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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Wed Mar 04, 2015 4:33 am

Not sure yet what to call it, but working on a piece of art (spoilered below) gave me a brilliant concept for a campaign that I will extrapolate upon later, when I do not need to sleep. For now, I will tell you that the game is going to be in the format of players' choice - PT, Wanderlust, even some other system should it be chosen. It will be a Play by Post, since I am 99% sure I cannot fit a Skype game into my schedule.

Everyone (or most everyone) will play as Breezies, and may choose to have or not have Cutie Marks - this will be explained later. Too tired to give you more for now, but I promise it'll be interesting.

"Pony tales and legends tell that when a foal earns their Cutie Mark, it is not mere chance that makes it appear. It is said that the event can only result in the discovery of a Cutie Mark when it is witnessed by a spirit. Few have ever witnessed these spirits, and it is said that they are fragile and tiny. These spirits are said to have breath that smells like honeydew, and a touch like that of a feather, and are so elegant that any who lay eyes on them shall forever be inured to natural pony beauty.

"We, of course, know most of this to be completely silly. It is true that we must witness the event for a foal to earn their Cutie Mark, but that is far from all that goes into it. Every time a foal is born, a magical machine creates a memo for the exact moment and location that the foal can be expected to earn their Cutie Mark. We assemble those memos into schedules, organized into years and areas, and give them to our Markers. Each Marker has a bag of Destiny Dust, distributed to them when they receive their schedules, and measured to last them the entire schedule. Each schedule is a year long, the length of the typical Marker deployment.

"There are portals to the pony world at periodic points, most of them being located near either a Key Node or a pony city. All of the portals locate back here to the Home City, or at least those that are labeled. We still have many unlabeled portals about, even undiscovered ones, so remember to be careful when venturing near Portal Hill.

"As for why we perform this service for the ponies, we have a little history lesson. Thousands of years ago, ponies would have to themselves travel to the nodes, surrounded by the raw Destiny energies, to try to earn their Cutie Marks. Many of them already had it figured out, and would simply perform their special talent in the node, but there were still a great number of foals who had no clue what their special talent might be. Some would travel to a nearby node and perform all sorts of tricks, but that often resulted in outbreaks of Cutie Pox. Some ponies even decided to settle near Key Nodes. One day one of the pony princesses discovered that we could safely control and harness the Destiny energies, even turn them into Destiny Dust, by wandering upon an injured Journeyer. She healed the Journeyer back to perfect health, and asked him to take a message back to our Queen. This resulted in the deal we now have today; in exchange for our providing safe Cutie Marks for pony foals, they provide us with a safe journey to Key Nodes.

"In order to make sure that this deal is upheld, each and every Breezie who is physically able is required to spend at least one year as a Marker. Now, are there any questions? No? In that case, Heart Twitter out!"

PLayers / characters:

Last edited by Copper Rose on Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:02 pm; edited 10 times in total
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Telebiscuit Jen Wed Mar 04, 2015 1:45 pm

Moar info plz... I think I wanna play.
Telebiscuit Jen
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Crystalite Wed Mar 04, 2015 3:32 pm

I am interested, and will be sending you a PM.
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty INFO POST

Post  Copper Rose Wed Mar 04, 2015 10:50 pm

"Pony tales and legends tell that when a foal earns their Cutie Mark, it is not mere chance that makes it appear. It is said that the event can only result in the discovery of a Cutie Mark when it is witnessed by a spirit. Few have ever witnessed these spirits, and it is said that they are fragile and tiny. These spirits are said to have breath that smells like honeydew, and a touch like that of a feather, and are so elegant that any who lay eyes on them shall forever be inured to natural pony beauty.

"We, of course, know most of this to be completely silly. It is true that we must witness the event for a foal to earn their Cutie Mark, but that is far from all that goes into it. Every time a foal is born, a magical machine creates a memo for the exact moment and location that the foal can be expected to earn their Cutie Mark. We assemble those memos into schedules, organized into years and areas, and give them to our Markers. Each Marker has a bag of Destiny Dust, distributed to them when they receive their schedules, and measured to last them the entire schedule. Each schedule is a year long, the length of the typical Marker deployment.

"There are portals to the pony world at periodic points, most of them being located near either a Key Node or a pony city. All of the portals locate back here to the Home City, or at least those that are labeled. We still have many unlabeled portals about, even undiscovered ones, so remember to be careful when venturing near Portal Hill.

"As for why we perform this service for the ponies, we have a little history lesson. Thousands of years ago, ponies would have to themselves travel to the nodes, surrounded by the raw Destiny energies, to try to earn their Cutie Marks. Many of them already had it figured out, and would simply perform their special talent in the node, but there were still a great number of foals who had no clue what their special talent might be. Some would travel to a nearby node and perform all sorts of tricks, but that often resulted in outbreaks of Cutie Pox. Some ponies even decided to settle near Key Nodes. One day one of the pony princesses discovered that we could safely control and harness the Destiny energies, even turn them into Destiny Dust, by wandering upon an injured Journeyer. She healed the Journeyer back to perfect health, and asked him to take a message back to our Queen. This resulted in the deal we now have today; in exchange for our providing safe Cutie Marks for pony foals, they provide us with a safe journey to Key Nodes.

"In order to make sure that this deal is upheld, each and every Breezie who is physically able is required to spend at least one year as a Marker. Now, are there any questions? No? In that case, Heart Twitter out!"
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Crystalite Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:27 pm

...Oh my. Ooooh me oh my. You have completely justified my character's presence. Which I will not be sharing yet but you know what the idea is anyways.

Buuuut, it may be time to start considering what system to use. I've been a big supporter for Wanderlust; but, to be totally honest, I've been itching for some classic PT for this one. So my vote is PT, but also okay with Wanderlust.
Celestia's Disciple

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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Thu Mar 05, 2015 1:16 am

Because of the lack of ease in making Breezies in pony creators, I have decided that I shall take pre-existing pictures of Breezies and recolor them for the party, so that we might end up with a party shot like this:
or you can use pony creator, but this is more fun (because it shows the correct species) and it can show an accurate party shot with minimal effort! Yippee!
Also these, should you want to somehow art yourself a Breezie:
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Crystalite Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:37 am

Now, Copper. You know that's not gonna work out for me. I demand artwork! Give me the same reaction I got from you... I mean, if it's not too much trouble.</fluttershy>

Anyways, I'm not going to bother with a Doc until I can start filling in abilities, but here is an introductory passage:

Meet Kamakiri, the Praying Mantis:
Celestia's Disciple

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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Telebiscuit Jen Thu Mar 05, 2015 8:33 pm

I vote PT, because its easier. I also picked a name for my character, Wisp Willow, but haven't decided anything about her/him yet.
Telebiscuit Jen
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Thu Mar 05, 2015 10:31 pm

Hrmm... on Kamkiri, you'll probably have to make him mobile for the campaign, since I plan on having the party mostly consist of Markers, out in the pony world. I'll gladly help you come up with ideas as for why he would do such a thing.
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Crystalite Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:42 am

I would appreciate that.

Also - and I will grant that I didn't make it very clear - I had intended Kamakiri to be female.
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:01 am

Hrmm... There are only two players so far. Is this not that interesting?

Also, looks like the system will be PT, so go ahead and start working on your character sheets.
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Telebiscuit Jen Mon Mar 09, 2015 12:49 am

Well, I guess if you consider that Breezies can be killed by a strong gust of wind, it makes sense that people wouldn't be as interested as playing as one...

The first character submitted is a praying mantis. :maud:
Telebiscuit Jen
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Crystalite Mon Mar 09, 2015 11:21 am

Telebiscuit Jen wrote:Well, I guess if you consider that Breezies can be killed by a strong gust of wind, it makes sense that people wouldn't be as interested as playing as one...

The first character submitted is a praying mantis. :maud:

That is not my reason for that...

Copper Rose wrote:Everyone (or most everyone) will play as Breezies, and may choose to have or not have Cutie Marks - this will be explained later. Too tired to give you more for now, but I promise it'll be interesting.

That is, and you know it. Don't you ever malign my oddbal status again! :art:
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Telebiscuit Jen Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:20 pm

Oh... sorry...
Telebiscuit Jen
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Crystalite Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:42 pm

No worries: didn't mean to come off as harsh there, although unique characters are something I pride myself on.

On another note, I have thought of a reason for Kamakiri to be mobile, at least long enough for something to go horribly wrong. She already has foals she watches for year-long terms; nobody likes to be cooped up that long, especially Kama herself, so it seems reasonable that she would periodically take the whole bunch out for field-trips. For the purpose of the campaign, something would go very wrong (As such things should) during just such a trip, throttling the poor mantis kicking and screaming into the campaign, quite likely with a group of foals along for the ride, or perhaps just one or two? I'm not sure.
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Telebiscuit Jen Sun Mar 15, 2015 4:02 am

Well, if you have foals tagging along, that might be a good character for me to play, since I don't really have anything besides a name yet.

Ooh, or, you or Copper can make that idea into another character and then Brony will play it and we'll have a 3rd player.
Telebiscuit Jen
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Mon Mar 16, 2015 8:35 pm


If there were just one more persom interested, I'd be happy to make a character sheet for Bronymous, but I want to have at least 4 people before I start. Until then, I just don't think it'd be worth it to make a character for another person for a game which, as it looks now, will never happen...
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  A1C Bronymous Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:12 pm

What happened to all those new people that showed up looking for a game?
A1C Bronymous
A1C Bronymous
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  TheCavalry Fri Mar 20, 2015 9:36 pm

This is a pretty neat concept. Playing around with cutie marks sounds like a fun concept to me.

...but playing it? I dunno. I'd like to- and my schedule is slow, but dos this forum- but I don't know if I have the time to make a character sheet. I tend to take a long time at that part.
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:44 pm

A1C Bronymous wrote:I always prefer to continue old games and get mileage out of character sheets rather than have to go to the effort of making new ones.
I never said that you had to make up a new character sheet for this. We could easily just take an old character sheet, maybe tweak a couple of things (like CM if you don't think your breezie should have one) and we can just say that the pony image is a pony representation of the breezie (not a big stretch, considering how similar pony and breezie mane 6 looked).

Cav, this is also a quick way to a character sheet, if you want one. Also, my posting tends to be slow as well, so you shouldn't worry about being left behind (unless you go missing for a few weeks).

Yay working things out!
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  A1C Bronymous Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:52 pm

That's not what I meant. I prefer older games continue, so that the character I made and didn't really get to use that much gets to be played out a little more. I've done the Mechanics recycle into a new character, but I don't like making the older characters disappear and go to waste.

Also, I'm out of old sheets to recycle anyway- all of the old ones are in use, or are too far back to be used.....

Oh, wait. Petition- instead of Abilities PT, lets use Genetic Engineering. Throwback. I'll be down to make sheets for that.
A1C Bronymous
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Sun Mar 22, 2015 4:54 pm

Certainly something we could do. I remember at one point Zamuel (or someone) made a Breezies race, if you guys want to use that. Any abilities made since the conversion could easily be run through me to be made into either Utility or Racial.
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  A1C Bronymous Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:06 pm

Nevermind, I have copypasta'd remade Hallows/Gallows sheet, reskinned as a pair of Breezie Brothers. I'm gonna go ahead and keep all the abilities and combat the same, because idk breezies. I want to tweak the skills a little, though, because I don't think they'd be particularly brawny, but I'm not sure what a typical breezie is like, skill wise.

A1C Bronymous
A1C Bronymous
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  Copper Rose Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:18 pm

Copper Rose wrote:
PLayers / characters:
Added this to the OP. I can change the colors for you guys as soon as you give me the color you plan on having your character talk in, and other names will be added as soon as some semblance of character concept is submitted (like with Jen's only giving a name).
Copper Rose
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The Markers' March OOC and recruiting Empty Re: The Markers' March OOC and recruiting

Post  A1C Bronymous Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:49 pm

They'll be talking in Green and Purple, which you very conveniently gave to the other characters:
Whistle has Green eyes, and carries small strips of grass, which he can blow through to make whistling noises. (Whistle speaks)
Thistle has purple eyes, and wears- predictably- a thistle in his flowy hair. (Thistle speaks)
Other than that, they are a nearly identical pale gold with blue-grey hair and wings. (They speak in unison)
A1C Bronymous
A1C Bronymous
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