Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut!

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Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut! Empty Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut!

Post  Whiteeyes Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:30 pm

You want magical trinkets yes? Then you are in right place. Special on cursed items, come with free frogurt. Frogurt also cursed.

Energy Band - Accessory
Start the battle with +1 pip. You may only have one energy band equipped at a time.
Price: 4000

Power Band - Accessory
Start the battle with -1 pip, but your first attack deals an extra 5 damage.
Price: 1500

Energy Shot - Accessory - 1/Battle
Gain 4 pips as your action.
Price: 4000

Blood Iron Ring - Accessory - Cursed
Take 1 ongoing damage while in battle. This cannot be negated in any way, even with resistance or the Benediction of Maledies, you are stuck with it throughout the battle. In exchange you gain Resistance 3 against all other attacks in battle.
Price: 2500

Ring of the Gambler - Accessory - Cursed
Gain Resistance 7 and Vulnerability 13. These cannot be negated in any way.
Price: 5000

Martyr Robes - Accessory - Cursed
Gain Vulnerability 5. This cannot be negated in any way. All your allies gain Regeneration 5. You cannot be healed by anything but the passage of time while wearing the Martyr Robes.
Price: 4000

Chains of Woe - Accessory - Cursed
At the start of combat, chose an enemy. Both you and thr chosen enemy gain Vulnerability 5. This cannot be negated as long as one of you is conscious. One you or the enemy is knocked out, concussed, or dead the effect ends. If you are the one still standing, chose another enemy and begin the cycle again.
Price: 3000

Chaos Hourglass - Accessory - Cursed
Gain the following Combat Ability:
[0] Time Burst - Magic - Reaction
Trigger: Initiatives have been rolled at the start of combat..
Effect: After all initiatives have been noted, the order is reversed so that the lowet roll goes first and the highest roll goes last. Once the new order has been determined, swap places in the initiative order with whomever the new last to act is. They go when you would have, and you go last in the round. Combat now begins as normal.

Price: 2500

New Descriptor: Cursed
Cursed items cannot normaly be removed. They can only be removed with a DC 60 Arcana check via It's Witchcraft or by a creature similar in power to Celestia, if not the Solar Diarch herself.

Last edited by Whiteeyes on Tue Dec 04, 2012 3:36 pm; edited 4 times in total
Equestrian Honor Guard
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Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut! Empty Re: Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut!

Post  LoganAura Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:43 pm

Gaining Pips are actually extremely valuble, since it makes strong moves that much easier to pull off. (Like a +1 pip item being worth something like 5000 Gold if I remember right) I like your Cursed items Very Happy

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Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut! Empty Re: Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut!

Post  Whiteeyes Tue Dec 04, 2012 12:50 pm

Okay then, I edited the prices a little. Energy Shot now costs 4000, as it still takes your action for the turn and can only be used once per battle. It's like a consiquence free Psychic Surge. Energy Band is now 4000, it only gives the benefit at the start of battle and there aren't a ton of options it opens up, as there are no -5 moves that I know of.

Also added two new items.
Equestrian Honor Guard
Equestrian Honor Guard

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Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut! Empty Re: Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut!

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Sun Dec 09, 2012 9:48 am

I officially love these. Totally going to be using some of these designs. =)
Stairc -Dan Felder
Stairc -Dan Felder
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Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut! Empty Re: Whiteeyes's Trinket Hut!

Post  Whiteeyes Sun Dec 09, 2012 7:28 pm

Thank you. You might be interested in our new goods. I ordered some magic baubles and...wait a second these are magic bottles, darn it! My writing isn't that illegible! Wait, most of these are much more expensive than what I paid.....we are now proud to present our collection of magical bottles for sale!

Tornado in a Bottle - Weapon
This bottle contains a tornado (no duh) that can be released once per day to reek havoc on flying enemies. It gants the following combat ability:

[-3] Tornado Attack - 1/Day
Deal 3d6 damage to all enemies. If the enemy is flying, deal 3d10 damage instead.

Price: 2000

Bottle of the Firecrow - Weapon

This bottle contains a Firecrow, an even more magical relative of the Phoenix. They are also total meanie heads, so they tend to get magically bound into these things. By opening this this up you can unleash it in a blast of roaring fire as it flies off. The good news is that it is magically sucked back into the bottle at dawn the next day. The bad news is that it's free to wreak havoc in the world during that time. But they usually don't attack skilled adventurers, just helpless villagers. After all if beaten they're forced back into the bottle.

[-5]Eat Crow!- 1/Day
Deal 4d10 damage to all enemies. You unleash a Firecrow that flies off to reek havoc elsewhere. I'm sure that won't come back to bite you later.

Price: 5000
Equestrian Honor Guard
Equestrian Honor Guard

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