Era Victoria OOC
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Era Victoria OOC
The Era Victoria: Steam-punk half adventure half social, nowhere near canon Equestria, Dark?
The district of Witherschapel is in the death throes of one revolution and upon the brink of yet another. As Parliament futilely tries to rein the city in, the downtrodden masses and the East Ibexia Company each take to the streets vying for control.
"The era of Goddesses and Magic is dead and gone, this shall be the day of The Machines and The Mighty."
Thanks to Paper Shadow for the inspiration
Setting info
The district of Witherschapel is in the death throes of one revolution and upon the brink of yet another. As Parliament futilely tries to rein the city in, the downtrodden masses and the East Ibexia Company each take to the streets vying for control.
"The era of Goddesses and Magic is dead and gone, this shall be the day of The Machines and The Mighty."
Thanks to Paper Shadow for the inspiration
- Character Sheets:
AleneShazam Chirurgeon
Crystalite The Battery
Demonu Smooth Talker
Paper Shadow Dahila
Terrestial Chrome Drive
Chemistrychem Oirik Marou
Setting info
- History:
- A brief History of Bittannia in the Era Victoria
From its invention eighty-eight years ago the Wondrous Waggon Engine has driven Bittannia to new frontiers, countless innovations in industry, transportation, and warfare all were built upon Wondrous Waggon’s Steam Engine. Within months the steam engine had managed to revolutionize the previously stagnant state into a new period of ambitions. Only a scant year had past when the first of the truly great factories Bell’s Foundry opened its doors churning out everything from its owner’s namesake bells, to new steam driven auto-carriages, to the earliest walking weapons of war, each by the hundreds if not thousands. But by no means was Bell the only name in the business within ten years each city in the nation was dotted with factories and new cities sprang up just to support more factories. At this point only a fool would not have noticed the power of the steam engine so it is only appropriate that Parliament finally began construction of the New Army, Navy, and Airforce using the model of the East Ibexian Company’s own private forces, who in the intervening years brought civilization to the last dark corners of Ibexia.
Bittannia was quickly catapulted into the limelight of the world stage following the crushing of the fledgling Chevalian Empire under the leadership of the great statespony Grand Prix. During the Ministry of Prix the powers and competence of Parliament reached previously unheard of levels. The thirty years of his leadership saw the massive expansion of Bittannian power throughout the continent with most of the lesser pony states, the declining griffon empire, and the ancient homeland of the Minotaurs falling into the sphere of influence. Following the death of Grand Prix Parliament slowly declined effectively regressing to its petty old self in the span of twenty years. During Parliament’s waning period the East Ibexian Company waxed deploying for the first time private troops in the homeland as a personal police force effectively the only police force. Slowly but surely cracks began to appear in the empire the greatest and deepest of these cracks formed among the lowly factory workers.
Twenty years ago an agitator, known only by the pseudonym of Whit Horse, immigrated to the district of Witherschappel and found purchase among poor by spreading the doctrine of collectivity and the worker. Rapidly a dedicated following emerged which evolved into the first major riot within Leadon in almost one hundred years. The mob was of such numbers and fervor that it managed to break the back of the army, crushing infantry and toppling Walkers. For a time, the nation tottered on the brink of revolution until, the East Ibexian Company mobilized in concert with the Air Forces under Lord Orange Peel and a small but elite contingent of the Army under Baron Derby. Within weeks of the first battle Whit Horse lay dead and the mobs were scattered.
Between Peel and Derby the nation had found new leadership with immense promise but it was not to last. The divide between Peel and Derby was great each scheming against the other vying for power for the next eight years until Derby finally launched his coup by assassinating Peel upon the floor of Parliament. The military’s best sided with Derby from the start and it seemed Peel was on the verge of seizing power but for reasons unknown Derby called for a withdrawal. Since that day Derby and his forces have remained in self-imposed exile in parts unknown. Control of the nation continuously slipped farther and farther from the grasp of Parliament until just last year when the revolt of the hungry was stopped through the efforts of Spice Wold, the new head of East Ibexian Company, and other private business ponies without a single action from Parliament.
- Social Ladder:
- Aristocrats
The Lords in Parliament, the landed gentry of the country and above all the royal family. While the actual power of the aristocracy is in a decline their prestige still places them above others and they still see themselves at better than everyone else. Governmental positions and policies and almost always dictated by the aristocracy. Most manage to live in luxury from a combination of inheritances, bribery, and land ownership. The Lords of Parliament are required to keep houses in the city in addition to their country manors and the Royal Palace has a central location within Leadon. In terms of race there is almost no diversity with a makeup almost entirely consisting of ponies with a strong tendency to unicorns.
Upper Class
The wealthy factory owners and business magnates, thoses of great wealth and influence but little in the way of official power or prestige. Most are in the constant pursuit of more money and willing to do almost anything to get it regardless of who their hooves step on. From here the government is corrupt and shady dealing are the daily bread. Most live in mansions imitating the styles of the aristocracy abet on a smaller scale to fit within the city.
Middle Class
The middle class has the widest breadth of standing and wealth ranging from professionals such as doctors, lawyers, bankers, and weather crafters to lower merchants, clerks, bureaucrats and soldiers. The middle class tend to live along the main and secondary streets of the city and generally meet all or most of their daily needs. While intellectuals from this group support the idea of revolution most are just content with the status quo.
Lower Class
The downtrodden masses ranging from factory workers and unskilled labourers all the way down to the most destitute. Living conditions are squalid,the back streets and alleys the poor make their homes in tend to be filthy and as many as twenty or thirty packed are into rooms meant for five. Most just barely manage to stave off starvation and avoid the poorhouses age expectancy is thirty or forty years lower than in the other classes mainly due to malnutrition, parasites, and consumption . Most common crime comes from and occurs in this group. The collective hardships actually improve the community in at least one way in that the collective hardships lessen tensions between races.
Artists, actors, inventors,musicians and writers can range from having to eat their own works to living in the lap of luxury based on their successes and how much patronage they receive. Artists and musicians tend to congregate around the Old Royal Opera House in the Grand Gardens near the center of Leadon, inventors tend to around industrial areas such as Witherchappel, writers can be found almost anywhere.
- Race relations:
- Race Perceptions within Bittannia
Minotaurs; The oldest minority group in Bittannia, slightly respected. The first Minotaurs immigrated into Bittannia almost four hundred years ago imported as mercenaries during a civil war. Minotaurs mercenaries would become regular sight during Bittannia’s wars and many distinguished themselves eventually settling in Bittannia. Many still serve in the military or upon the ships of the various merchant companies though overall they are almost as socially diverse as the ponies even if underrepresented at the higher levels.
Griffons; The most distrusted group in all of Bittannia. In polite levels of society they are nonexistent the highest position most griffons can find is on the airships of the East Ibexian Company and outside of that the floors of factories. Naturally many turn to lives of crime some out of necessity but more out of ill will toward those above them. Many Griffons participated in the Whit Horse riots and the hunger riots.
Dragons; Brutes that can be bought for a sack of gold and gems. Dragons tend to be simultaneously looked down upon and feared for they savagery and greed even though they are no more greedy nor as savage as the respected captains of industry. Many find work in factories and foundries within the furnaces and are generally paid a good bit more than a pony would be doing the same job. Within the confines of Bittannia very few ever reach their maximum size and usually only reach about twice the size of a pony or the height of a minotaur.
Hippogriffs; Everypony knows that Hippogriffs are just a myth. Though they actually do exist the vast majority of the population has never seen one and do not believe them to be possible.
Donkeys; Generally considered beneath notice by society. The majority work as servants in the homes of the wealthy and landed.
Changelings; Fairly unknown to the general population. Rumors circulate involving changeling lords and assassins, not all of which are entirely false. Most changelings live normal lives as normal ponies, although a substantial minority is involved in shady dealings. Recently a disproportionately high amount of Changelings have expressed support for the Parliament in times of crisis.
Zebras; Savages to whom civilization must be brought, by force if needed. Very few actually live in Bittannia proper and most of those that do are pushed into either the lowliest of jobs or lives of crime. Bittannia’s mission to civilize has actually managed to bring some of the greatest Zebras alive to the isle but many express discontent at the levels of inequality. The smallest minority other than hippogriffs but they don’t actually exist.
Deer; Inhabitants of the wooded highlands, backwards but rather respectable. The deer clans were the first inhabitants of the island now know was Bittannia, around one thousand years ago the first ponies arrived and began to displace the deer. Within a hundred years the deer were almost entirely forced to take refuge in the harsher lands that ponies avoid. For a time the Deer would remain independent but eventually the emergent pony state would assume control. Since then the Deer have been marginalized and accepted multiple times currently they are not distrusted by default but most chose not to leave the ever shrinking forest lands.
- The criminal element :
- Crime in Leadon can be divided into two general levels common criminals and the underworld proper.
The common criminal is generally characterized as a member of the bottom of society willing to do anything to survive. Most criminals band together into gangs such as the Elephant gang a mixed gender gang of thieves and robbers,or the Buffalos a group of youths well dressed and of good breeding looking for sick and twisted thrills, or Lion’s den originally a gang to protect griffons but now expanded to beat up all racists equally, or Bloody Weekend a murderous gang known for targeting factory officials. Typical lowlife criminal activities include theft, extortion, murder, and rabble rousing. Additionally at least two notable independent criminals known as Mr Ripper and Mrs Ripper have been active on murdering sprees partially vicious in one case impaling a judge on a fence spike and in another cutting a merchant over one thousand times before leaving him to bleed out.
A member of the underworld differs in that they are almost universally untouchable by law whether through blackmail, bribery, or connections. Examples range from industrial espionage groups and black marketeers to The Royally Chartered Guild of Assassins and the Collegium of Dark Magic. Outside of the underworld and their clientele little is known about them but their presence is nevertheless felt.
- If I find time to run another thing or someone is interested in taking over ideas:
- Something something Something Magical Filly (Subject to change as soon as good comes to mind) Adventure with slice of life elements
"Yet another high school aged foal has gone missing from the city of Manehatten, authorities remain on high alert as the count reaches thirteen this month... "
Unbeknownst to the world a sinister force is just beginning its foul movements and only five strangers even have the potential to stand in its way...
The Blank Diaries: Way out there, RP heavy, Self discovery times manyFourThreeFiveA number ofPoniesGriffonsChangelingsCreatures awaken in a shadowed cave with no recollection ofwho they arewho they wereof anything.
(Willhave to do something special with character creation for this)
Last edited by tygerburningbright on Sat Nov 14, 2015 1:06 am; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : All sheets and deer.)
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Regarding the Blank Diaries' lack of recollection, to what degree of knowledge would players retain? I am assuming the ability to talk in the correct language will be kept, if only so we can RP, but what else? Losing character knowledge is a given, but the description implies losing world knowledge, and perhaps even numerical knowledge...
Paper Shadow- Smile Like You Mean It
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Language knowledge be the only one real levels of retention and that's mostly just for practical reasons. World knowledge is out, math might be out to a degree.
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
I would be interested in any of those. If we go the Blank Diaries route I can probably provide some ideas and notes on random character creation.
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
I like the sound of the Era Victoria, and something something magical filly could be fun.
Although, Blank Diaries sounds a little... too complicated, for my tastes, and it's hard to RP a complete blank slate.
Although, Blank Diaries sounds a little... too complicated, for my tastes, and it's hard to RP a complete blank slate.
AleneShazam- Best Pony
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Personally I've been thinking about Blank Diaries the most. It certainly the most fascinating of the bunch, and has the most potential, but it can really go astray easily. The players need to be on point. The DM needs to be on point. If a regular game is like a jam session, Blank Diaries would be like a free flow orchestra. And I can see it going in one of two directions narrative-wise; either the PCs are stuck in the cave and discovery themselves while escaping/surviving, or the PCs can leave the cave and find society, discovering themselves while trying to make sense of the weird world around them. So yeah, hardest to pull off, most amazing if pulled off well...
I remain undecided on how I stack the other two against each other; I'd be interested in either, but can't decide which I would rather play. But Blank Diaries is at the top of the list for me...
I remain undecided on how I stack the other two against each other; I'd be interested in either, but can't decide which I would rather play. But Blank Diaries is at the top of the list for me...
Paper Shadow- Smile Like You Mean It
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Do you happen to know whether we're using Pony Tales or Wanderlust? Or what level we are starting at?
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Ponytales most likely I still haven't actually got around to really learn the other system
Level 1 across the board, Magical Filly might get extra or custom talents though
side note is anyone else having trouble displaying images here?
Level 1 across the board, Magical Filly might get extra or custom talents though
side note is anyone else having trouble displaying images here?
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
tygerburningbright wrote:side note is anyone else having trouble displaying images here?
Paper Shadow- Smile Like You Mean It
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
How odd I can see that one but not your avatar...
Also is that supposed to be my avatar?
Also is that supposed to be my avatar?
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
It's your avatar as if drawn by someone making a silly doodle for a joke...tygerburningbright wrote:Also is that supposed to be my avatar?
I made your mane more flamey because it looks like a flame but I didn't know if it was to be a literal flame or not...
Paper Shadow- Smile Like You Mean It
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
I've been out of it for a while but I've been willing to join in on a new PBP campaign.
If you ever get something going, I would most certainly be interested.
(It's been more than a year since I glanced at Pony Tales so I'll have to freshen up on it)
If you ever get something going, I would most certainly be interested.
(It's been more than a year since I glanced at Pony Tales so I'll have to freshen up on it)
Demonu- Equestrian Honor Guard
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Well then, that makes four my absolute minimum number for a campaign.
Most of the interest seems to be focused on Blanks but to be honest that is the one that I am least confident in running. Nevertheless if everyone still wants that I can give it the old college try.
Most of the interest seems to be focused on Blanks but to be honest that is the one that I am least confident in running. Nevertheless if everyone still wants that I can give it the old college try.
tygerburningbright- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
I'm actually pretty excited about Era Victoria as well. Steampunk is something I don't get quite enough of, this would get that fix quite nicely.
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Personally, by level of interest:
1. Victoria
2. Blank
3. Magical Filly
That said I don't particularly dislike any of them so I'm up for whatever ends up getting chosen.
1. Victoria
2. Blank
3. Magical Filly
That said I don't particularly dislike any of them so I'm up for whatever ends up getting chosen.
AleneShazam- Best Pony
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
I have no particular preference. I'm flexible and open minded enough to work with everything.tygerburningbright wrote:Well then, that makes four my absolute minimum number for a campaign.
Most of the interest seems to be focused on Blanks but to be honest that is the one that I am least confident in running. Nevertheless if everyone still wants that I can give it the old college try.
I'm just eager to play
Demonu- Equestrian Honor Guard
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
- Battery, the Dragon Assassin:
- Come here, buddy, let me buy you a drink. Barkeep! Two of your strongest! Sit down, let me tell you a tale...
Once upon a time, Parliament had an actual army, instead of the ramshackle force they get by with today. The army was well trained, well equipped, well organized, and could handle anything. Real bad flanks in those days. In particular, there was a division just for dragons, consisting of drake troops trained by drake instructors and given drake weapons for drake sized problems. Hmm? No, bud, I wasn't in that army. I'm just a drake making his way. Anyways. There was one squad, in particular, called the Battery. The were the uncontested best, the guys who could handle everything, including the end of the world.
Well. They did handle the end, as luck had it. At the Battle for Witherschapel Square, they stood against a mob big enough to crush mountains into pebbles. Lots of people died that day... Sorry, give me minute. Harsh, cruel day, it was...
... Anyways. The Battery stood at the front lines, fending off hordes of angry revolutionists, wave after wave. But even the Battery wasn't invincible. Even the Battery fell eventually. After so long you just kind of drop, too tired to fight anymore, and the mob over runs you. Most of the Battery died that day. Except one. One, lonely drake got exceptionally lucky, they say. That one drake got dragged off by some kind souls among the mob. Nursed back to health. He'd lost an arm and an eye, but he was alive. Hmm? Ah, don't mind the gears, here. I lost my arm to plague a few years back. The metal one comes in handy, though. This thing can crush a boulder, but I won't demonstrate here, right?
... Where was I? Oh yes, the lone drake. Well, they say he still roams about Witherschapel, still calling himself the Battery. Lots of folks say they've seen him, but nobody can prove it. They say, though, if you have an old Army patch, you can hire him to do just about anything by sticking that patch to your door. It's just a rumor, though, just an urban legend, bud. Not sure why Parliament would put such a big bounty on somebody who isn't real. Hmm? Yeah, I'm a drake. Yeah, I'm missing an arm. Yeah, an eye too. You think I'm the Battery, huh? Fascinating accusation. I just told you he isn't real. And if he were, and if it were me, you really think you can handle this, bud? Just take it easy, okay? Here, let me buy you another drink, and you just forget where you heard this little legend, okay?
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Wait, have I missed something? I see the game has been decided, but how soon was this so that Crystal could whip up a character?
Paper Shadow- Smile Like You Mean It
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
I'd like to reserve a spot please
I'll whip up a character sheet asap but it's past midnight here and I got class in the morning.
Will start working on it once I get home.
That being said, any restrictions or specifics we have to keep ourselves to regarding character creation?
I'll whip up a character sheet asap but it's past midnight here and I got class in the morning.
Will start working on it once I get home.
That being said, any restrictions or specifics we have to keep ourselves to regarding character creation?
Demonu- Equestrian Honor Guard
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Wa-wait! I want to reserve a spot too. Unless I already have one. I still feel like I've missed something...
Paper Shadow- Smile Like You Mean It
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Well... that was fast. Yes, hold a spot for me if possible, I've got something in the works.
AleneShazam- Best Pony
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
A sneak peek at my character:
- The Chirurgeon:
There's a clink as a stranger eases into the seat next to you, the sound of glass against glass. You're a little too drunk to really see him clearly, but you think you see a beak in there somewhere?
"Bartend, malt whiskey." The stranger says, sliding a few coins towards the stallion behind the counter. He nods, and trots off to get the drink. There is a moment of silence as you continue to sip on your watered down booze.
"Don't see you around a lot." You say, giving the stranger a drunken grin. Now that you're actually facing him, his appearance gets a little less hazy. He's got a wide brimmed hat, long cloak, and this… this… "Your, eh, your face is weird. No offence."
"So I've heard." The birdy says, his weird glowing green eyes flicking towards you before going back to the bar.
"Y'know, if your face is all messed like that, you'd figure you have some kinda plague." You slur your words, but you think you do a good job of keeping up the conversation. "'Specially with that new something or other. Somethin' somethin' death."
"The rotting death." The stranger says, reaching out with… some kind of metal claw? and taking the glass of whiskey that the bartender slid his way. "Yes, quite a virulent disease."
"Mmm." You say, scratching idly at your scalp. "Well, stranger, what's your name? Can't keep callin' ya stranger in my internal monologue."
"Noxious Miasma. But most people call me Chirurgeon." He peels back his face… ooooooh, it's a mask. Well that makes sense. He puts the cup right up there, and takes a long swig. You scratch again; it's starting to get a little annoying. "…You might want to stop doing that."
"Eh?" It's starting to hurt, now. "Ouu. That's nasty." Scratch scratch.
"Hmm." Nox holds out a little vial of viscous green stuff. "Here."
He dabs the stuff onto your scalp. The itching stops. "…huh."
"It's only temporary." Nox says, standing again. "A bottle for the road, barkeep?"
"What's only temporary?"
Nox glances at you. "…Three days, give or take." Taking the bottle of whiskey into his cloak he turns and leaves.
You shrug, and take another drink.
Three days later, Wooden Stump was found dead from the Rotting Death.
AleneShazam- Best Pony
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
Battery has a character sheet! Now all he needs is a portrait.
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
...o.oCrystalite wrote:Battery has a character sheet! Now all he needs is a portrait.
Battery and Chirurgeon have scarily similar abilities. Sweet and Elite, the Jack of all trades set, and mechanical...
*starts changing character*
Chirurgeon's Sheet thus far
Chirurgeon is a beast at knowledge (15 ARCANA! 14 HISTORY! 20 HEAL!) but not much else. He's got decent horse sense (10 in all) but both stat and flavour wise he's only so so with physical activity (7 in precision skills, 5 in brawn skills).
AleneShazam- Best Pony
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Re: Era Victoria OOC
They have similar build principles behind them, but I wouldn't consider them similar. Battery is a little more rounded, with a focus in Brawn instead of Knowledge. (10+ on all skills except the ones Chirurgeon specialized in seems okay.) He's also much more skill-focused in general - most of his abilities are either skill oriented or minor cantrips, whereas Chirurgeon has a lot of healing focused abilities. I will also grant that I could probably drop Mechanical and be fine, especially as only the arm is mechanical for me, so I'll take a look at that.
TL;DR: Suggestions, anyone, on what to swap Mechanical for?
TL;DR: Suggestions, anyone, on what to swap Mechanical for?
Crystalite- Celestia's Disciple
- Posts : 2898
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