think I need a check here, but I'll roll persuasion to get him to go away if need be.
A1C Bronymous
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Copper Rose Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:36 am

"Well technically would could do introductions later. We'd just be doing them again!" Blast looks at Blitz. "By the way, how did you two get down here?"
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  GreyVestibule Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:36 pm

Oasis nodded towards Door, eying the dampener forced upon her uncomfortably for a moment before acquiescing to having it put over her horn. It really didn't feel right to have this thing on, but there wasn't much she could do. Feeling in a hurry to get off the train and away from the guards, Oasis didn't take the time to put her magic equipment back on. Instead, she quickly tossed the bands and sash onto the cloak, using the cloak as a makeshift bindle as she carried the objects in her mouth out the door.

Finally on the train platform, Oasis took the opportunity to start re-equipping herself, starting with her sash.

"I do hope the entirety of the Empire is not this inhospitable," she muttered bitterly.

This was certainly a disappointing start to her time here.
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Doc pseudopolis Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:22 am

Bonham was torn, he could lead the foals back the way he came and probably have to explain to the castle staff why he had two foals or he could go the way Blast had come and risk getting lost himself.
He made a decision and started back the way he came, making a face at Blitz.
"If any pony that looks like they are castle staff or guards asks I'm taking the two of you to the faire. That way we may get out of here without getting into trouble."
Inwardly he was worried the conversationalists knew about them now with the foals chatting. At least the mysterious shouter didn't know who they were. Hopefully.

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Senshuken Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:22 am

Silver tilted his head to the side as he considered his options. Just about anyone else currently standing in the line of 'Important' ponies would have kicked up a fuss about not being able to get an appointment today; In his own experience, Silver considered himself different from such ponies because he knew for a fact he could argue well enough that he would get a meeting with the royal family. Doing such a thing however would be incredibly short sighted and would most likely be harmful in the long run however.

Instead, Silver nodded his head in understanding. "Actually, setting something up for tomorrow would be perfect. I'm from the theater that is going to be presenting 'A Canterlot Wedding' and I was actually hoping to set up a meeting between the Royal Couple and some of the actors of the show, partly as a bit of good publicity but also as a chance for some of the actors to meet the actual ponies they will be playing as. I'm rather hoping it'll make for a much more convincing and enjoyable performance myself. Do either of you happen to know when the Prince and Princess would be free for such a meeting or is there some sort of civil servant that I will be required to speak with in order to set it up? After all, you both no doubt have your own important duties to attend to and I would hate to take up more of your time then is strictly required. "

Persuasion Roll to appeal to their ego and sense of self worth (IE. Duty).:

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Crystalite Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:53 am

"But Bonham," Blitz responded. "We're part of the fair. How can we be going to the fair?"
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  TheCavalry Fri Apr 03, 2015 6:46 pm

Door, Oasis
The guard pony glared at Doors remark, but said nothing as Oasis (and Jingle) recovered their items. After a few moments, the pair turned, scooping up the crystals and moving down the train to another carriage.

Jingle sighed, reattaching her bell and looking at the other pair. "I guess this is your first time visiting the empire," she said, mostly to the mare. "It isn't usually that bad, but according to my sisters, the guards get a bit nervous around big events and-of-towers. And unicorns who aren't royalty..."

She looked at Door, and her smile grew. "Though standing up for a pair of strangers was awful loyal of you. Or maybe just dependable...either way, thanks. Getting away from them quicker was certainly a bonus."

Jingle turned, stepping off the train and onto the platform. "Anyway...it was nice to meet you. Maybe we can meet up at the opening ceremony tonight?"

Er...I was waiting on a response to your roll, which is...why i didn't say anything. Sorry?


The crystal pony puffed out his chest, his coat glittering. "You can speak to Topaz Sheet," he said. "She handles the palace appointments. She's busy today, but her office will be open tomorrow morning-"

"I thought I recognised you!"
The guard pony faltered as the Orange Pegasus grinned.

"I couldn't place it," he added, shaking his head. "But a blue pony, staging that play? You're Silver Tongue, aren't you? I saw a few of your shows while I was stationed in Manehatten.

Anyway, as my colleague says, the royal advisor won't be accepting petitions until tomorrow- at least, none that aren't national emergencies. However, Princess Cadence is a patron of the arts, and captain Armor...he used to play the Flugelhorn." The two guards glanced at one another, their faces suddenly identical masks of despair. "He played it a lot...

...er...right! Anyway, I'm one of the guards assigned to their detail this evening. Princess Cadence will be officially opening the fair on stage, and then a short meet and greet afterwards. The guest list is mostly dignitaries, Sapphire Shores, some filly who was playing earlier... Anyway, I could add a few ponies to the guest list, if you're interested."
Bonham, Blast, Blitz

Er...yeah. Not much I have to add right now? Not enough time has passed for the doors to open.

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Doc pseudopolis Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:21 pm

Bonham stops just as he's about to round the corner out of sight.
"Us being a part of the faire is why we're going. If you keep standing there and quibbling I'll leave you behind to found your own way out."
And with that he goes around the corner, out of sight of the foals, and waits for a moment for them to catch up.

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  mjh6 Sat Apr 04, 2015 6:15 pm

Lark Blinked in surprise once more, before turning to actually important matters. She pulled out the walkie-talkie again. "Bonham, have you found Blitz yet?"
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Doc pseudopolis Sat Apr 04, 2015 7:57 pm

The Roadie leaned up against the wall to take out his radio.
"Yeah, just need to lead her back, she found a new friend too."

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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  A1C Bronymous Sun Apr 05, 2015 4:33 am

Door smiles back, mostly genuine- this is still the world's number 1 Lady Whi5per fan, after all. "Yeah, probably. I can let you know the hotel we're staying at, once I figure it out, and we might get you in to hang out with the band." He neglected to add his personal want for more female companionship- 4 stallions and a Whisper, not the best kind of party. "I'll obviously be on stage with Whi5per, wherever and whenever that happens to be, but if you happen to see Oasis here, there's a good chance I'll be nearby." He shrugs, and allows the mares to head down the hall to the train exit ahead of him. "In any case, Oasis, if you're still tagging along, we should catch up to the rest of the guys. Miss... Jingle, right? I guess we'll see you later."
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  GreyVestibule Sun Apr 05, 2015 11:51 pm

Oasis looked to Jingle as she spoke, her mouth still flat with an uncomfortable frown at the thought of being harassed by more guards. Hopefully she would be left be though if she didn't cause any trouble. Not that she was looking to start trouble to begin with, but she was undoubtedly feeling more like she needed to walk on the tips of her hooves. When the subject turning towards Door, Oasis found herself unconsciously smiling a little bit, a smile which grew as he mentioned the idea that where he would be where she would be seen.

Turning back towards Jingle, Oasis nodded respectfully, almost a bow, towards the fellow unicorn.

“Yes, perhaps we can meet again, Ms. Jingle. I hope circumstances permit you fortune until then,”
she then turned and nodded towards Door, speaking a little more exuberantly, “Of course, I would not turn down the opportunity.”

With most everything else on by that point, Oasis grabbed her cloak in her teeth, whipping it around and draping it over herself, hiding her flashy dancing outfit once again.

“I must thank you again for your generosity. In light of the difficulty from my magic... Well, that you sought to keep those guards off of two unicorns you hardly know speaks well of you, Mr. Kicker.”
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Crystalite Mon Apr 06, 2015 11:18 am

Blitz shut up at that. Instead, she cautiously looked around the corner to see just how did Bonham get here so quickly...
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Senshuken Tue Apr 07, 2015 10:07 pm

Silver looked uneasy at the offer, his first response being "And you're sure you aren't going to get into trouble for doing that?"

Once the idea was properly sounded out, he considered the option fully as he tried to make a list of ponies from the show that honestly had to be there. Himself and Show Stopper were a given, alongside the actresses playing the elements of harmony. The actresses playing Princess Celestia and Luna were considered extras but if the actual Princess Celestia and Luna were going to be there (And considering it was the opening there was very good odds of that happening) then they would also benefit from being present. Raising Star was definitely getting an invite and if he didn't at least try to get the producer the chance to promote his show to the upper classes then he would throw a fit.

"Including myself, I would like to bring along ten other actors and the Producer. However, since a dozen ponies might be a bit much I can cut it down to eleven easily enough. The Producer is kind of a self entitled egotist that would throw a fit if I didn't make the effort to get him in... In fact... " Taking a moment to look at the crowd of ponies whom believed themselves important, Silver tried to see if he could spot the shows Producer in it for a few seconds.


Either way, Silver returned his attention back to the guards. "But I do believe I can honestly tell him that I tried to get him a spot at this point. But would eleven extra ponies be pushing it a little?"
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  TheCavalry Sat Apr 11, 2015 7:41 pm

Door, Oasis

Jingle nods before taking her leave, quickly disappearing into the crowds disembarking from the trains.

As you might have guessed, it wasn't chance you two happened to be picked; other unicorns are clearly wearing the same magic dampeners that Oasis was. There's one or two exceptions -judging by the bags being levitated at the far end of the station- but considering they are hovering around a purple pony with wings, it's not hard to guess why she might still have magic. Either way, the distant princess quickly disappears into the crowds of ponies as well.

"Can you believe that?" Whi5per says, shaking her head and looking at Oasis with sympathy. "I can't imagine what I would do if someone told me I couldn't use my wings." During the conversation, she had somehow sidled up towards Door, and as she sighed, she leaned her head against his shoulders.

Okay, not much I admit, but you guys are off the rails. The official rails, at least; there's a little bit of ends that need tying, and then I am going to get all of you together. In the meantime (as with Lark, Blitz, Bonham and Blast), you two are free to talk, develop your characters, go shopping - you know, normal character building stuff which will hopefully fill the stop gap between my posts. Again, sorry for the delays everyone.


As Bonham answers, Mist Storm approaches Lark. It seems as if most of the components for the Lightning organ have been disassembled.

"Bonham?" He asks, nodding at the Wilkie-talkie. "Tell him to get back, I don't want us loitering on the princesses doorsteps all day."

Er... I don't think it was established, but Mist Storm is Blitz father- just in case I did miss that somewhere.

Bonham, Blitz, Blast

As you round the corner, and as Bonham listens to the walkers-talkie, the door behind you opens. You can hear hoof steps as Luna and Diamond leave, but if you want to listen to them then...perception check. Dividing attentions and all.


The friendly grin the guard had been wearing started to slide off his face as Silver listed all the staff, his co-guard beginning to smirk.

"eleven." he repeated, almost sounding shocked. His friend snickered, and the Orange Pegasus coughed.

"Eleven ponies shouldn't be much of a problem," he said, looking like he was regretting every word of it, "at least, not afterwards. The ribbon cutting is more of a ceremonial thing, so there won't be many on stage for that."

"He named more ponies than are invited on stage with the princess, Flash."

"Uh...okay, yeah. He has a point," Flash said, smiling sheepishly. "I'm sure the rest of your cast would be welcome at the after-party, but try to keep the ponies on stage down to, maybe, four. If you can."

He grimaced again, looking apologetic.

You didn't see the producer at the makeshift playhouse, but you don't see him here either.[/b]
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  A1C Bronymous Sat Apr 11, 2015 8:22 pm

"Well I can't use my wings or my horn, so I guess this trip is just the worst, huh?" Door says snidely, rolling his eyes when Whisper cozies up to him. "We should get our stuff to the hotel and see if Oasis can get a room or not." He grabs a few bags and then sidles away from Whisper, nodding for Oasis to follow.
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  GreyVestibule Tue Apr 14, 2015 10:40 am

Oasis blinked a few times at what she swore was an alicorn further down the line. She was distracted by the commentary from Whi5per though. While Oasis was grateful to hear that Whi5per seemed to find the situation ridiculous as well, though her brief experience with the mare in the train car made Oasis wonder if Whi5per was just trying to find something to complain about, if only by proxy. In a way, Oasis found a little more modicum of comfort in seeing almost all other unicorns having the restraint on. Almost all except for...

Oasis glanced back in the direction she thought she saw the purple pony go, but she was no where to be seen. Oasis couldn't help but wonder if she was seeing things, much like how one might mistake the shimmer of a mirage for water. There was no way she had been on the same train as a princess, was there?

Oasis was mildly irritated that she couldn't confirm or deny what she saw, but Door's snarky response to Whi5per did help ease that, bringing a smile back to Oasis' face. Nodding back towards, Oasis trotted along after him.

“What is the name of the hotel? Is it far?” she asked as her eyes scanned the sights in front of her, taking in the marvelous architecture and sparkling crystal ponies.
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Crystal Symphony - Page 5 Empty Re: Crystal Symphony

Post  Doc pseudopolis Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:23 am

As Bonham pointed out a second turning to the foals he hung back and kept an ear back towards the conspiracy room, admittedly mostly to make sure the pair that came out weren't coming towards the little trio.

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