Talent Catalog
Xel Unknown
Stairc -Dan Felder
Fury of the Tempest
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Talent Catalog
Inspired by the Destiny Catalog, this attempts to do the same. However, I unsure if I should just add them or wait for some official people to see I can add them here...
Everyone Talents
Earth Pony Talents
Pegasus Talents
Unicorn Talents
Baby Dragon Talents
Changling Talents
Griffon Talents
Hippogriff Talents
Minotaur Talents
Buffalo Talents
Zebra Talents
Everyone Talents
- Everyone Talents:
Nightlight - at will
Prerequisite: Nightwatch
Preparation time: 30 secs
You can make your eyes shine, bright enough to have them act like Flashlights/searchlights, or just enough to let others identify your position in complete darkness (Like this). Shining this light into somepony's unprotected eyes, will painfully blind them for a minute, or two minutes if it is done in complete darkness. Ponies with Nightwatch cannot be affected.
The Magic of Friendship – Immediate Reaction
Trigger: One or more people spend a Magic Point to help you with a skill check (including the effects of the Element of Generosity).
Effect: Regardless of the outcome of the check, you may roll a d20. If the result is a natural 20, you and everyone helping you each gain one Magic Point.
Shipping goggles
Choose two allies at the beginning of each session. For the rest of the session, you consider the pair to be soul-mates, destined to fall in love (Regardless of gender or actual feelings for each other) and make it your personal mission to ensure love blooms between them. Every time the two chosen allies attempt to assist each other with a skill check, flip a coin. If its heads, the assisting pony auto-succeeds their assist confirmation roll. If its tails, the confirmation roll for the assist treats a natural 1 as a natural 20.
(Example: Player A chooses players B & C as his ship. Whenever player B assists player C, or player C assists player B, player A tosses a coin.)
Love triangle
Prerequisite: Shipping goggles
Your decide to spice up your OTP's relationship. "Shipping goggles" now affects up to three allies of your choice. Whenever all three of them are involved in a skill check (they all must succeed their assist rolls), you double each of their assist bonuses.
NOW KISS - Daily
Prerequisite: Shipping goggles
You take extreme measures to ensure your ships hold fast. Make opposing skill check of your choice against any allies you chose for "Shipping goggles". If you win two checks, the next time the pair/trio make a skill check together, it is an automatic critical success. If you win at least one check, you automatically succeed in assisting their next three checks, even when it should not be possible.
Shmoopy-doo! - daily
Range: 100 yards
You may use this ability when one of your allies fails or critically fails an opposing skill check. You make an unstoppable charge at double your running speed towards them, ignoring, knocking away, or demolishing any obstacle in the way. This interrupts the check and prevents any negative consequences to the ally. You must know their rough location to use this ability.
Innocuous intimidation - 3 / day
You describe perfectly innocent intentions towards another creature in such a threatening way, that it is interpreted as vague threats and hints of dark intentions, allowing you to intimidate them without any repercussion from the target or others (e.g. bodyguards will ignore threats made this way against their charge). You gain a bonus of +5 against persuasion checks against them. In addition, if you roll a critical success, you may request two small favors from them, which they will try to grant, motivated by fear of your character. The favors cannot be something the targeted creature would never do willingly.
Example of use: Ponies want to intimidate a diamond dog, guarded by a pair of big bodyguards. They use this skill to have the bodyguards ignore the intimidation attempts, and to assist the check.
Intimidating introduction - Daily
Prerequisite: Innocuous intimidation
You can choose to trigger this ability when an ally succeeds an opposing persuasion check against another creature. They will offhandedly "warn" the target about your character, with "vague details" of a horrifying incident that was never persecuted. That creature is no longer able to make opposing persuasion checks while within sight of you. In addition, whenever that creature is left alone with you (allies and any other creatures), they gain a -15 penalty for all persuasion checks against you, critical failures are converted to critical successes, and they are pacified.
Mind of madness - 3/Day
Your mind is a jumbled, chaotic mess, unable for anyone (apart from yourself) to understand in any way, shape or form. You can use this ability to:
- Ignore any orders given to you by mind controlling spells in favor of looking at shiny objects, causing the controller to gain a -2 stacking penalty to skill checks, for each minute of attempting to control you.
- Cause mind-altering effects to reverse targets, causing you to cast the effect against them instead.
- Cause anyone listening in to your thoughts to be deafened for 3 hours.
- Interrupt and completely confuse anyone trying to determine your motives, goals, or motivations.
- Cause object sensitive to thoughts, or otherwise thought-affecting, to malfunction or explode.
- Cause creatures that rely on sensing brain-waves to operate (e.g. Illithid brains) to be blinded, deafened and confused for 12 hours.
Animal Magnetism
Prerequisites - Animal Speech, Call Animal
Within the animal kingdom, you are akin to nobility; perhaps a baron or an earl. Pick one family from below. All animals within that family that you meet are automatically friendly towards you, and while they will not move far from their natural territory to help you, they will do everything else that they can to aid you (unless compelled act otherwise by a more powerful force). The families are as follows: Bats, Bears, Canines, Cats, Fish, Lizards (which includes all nonsentient reptiles with legs), Raptors, Rodents, Serpents, Simians, and Vermin (which includes all nonsentient insects and arachnids). This talent can be taken more than once; for each time it is taken, it applies to a different family.
Villainous laughter - 2/Day
You perform the most devilish laugh imaginable as proof your "sinister intent", complete with cracking thunder. Roll a persuasion check against inherently evil/evil aligned/demonic or other similar creatures that can hear you. If successful, they will consider you an ally of similar "evil" motivations, and might offer a business deal, trust you more, reveal information, or temporarily refrain from attacking you. This effect only counts for you, allies don't benefit from it. In addition, when you perform the laugh, you cause a few bolts of lightning to manifest, which will scare nearby animals or strike nearby metallic/magic-powered objects.
The most dependable of ponies. 3/day
When you next assist another pony on a skill check, you gain a +1 to the assist bonus, so unicorns and pegasus grant a +3 bonus and earth ponies grant a +5 bonus.
Insomnia - requires nightwatch
If you rest durring the day and are active durring the night, you may begin the night with an additional magic point. PH are encouraged to come up with RP penalties for sleeping durrimg the day, i.e shops are closed, everypony else is asleep etc. there is no penalty to sleeping during the night and being awake during the day.
Chosen of Luna - requires Insomnia. Magic
You may cloak yourself in the night sky, becoming invisible for the next 10 minutes. Whilst invisible you can not be seen, and other ponies have a -10 to detect you. Even if you are detected, you can not be identified. You may use this during the day as well as the night, but durring the day there is only a -5 modifer to detect you.
Worth Fighting For - Daily
Preparation Time: 2 minutes
You give a rousing pep talk or inspiring speech to your allies. For the next hour, each ally gains a +2 Morale bonus to all skill checks. If you actually make a speech in-character that lasts two minutes or longer, then the DM should apply a further bonus (or penalty) for how good (or bad) that speech was.
Picture worth a thousand words - At will
You pull a sign out of nowhere and can wave it around for others to see. The sign is wooden, but very frail, breaking instantly if used to hit something. Ponies cannot be hurt by it. It is discarded after 60 seconds pass. You cannot pull another sign for at least two minutes. It can contain:
- A two-word phrase (e.g. "shut up", "not now", "be quiet"") of maximum 15 letters.
- A number of up to 6 digits, or an equation of up to 10 symbols/numbers/letters.
- A single detailed picture
- Any combination of up to three simple icons(Similar to cutie marks), symbols, single letters or single-digit numbers, arranged into a rebus.
- Other miscellaneous stuff, at the DM's discretion.
Fast Talker - Daily
Hooking your mouth to a metaphorical motor, you distract every non-ally creature with a lengthy, coherent, and ideally dramatic speech. This forces all affected creatures to drop what they're doing and focus on you; more specifically it forces them to focus on what you're saying. All affected creatures gain a -10 penalty to any perception check on anything other than yourself, and a perception check is required to notice that you've performed some minor action (like flipping a switch). This effect lasts for 2d3/2 minutes, with no rounding on the result (With bonuses awarded at the GM's discretion for roleplaying the speech). This power will prevent any hostile action from being taken against the user and their allies, but will stop if any hostile action is taken against the targets.
Comedic/dramatic effect - At will
You can cause a comedic/dramatic effect to occur for any event. This can be almost anything, but are usually a manifestation of a minor event, a "special effect", or you pulling a random (useless) object out of thin air and using it for whatever its meant to, then discarding it. The player then gets +1, +2, or +3 to their next skill check, judged by the DM for their effect. After ten such effects, you can choose to roll a free effect from the "Tons of fun" table, at will. The DM has final say for any effect. Examples of effects include:
- Lightning cracking out of an otherwise clear sky to someone's speech, or evil laugh.
- Birds being rustled out of their tree, foals crying, and somepony whinnying at the mention of a villains name.
- Flying pigs, after someone denies the existence of such creatures.
- Fireworks for cool (or uncool) actions.
- An object breaking from being lightly touched.
- A fragile object falling in slow motion, as someone tries to catch it.
- A couch for you to faint on, appearing out of nowhere.
- Pulling a a live chicken out of a random container.
- A dramatic chord being heard after a plot twist.
- Time slowing down for a cool scene.
- Bright light shining during a rousing speech, with you holding the reflectors.
- Steam coming out of an angry pony's ears.
- Playing a "sad trombone" tune for a critical failure, using an actual trombone.
- Burping loud enough to shake a building.
- A pony leaping dramatically in slow motion, whilst others are unaffected.
- Inspirational music playing, during a race.
- Crying a literal river during a sad scene.
~Yay – Daily
You are a finely tuned cheering machine. When rolling to assist an ally with a skill check you may apply half your roll (rounded down) as a bonus to that check instead of the normal bonus. On a Critical Success you instead add +20; on a Critical Failure you instead add -5
Make It or Break It - Daily
You may only activate this ability immediately before you or an ally rolls for a skill check. If they succeed, then the roll is treated as a Critical Success, but if they fail, then it is treated as a Critical Failure.
Misfortune Magnet - Daily
You summon misfortune to all those around you. For the next 7 minutes, all creatures (including allies) and objects that you can perceive will suffer from incredibly bad luck: Gamblers will lose, machines will spontaneously stop working at the worst possible moment, professional athletes will trip, rain will turn into hail, meteors will strike priceless objects, big speakers etc... Treat any skills check attempted as automatic critical failures. This ability does NOT affect the caster for his own checks.
Jinx - Daily
Requires "Misfortune Magnet"
Choose a creature you can see or hear. For the next 10 minutes, that target is completely unable to do anything other than the most mundane, simple, minor actions (Walking, talking, moving, pushing, pulling, and such), without failing catastrophically, terrible luck preventing said actions (e.g. attempting to carry a object will result in dropping it repeatedly, running will result in tripping, eating may result in choking...), or otherwise suffering from humiliating cosmic punishment. At the DMs discretion, any action it takes can require d20 to see if it succeeds, or it can critically fail without a roll. If the target intentionally/accidentally avoids actions for the full duration, it gets cosmically punished at the last possible second (e.g. a meteor demolishing the house they are in).
"Plot" Device - Daily
Something about you has always made ponies attracted to you, and you know how to exploit that. On any selected target of beings attracted to your own gender, you may receive one honest answer to any question, have the target perform one task for you- within reason- or assist you in a skill check (+5 bonus), due to their willingness to please you. This may only be used once per target.
First Impression - At-Will
When you meet anyone for the first time, you may roll a persuasion check vs. the target's perception check. If you beat their roll, you gain a permanent +2 bonus to any skill checks made against the target.
Too Hot to Handle - 2/Day
You self-immolate, causing you to burn like a campfire (Providing light, allowing cooking, etc). Anypony trying to keep you physically restrained fails and cannot attempt it while the fire lasts, unless immune to fire (Like dragons). This does not harm you, but can affect others or your surroundings (Setting things on fire). The fire lasts for 5 minutes as long as you stand still. Whenever you attempt a stunt/acrobatics check, fly, or move faster than a slow trot, you must succeed an endurance check (DC15+, modified for movement type/amount) or the fire is blown out. You can safely extinguish it on command, or by outside influences (rain, bucket of water, hurricane winds, etc...) and it automatically extinguishes when entering combat.
A Day At The Spa - magic
Perpetration Time - 1 Hour
You've been tuckered out so much that you decided to take some r&r and go to the local spa. Go ahead, you know you've earned it. While the spa ponies tend to your every need, you relax as best as you can and you walk out a brand new pony. Regain the use of a spend Daily Utility Talent and all X/day Utility Talents are restored to full use.
Hop, Skip, and Jump Daily
On your next Stunts or Acrobatics check, you may roll 3d10 instead of 1d20 and take the total value of the three dice.
Duct Tape - 10/Day
This seemingly mundane object has a LOT of uses. It provides a +5 bonus to mechanics checks, but you may also use it for/along with any other task or skill check where it may be of use. Each such successful check applies a +1 bonus for each subsequent use, stacking up to an additional +5 bonus when used. The duct tape is completely waterproof, easily sticks to any surface, relatively heat resistant (but not fireproof, or magma/lava-proof) and can be used to make something air-tight. Intentionally applying it to creatures may be viewed as a hostile action, especially for creatures with fur, hair, or feathers (as its removal is both painful and causes loss of hair).
Electrified hoof-claws - Daily
You obtained/posses, through some means, a pair of long, retractable claws for your front legs/hooves. They can be electrified once a day. They provide the following uses:
- Climb any vertical, non-hazardous surface with ease (DC20 or higher stunts/acrobatics/endurance check). Electrifying the claws allows you to cling to a metallic surface with magnetic force.
- Cut or slice objects, as though wielding a dull knife. Electrifying certain objects can make them explode, catch fire, break or malfunction.
- Operate non-complex machinery or locks (DC30 or lower mechanics) without tools. You can also try to electrify it, giving a 50-50 chance of either succeeding the roll, or suffering a critical failure (as though a mechanics attempt was made).
- Electrocute a creature, which must roll endurance to avoid getting knocked unconscious (DC20) or disoriented (DC30). This is considered a hostile act. If done in a body of water, this affects all creatures touching that body of water within 100 feet (including yourself, unless touching with just the claws).
Melodic Musical - Daily
Preparation time: 5 minutes
You are gifted in the art of singing songs. The song lasts 5 minutes (real time). During this time, any skill checks you attempt have half your acrobatics and half of your persuasion values added to them, and cannot critically fail. Achieving a critical success extends the song for two minutes. Cutie mark critical successes extend it for four minutes. Max song duration is 10 minutes. Up to two allies can join you in the song, adding +2 or +4 to the checks.
Egghead – 2/day
You may add +3 to a skill check in a skill that you have neither training nor a cutie mark in.
Earth Pony Talents
- Earth Pony Talents:
Extensive Clan (Magic)
You can call upon 1d8 NPCs to help you out in a given situation.
Years of Apple-Bucking
You gain a +7 bonus to Stunts checks made to kick something with your hind legs outside of combat (such as smashing a boulder out of your way or kicking a tower to try and knock something off it).
Stand Firm - Daily
Preparation Time - 5 Minutes
Outside of combat, you dig your feet into the ground and become immovable. While using this, you cannot be moved or harmed in any way by anything short of the power of an alicorn or Discord. Pony can only stand firm for a period of time given at the start of standing. Ponyhandler offers an Endurance DC for that time frame, and if passed, pony is immovable by anything other than distractions. This requires your full concentration; you cannot do anything else while Standing Firm. That being the case, anything distracting nearby, such as someone shouting in your ear, requires a Perception check (DC based on nature of distraction); failure to pass the check ends Stand Firm. You can stop Standing Firm at will with no penalties.
Close to the Earth
You get a +2 bonus to athletics checks.
Delectable description - 3/day
Choose an edible item, gem, or other item of value. You describe it's positive aspects so vividly, other ponies fall victims to temptation. All listeners must roll a horse-sense check. DC is determined by the value, craftsmanship and the player's personal description of the item. If they fail, they will covet the item, neglecting duties, going against their usual moral standards (e.g. stealing, lying...), as well as allowing them to be bribed by the item in question. Affected ponies will try to keep their temptation a secret, unless caught. If they get caught doing something immoral due to their temptation, you get harmony points for teaching them a valuable friendship lesson.
Pedestrian Parade - Daily
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Prerequisite: Melodic Musical
Your songs become so majestic, they cause all neutral and friendly creatures within its hearing range to join you in song. The song lasts 5 minutes (real time). Unfriendly creatures can make a horse-sense check to prevent joining the song. Every participant of the song is pacified and friendly for its duration, cannot suffer from sanity loss, and cannot be harmed. All skill checks during this time are boosted by the number of participants. If the song has at least 50 participants, you can perform a single cutie mark critical success at will.
Daunting Duet - Daily
Preparation time: 1 minute
Prerequisite: Melodic Musical
You initiate a interrogative song with a target creature, causing it to blatantly sing out its secrets. The song lasts five minutes (real time). For its duration, the target is pacified, and suffers a -10 penalty against persuasion checks to reveal information, motivations, secrets, etc.
Disheveled Depository
You are capable of carrying and concealing up to three objects within your mane (or tail) hair with no weight penalties. Items stored within are safe from any harm, and can be retrieved at will. The items can be anything, as long as you can lift them without assistance and they aren't harmful to you (e.g. burning items). It is impossible for others to discern what items you are concealing, unless they see you place them into your mane. Other ponies cannot retrieve the items within, unless they roll a search check at a -10 penalty.
Unheralded utensil - 2/day
Prerequisite: Disheveled Depository
You may use this talent when you or an ally attempts to make a check in a skill that is unrelated to your cutie mark. You suddenly remember having a tool you kept stashed for just such an occasion. This tool does not count towards your 3-item limit of "Disheveled Depository", but it still must meet its size criteria. Using the tool instantly succeeds the check and the tool is promptly discarded or broken. The tool or object can perform only basic physical tasks, or minor, non-complex magical effects. The check's success cannot affect other utility talents, and cannot become a critical success.
In addition to this ability, you can start each session with a single simple tool (Non-magical, physical tasks only) already added into your mane (Size restriction and 3-item limit applies for this case). You must announce this tool to the DM. Tools obtained this way from previous sessions are discarded. DM discretion applies for any tool used.
The Applejack Maneuver - 2 / Day (For interrupting), At will (Other)
You force your hoof into someponys mouth, immediately interrupting any type of persuasion check against you and preventing any such checks from the target for 5 minutes. This also prevents them from talking as long as you have your hoof stuck in their mouth. You can also use this to forcefully stick a small object into their mouth, forcing them to taste it and giving them a choice of either spitting it out, or eating it. If spat out, there is still a chance (DC20 endurance) for the tasted object to affecting the target, if such effects are present.
Refuge In Audacity - 1/Session
Trigger - You do something in character that you regret. Examples include saying, "I eat the cupcake" before realizing that taking the sun-princesses' desert is probably a bad idea.
If the action occurred less than 1 minute ago in real time, you can backtrack and undo the action - as if it had never happened in-character.
Gypsy Magic Daily
Preparation time: 5 minutes
You may select any one Unicorn utility talent that you have fulfilled the prerequisites of and use it for the next 5 minutes.
Hyperspace Arsenal - At Will
Prerequisite: Disheveled Depository
You have an extradimensional space available, about the size of a meter squared, to put stuff and pull stuff out of of. The arsenal is available only to you and you always know whats inside it and can instantly pull whatever you want from it.
Dirac Sea
Prerequisite - Disheveled Depository, Hyperspace Arsenal
You can store nearly anything in extradimensional space. Ships, boats, carriages. As long as its not nailed down, its fair game. However, you can't enter the Dirac Sea yourself, nor can you pull anything living into it. The size of Dirac Sea is a cube thats 10M X 10M X10M.
Pegasus Talents
- Pegasus Talents:
Razor Wings - Magic
Preparation Time: 30 seconds
As a Pegasus your wings were made to fight thunder storms, devastate hurricanes, and wrestle tornadoes. What's some flimsy steel to that? For the next ten minutes your wings can cut through any solid object from dirt to diamonds (effectively gaining +40 to stunt checks involving such actions). You can also slash through magical enchantments, letting you make stunts or acrobatics checks in place of arcana checks to attempt to dispel magical effects (this application does not benefit from the above-mentioned +40 bonus). Using Razor Wings requires complete concentration as you aim for the perfect angle on your target, thus it cannot be used as an attack.
Thundercrash - Daily
For the next five minutes, the range of your weathercrafting ability expands to a one mile radius.
Weather touched
When ever the appropriate weather condition is present you gain one of the following ablities:
Blizzard - cold ice runs through your veins and breath. by spending a magic point, you gain the ablity to breath snow and ice onto up to 5 characters, causing them to become immobile for 10 minutes.
Thick Fog- your body takes on the gasesous form of fog. By spending a magic point, you may pass though phisycal objects like doors, tables and other ponies for the next 10 minutes.
Thunderstorm - Magic
You take on the form of a lightning bolt and teleport directly onto a nearby surface (I'm thinking of a lightning strike flavour here)
Hurricane - Magic
With a flap of your wings, you send out gale-force winds that push all creatures within 100 feet of you, 20 feet back. (DC 35 stunts, acrobatics, or endurance to resist being pushed? Maybe)
Sweltering - Magic
With the unending power of the sun giving you strength the world has become your plaything, or at least like clouds. By spending a magic point you can give inanimate object(s) the properties of clouds, they becomes as light and mold-able as the real thing. The time it takes to bestow these properties onto an object is determined by the GM, though as a rule of thum the larger it is the longer it takes.
Static charge - Daily
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Duration of charge: 10 mins, 30 mins (thunderstorm)
Duration of discharge effect: 4min (split evenly), 8 min (thunderstorm)
You quickly grab a cloud and rub your body onto it, generating an accumulation of static electricity within your coat and hooves. Touching an object or creature will discharge the electricity into it, dealing various effects.
- Creatures touched will have their manes, tails and coat become "poofed" (-10 Persuasion penalty and -5 Stunts/Acrobatics, until they can properly re-fashion their hair 10 minutes of brushie brushie, with assistance), become twitchy (Preventing flying or running), and are unable to let go of any objects they were holding at the time.
- Creatures flying while this is in effect crash to the ground, but can steer themselves and attempt to reduce the damage (stunts/endurance DC).
- Touching metallic materials spreads the charge to all other creatures touching it, splitting its duration evenly amongst all affected targets (4 ponies = 1 min shocked each).
- Touching a magical or electrical object/machine lets the player activate it, deactivate it, or cause it to randomly malfunction.
If there is a thunderstorm in effect when you use this talent, its charge and duration is doubled, allowing you to knock out creatures of same or smaller size, for double the duration. Touching magical or electrical objects and mechanisms will cause them to break.
Cloud decoy - Daily
Preparation time: 5 minutes
You craft a decoy of a pegasus pony using a cloud and some rainbow juice. The cloud vanishes when attacked in any way and is affected by other atmospheric condtions (like storms, blowing wind...). Those seeing it from afar (further than 50 yards) mistake it for the pony it is imitating and cannot discern it as a decoy. Those within 50 yards make a DC25 check, or a DC15 check if within 10 yards to discern its identity. The decoy floats without motion, unless magic is used to steer it and make it animate its limbs and wings (This adds +5 to the disguise check).
Cloud accessories
Preparation time: 1 minute
Duration: 10 minutes
You can create small "clothing" objects, minor objects, or accessories out of clouds, usable by other ponies and yourself. They can hold light objects under 10lbs. Objects you can make include: Fake beards, wigs, cloaks, slippers, moustaches, baskets, bowls, saddlebags, pillows, blankets, cushions, brushes/quills... Any such object vanishes when damaged or under powerful atmospheric conditions. You can have as many accessories as you want. DM can trump any accessory.
Cloud cover - Daily
Duration: 10 minutes
Size: 5x5 meters
Preparation time: 5 minutes
You can temporarily stiffen a cloud to act as a semi-solid, elastic obstacle. Pegasi flying directly into this cloud at high speed become stuck in it, unable to move until its duration ends, and can be moved along with the cloud. Otherwise, they are bounced away in rebound. Blunt objects bounce off it, as though it is made of rubber, while sharp objects can pierce through it. Liquids are absorbed by the cloud, and are ejected all at once when its duration ends, or it is bucked, causing the liquid to rain from the cloud. Others cannot tell it apart from regular clouds. Shape of the cloud is determined by player.
Soggy cloud - 2/day
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Duration: 5 minutes
You pick a cloud from high up and force it to absorb so much water, it barely floats. You can then activate this cloud to cause it to plummet straight to the ground. When it crashes, it soaks everything within 40 yards with water, and traps any ponies the cloud drops directly onto for its duration. Cloud is big enough to capture 6 ponies at once. The cloud looks like a normal raincloud when observed from a distance.
Spicy surprise - At will
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Duration: 30 mins after application
You can "obtain" a jar of liquid rainbows. The substance causes can temporarily blind somepony for 2 minutes if applied to the eyes. If eaten, forces ponies to abandon anything they were doing to throw themselves into the nearest water source, quenching the raging inferno on their taste buds. This liquid rainbows can be poured onto clouds to cause them change color, blind and cause ponies caught within it to look for water, or to make it rain rainbow juice (50-50 chance of blinding or making those caught seek water). The liquid rainbows can also be used to change color of objects, or someponys mane, tail or coat. The jar of liquid rainbows can be thrown to make it spill onto something.
Leaf on the Wind
Prerequisite: Flying Ace
You are a leaf on the wind; watch how you soar. Outside of combat, you can never be hit by falling or thrown objects of any size, so long as you in flight.
Magneto is Best Pony
By channeling a small amount of lightning energy into their hoof, some pegasi are able to turn their hooves magnetic. You gain the ability to hold metallic objects in your hooves without taking any penalties to any checks, and can avoid dropping those objects unless you want to. You also gain a +2 bonus to Endurance checks to avoid the item being forcibly removed from your hooves.
Unicorn Talents
- Unicorn Talents:
Teleportation - 5/Day
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
You or target ally can teleport to a location up to 30 feet away. You must be able to clearly see the location you wish to teleport to. You may expend additional uses of this power to increase this range by 30 feet per use, or expend a Magic Point to increase the range of this power to 60 feet for the next five minutes.
Talented Teleporter – 3/day
Preparation Time: 1 minute
Prerequisite - Teleportation
You may teleport up to 5 willing creatures in addition to or instead of yourself to a location you can either see or know well. Each additional willing creature adds 3 to the DC, and must be visible at the time the spell is cast. If the teleportation is unsuccessful, no one goes anywhere. Inanimate objects may not be teleported simultaneously, although any apparel or gear the party is wearing is fine.
Force Field - Daily
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Sustainable Force: 1000-2000lbs
Duration: 10 mins - 4 hours (sustained with check)
Size: 100-feet diameter
Conjure a spherical, semi-transparent force field at a chosen location, that only you and chosen creatures can enter and exit at will. Holes open for allies and allow others to enter, or can be opened at will. It is considered under the effect of the "Immovable" talent once cast. The shield allows for breathing and can be dug under (if it is on the ground). When cast, the user makes an Arcana check - which becomes the DC for shattering the force field (stunts and arcana checks using the 'it's witchcraft' ability can attempt to break this DC).
Personal Force Field - 3/Day
Prerequisite: "Force Field"
Preparation time: 1 minute
Creates a miniature version of a force field. All the rules for force fields apply to it, with the following changes:
- You can choose which creatures will be unaffected by the field. It doesn't open for them, they just walk through it.
- You can move it at will, or have it encompass and follow another creature.
- It lasts for 2 hours without being maintained, or 24 hours with maintenance. No precision check is required.
- You can allow other magic users to maintain the field or move it around.
- The field is big enough to encompass six ponies
- The field doesn't block or pass through solid, immobile objects (you can walk freely through buildings).
- You can make up to six fields at once at the cost of size: One pony per shield.
- Slow moving objects can pass through the shield, fast ones cannot. Other creatures are blocked completely. The shield will not crush other creatures against other obstacles, but it pin them to it.
- A 100lb object can damage the shield, 200lbs will break it easily.
- Other magic users can attempt a precision check to dispel the shield, or to gain control of it's movements.
Masterful force field
Prerequisite: "Force Field"
Preparation time: 15 minutes
You have mastery of force field conjuration. Your "force field" utility talent can now be used 3/day, can take double the amount of force (2 tons), lasts twice as long (20 mins, or 8 hours maintained) and can either be invisible to anyone you haven't allowed to use it, or be made non-transparent to creatures outside it. Allowed creatures can simply walk through it, rather than cause gaps to open in it. In addition, with a precision check, you can attempt to modify your shield in the following ways:
- Make it non-spherical, or adhere and wrap around a object. (Complex shapes increase DC)
- Quickly shrink and expand the field, fast enough to have it knock creatures away or reduce the impact of objects. You cannot shrink/expand it for less/more than half it's usual max size. (Higher DC for pushing things)
- Make it "eject" objects or creatures already within the shield: They get forcibly pulled out of the area of the shield, as though gravity is reversed. (DC depends on creature)
- Have it detect and block specific types of creatures or objects, regardless of disguises or appearance, e.g. Changelings in pony form.
- Hide the objects and creatures within the field with an illusion, making the field invisible and the area within it appear empty, or . (Very high DC)
- Have it act like a mirror against certain projectiles, spells and effects. (Very high DC)
Want It, Need It -1/session
Preparation Time: 10 Minutes
An object of your choice (pony size or smaller) within your sight becomes irresistible to all who see it, save for you. Victims will do almost anything to get and keep the object, although if they are about to perform a major breach of their moral standards, the spell is broken. You can terminate the spell whenever you wish so long as you have line of sight; otherwise, the effect lasts for 1d20 hours. Due to the immensely violating and mind-altering nature of the spell, affected ponies must make a Perception check to avoid losing a Sanity Point for every hour they are affected by the spell.
Failsafe Spell - 5/Day
Prerequisite: It's Witchcraft
Preparation Time: 30 Seconds
On your next arcana check, you may reroll natural 1s. You also gain a +10 bonus to the check if you're using it to attempt to dispel a magical effect.
Zip it! - 3/day
You magically zip a creatures mouth shut, preventing them from talking (other than quiet mumbling) or opening their mouth for 3 minutes. You can also use this ability to re-roll a failed persuasion check of an ally, allowing yourself or another ally to roll again in their place.
Lengthy Explanation - Magic
Time: 7 minutes
Gives a +2 bonus to any knowledge roll of another party member in a skill you have more than 7 in. -1 sanity to that Player Pony (If sanity is in effect).
Turn the clock -2/day
You roll time backwards to before you made a failed check, up to two minutes in the past, allowing you to repeat or abandon the check. Repeating the check rolls the same result as before (this includes rolls for assisting allies), but adds a +3 bonus to it. Allies that were not present for the "original" check can join the "repeated" check, and must roll confirmation as normal. Your character cannot benefit from any in-character knowledge gained from the time trip, unless Out-Of-Character abilities are used.
Example: DC 15, you roll a 12. You turn back clock, and if you repeat, you get 12 + 3 = 15, passing the check. If they rolled 9 in another situation, they'd end up with a total of 9 + 3 = 12, which wouldn't be enough to pass (and the player should probably abandon it). HOWEVER, at that point an ally could help them pass it, provided they haven't been part of the "original" check.
Temporal message - 1 / Session [Magic]
Prerequisite: Turn the clock
Preparation time: 45 minutes
Requires materials: 1 x Dragon nail-clipping/scale/tooth, 1x jar of liquid rainbow, 1x Unicorn horn-tip, 30lbs of gems, 1x Essence of Harmony.
Duration: 2 min
You contemplate sending message through time to yourself, in order to aid your quest in the future. As you do so, you are suddenly visited by yourself from the future. They verbally relay an important message, hint, or piece of information within the spells duration, before vanishing back to their time. The message is recited by the DM, and must be relevant and useful to the player for the current session.
Relaying the message has its price, however. If the player does not successfully cast the spell at some point during the following session, they will create a temporal paradox, causing cosmic retribution from the DM. To do so, they must gather all the materials required for the spell, and the time traveler must be uninterrupted for the required preparation time. The DM must allow for all materials to be obtainable in some way to allow the spell to be cast. The DM can extend or shorten the required time for the spell to be cast, depending on need. The spell can only be cast AFTER the relayed message is properly utilized. There cannot be multiple "temporal messages" in effect at any given time.
The materials required are:
- Dragon nail-clipping, claw, or tooth: Any one of these can be obtained from any kind of dragon.
- Jar of liquid rainbow: This can be collected by a pegasus from any rainbow, or from a liquid rainbow pool/stream.
- Unicorn horn-tip: Clipped from a unicorn. It re-grows after 24 hours, or sooner, with treatment. Tip-less unicorns flip a coin for every spell they do, except ponykinesis. Flipping tails causes the spell to fail. This penalty does not apply to casting "Temporal message"
- 30lbs of gems: Any gems serve for this purpose.
- Essence of harmony: This is collected from a player who hasn't used their element of harmony ability during that session yet. Collecting it prevents use of the ability for a day.
Enchanted Explanation [Magic]
Time: 30 minutes
You effortlessly explain something in a broad spectrum of ideas using an assortment of complex words. If used with a player, the explanation gives a +2 bonus for the rest of the session in a skill related to that subject, according to the DM's discretion. If used against a NPP, that pony is distracted and gets a -5 to perception checks against anything other than the caster.
Prerequisites: It's Witchcraft!
Every morning, pick three spells from the list of approved spells. You can cast these spells at will during the day. ONCE A SPELL IS CAST, YOU CANNOT CAST IT AGAIN! You can select repeats of the same spell.
Enchantment - Magic
Preparation Time: fifteen minutes
Prerequisites: It's Witchcraft!
Pick a spell from list of approved spells. Target a prepared artifact and roll arcana (DC determined by spell). If successful, you know have a MAGIC ARTIFACT. Anypony can trigger the MAGIC ARTIFACT by using a magic point at will.
Illumination – At Will
Preparation Time: 10 seconds
You may use your horn to emit light. This light is normally omnidirectional and may light an area up to 50 feet in diameter, or may be focused into a tight beam that can light objects up to 200 feet away. A unicorn may continue producing light indefinitely, but may not continue producing it while asleep.
Shaper - 3/day
Preparation Time - 10 Seconds
You may mold malleable material in any manner that you mind. If you take the extra time, material not originally meant for shaping, solid granite or molasses for example, may be softened or hardened by the Strengthen/Weaken Substance Unicorn Utility Talents.
Invisibility – 1/day
Preparation Time: 1 minute
You or target ally become invisible for 5 minutes. While invisible you may still be detected by sound, smell, or feel, but you get +10 to your stealth checks, creatures will not be able to engage you in combat, and will suffer -10 to checks made to restrain you.
Clairaudience - 2/day
You can see remotely anywhere in 100feet. You can adjust where you see, but you can't hear whats going on.
Receptive Telepathy
Preparation Time: 10 Seconds
Prerequisite: Either Telepathy or Detect Minds
You can pick up the surface thoughts of those around. This talent doesn't allow the probing of thoughts. The subject(s) must be actually actively thinking about what you're trying to pick up.
Dowsing Spell
Preparation Time: 6 seconds.
Select a narrow category of non-living objects when you take this talent, such as gemstones, apples, or musical instruments. You may, at will, check any cone of space up to 10 feet in front of you using this talent. You are made aware of the presence of any existing objects within the cone that may belong to your chosen category, even if the objects are hidden or totally encased in, say, solid rock. You may take this talent multiple times, choosing a new category each time.
Finders Keepers Spell
Prerequisite:Dousing Spell
The range of your Dousing Spell (all of them, if you have more than one) becomes a 40-foot sphere instead of a 10-foot cone.
Don't Phase Me, Bro
Prerequisite: Phase Step
Whenever you activate Phase Step, if any creature(s) were touching you at the moment of activation, you may choose (on an individual basis) if they also gain phasing. They phase until they are no longer touching you or until your duration for phasing expires.
Broken Horn: 1/session Magic Interrupt
Trigger: After using a Utility Talent, the effect is a fail.
Effect: Treat the effect as a success.
Prerequisite: Advanced Ponykinesis
You may fly with poor maneuverability. (While flying, you take a -10 penalty to Athletics and Precision checks.)
Baby Dragon Talents
- Baby Dragon Talents:
Falling with Style
Prerequisite: Lv 5.
YES! FINALLY! YOUR OWN WINGS! You're not used to them yet, and your enthusiasm can distract you while you're flying. Fly with poor maneuverability (-5 to Athletics and Precision checks when flying.)
Practice makes Perfect - sorta.
Prerequisite: Falling with Style, Lv 8.
Okay, let's try this aga-OOF! Ow, dangit. You're not the best flyer yet, but at the very least you're now used to your wings and have calmed down a little. Fly with average maneuverability (No bonuses to Athletics and Precision.)
#1 Assistant – Daily
You may provide a +10 bonus to an ally's skill check.
You Are A Natural
Whenever a baby dragon gets a natural 20 on a roll made to assist an ally, they provide a +5 bonus instead of +2.
Thick Scales – Magic Interrupt
Trigger – You or an ally you can see makes an Endurance check.
Effect – After seeing the result of the roll, you may choose to add a +20 bonus to the check.
Wishful Thinking - Daily
Reroll any skill check with a +5 bonus.
Stomach of Steel
You can eat just about anything, and things that would make ponies ill taste just fine to you. You also gain a +5 bonus to resisting poisons.
We Could Comment on the Action Together! - 1/ Session
You decide the result of one skill check that is not your own, regardless of the rolled amount.
Versatile Tail - Magic
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Alter your tail to become any manner of tool, from jackhammer to lockpick, (subject to DM’s approval) for ten minutes.
Changling Talents
- Changling Talents:
Covered Tracks
Prerequisite: Unique Identity
Having made sure there is no trail compromising your identity, your disguise cannot be pierced while in your Unique Disguise.
Metamorphosis: 1/day, Magic
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Using your Changeling Magic, you perform an ancient ritual which will change your place in the Hive. Change one of your skill boosts. (I know that's not what metamorphosis is. It doesn't matter.)
Which is which? - 2/day
Prerequisite: He did it!
You grab a target creature and shift into their form, obscuring you both and dizzying/confusing your target. You can then perform any two skill checks or utility talents that would allow you to convince all witnesses of the act that you are a victim, and/or the target is a changeling. Using the talent "He did it!" is an automatic success when used for this purpose. If you fail both checks, your target regains its senses and you must make a persuasion check against them, at a -5 penalty, or be identified as a changeling. Succeeding at any check frames the target as a hostile changeling and clears your current disguise of any suspicions or doubt. The effect extends to witnesses and any ponies in the general vicinity of the event. No checks can be made against the current disguise for the next 3 hours - Everyone will assume you are the target, regardless of obvious changes in acting or personality. Any changeling-specific or clearly hostile activity (Changeling talents, disguise changes, or anything under the DMs discretion) can prompt a check to discern your disguise, at a DC20 (or lower, DMs discretion).
Aberrant Alteration - 2/day
Preparation time: 1 minute
Duration: 30 min - 60 mins(sustained with endurance check)
Limit: 1 alteration / talent
You alter your body, assuming a single unique aspect of another crature's biology, such as eyes, legs, horns... While in effect, seeing through your disguise is lowered to DC15. Depending on the type of alteration, you can choose to gain either a unique utility talent (such as "Nightwatch"), up to +10 bonus points to a single relevant specific skill check, or a unique ability. All alterations are subject to the DM's jurisdiction. You can take this talent multiple times, allowing for more than one alteration at once. Additional alterations further reduce the discern disguise check by -5 per extra alteration.
Biological Byproduct - 3/day
Prerequisite: Metamorphosis
Preparation time: 2 minutes
Weight: 2lbs
Size: 60cm diameter
You can produce a globule of metabolic ooze, that sticks to any non-changeling surface or creature, when thrown or applied to it. Each globule type (except Sentient) can be ruptured if damaged in any way, while some can have their effects activated by squeezing them. Globules shrivel up and turn to dust when their duration expires, or are ruptured. The type of globule is chosen by the player from the following list:
Noxious globule
Duration: 10 min; Range: 40 yrds; Activation trigger: Squeezing
Produces invisible, noxious fumes which cause a -10 penalty to all skill checks for any non-changeling creatures. If ruptured, stops producing noxious fumes.
Smoking globule
Duration: 10 min; Range: 40 yrds; Activation: Squeezing;
Produces a cloud of thick, obscuring smoke, rendering perception checks impossible for all creatures, and causing a -5 penalty to endurance checks for non-changeling creatures. If ruptured, stops producing smoke.
Volatile globule
Duration: 24 hrs; Range: 10 feet; Activation: Rupturing
Damages materials: 1 Globule - Wood, dirt, glass, rock; 2 globules - Steel, gems, metals; 3 globules - Diamonds, dragon scales
Produces a globule that explodes when ruptured, damaging/breaking materials it is stuck to and covering the area in stinking puss. The puss is difficult to clean, smells very badly (-10 stealth and -5 persuasion checks for any creatures covered in it), and lasts until washed off (requiring a herbal bath). A single globule is strong enough to break open a door, but cannot hurt a creature. Explosions within 2 feet of a creature knock it out instantly, those within 10 feet can make an endurance check to remain conscious.
Disruptive Globule
Duration: 24 hrs; Range: 40 yrds, 20 yrds (rupture); Activation: Squeezing, rupturing
Creates an aura that affects magic cast within its range. Non-changelings attempting magic will automatically fail on checks or utility talents involving magic. Rupturing the globule causes a magical feedback within 20 yards, removing and disables any magic for 2 minutes, including changeling disguises and magic.
Sentient globule - [10hp, Non-magical, resistance 10]
Duration: Unlimited; Diet: Love (Anyponys), absorbing small animals
This globule is capable of movement, and telepathically bonded to its creator. It is semi-intelligent, and will obey simple commands. It can pick up and carry a single small item within itself, crawl on walls, and disguise it's appearance (Changeling magic effect) to match an animal of similar size. Ponies cannot pierce its disguise, but other animals can (DC15 Perception). You can only have one sentient globule at once.
Quick-change - At-Will
You may use Changeling's Trickery with no preparation time as long as you are not in combat. However, if you do not take the usual preparation time; creatures get a +5 bonus on checks to see through your disguise.
Changeling Goo – 5/day
Preparation Time: 10 seconds
You create 1 glob of sticky green biodegradable goo that may be used to stick things together, although it breaks down after 6 hours. Things held together by or stuck in goo (including creatures) require a Stunts or Arcana check to free them, with a DC set at creation equal to either your Mechanics or Arcana bonus plus a d20. While in Changeling form Changelings are not affected by Changeling goo (their own or others), and may immediately breakdown any goo within reach. This talent may only be used while you are in your Changeling form. You may use additional globs of goo to stick things together, with each additional glob adding your Arcana or Mechanics bonus (whichever is higher) to the DC.
Crash Dive 3/day
When flying, may use this talent to Go incredibly fast, far faster than a pony can run, as long as you aim at the ground, and you cannot change course once begun. When you impact the ground, you unharmed, despite the fact you leave a crater in the ground.
Griffon Talents
- Griffon Talents:
Aura of Menace - Daily
Preparation Time: 5 Minutes
You channel your leonine disposition into an aura of palpable danger. For the next ten minutes, every creature within 15 feet of you is treated as under the effects of your Half-Lion racial talent. Using Aura of Menace also expends the daily use of Half-Lion.
All That Glitters - Magic
You may designate up to two and a half cubic feet of gold, gemstones, fine silks, rare spices, or other valuables as your Trove. For the next four hours, you know the exact location of any item from your Trove, and any attempt to hide these items from you automatically fail.
Lions and Eagles (Both Quite Regal)
Your majestic visage and haughty nature strongly appeal to the nobility. All non-griffon members of the aristocracy, upon first meeting you, will treat you as an equal (or at the very least as a minor noble), although they still won't tolerate repeated social faux pas from you. You might also be asked to pose for coats of arms fairly often.
Feathered Free-for-Fall
You take no damage from falling from any height less than 50 ft (15.24 meters).
Beak, Talon, and Tail
Your increased strength, multiple suitable limbs, and muscular adaptability allow you to move several objects at once. You may hold/and or manipulate the position of up to three objects of medium size and weight without any loss of Precision or checks to balance/carry/etc. it all.
Squawk if you Rock - Daily
Griffons and hippogriffs may communicate in a variety of ways that are simply a puzzlement to other creatures. You can send out an instantaneous message of three words or less in a circular area of 1 mile or less. Though all can hear this message clearly, only griffons and hippogriffs can understand it.
Keen Hunter - Daily
A griffin is never at a lack of food, though the food it finds may not necessarily be the most appealing for herbivores to watch being eaten. When you use this talent, roll a D20 plus your Perception. If the total is 15 or above, you find food for yourself and may gain a +2 morale boost to all your skill checks for the rest of the day.
Hippogriff Talents
- Hippogriff Talents:
Feathered Free-for-Fall
You take no damage from falling from any height less than 50 ft (15.24 meters).
Squawk if you Rock - Daily
Griffons and hippogriffs may communicate in a variety of ways that are simply a puzzlement to other creatures. You can send out an instantaneous message of three words or less in a circular area of 1 mile or less. Though all can hear this message clearly, only griffons and hippogriffs can understand it.
You can mimic any voice or sound that it has previously heard. It takes a DC 25 Perception check to somepony else to recognize the noise made as fake.
Carry Burdens
You can carry another medium-sized creature on your back while flying without incurring additional penalties to skill checks.
Thunderbird's Gift
While the phrase "lightning-fast" is technically hyperbole as far as most hippogriffs are concerned, the power of lightning and thunder flows through your veins. Outside of combat, you never take damage from electricity. Additionally, you can store within itself up to 5 Charges of electricity, which you can then discharge through your claws to light campfires, cook meat, give other creatures painful (but harmless) shocks, etc. You may also attempt greater feats, such as ignite large, flammable objects, mess with electrically-powered machinery, act as makeshift defibrillators, and so on, but these acts may require additional Charges.
You always start the day with 0 Charges, but may gain them by being struck by lightning. Pegasi can use their Weather-Crafter ability to give you your full 5 Charges, and you can also deliberately fully recharge yourself in existing stormy weather. Either way, this takes a preparation time of 10 minutes and a DC 20 Stunt or Acrobatics check, and can only be attempted once every six hours.
Hmm... Now I'm inspired to try making other potential talents based off of mythological birds. Here's a few more:
Roc's Strength - Magic
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Some tales claim that a Roc will carry away even elephants and feed them to its chicks. While by no means could you even consider lifting a full-grown bull elephant, with the proper preparation, you could probably manage one of its young... hypothetically speaking, of course. Pick a single object or creature within sight that weighs up to 1,000 lbs. For the next half-hour, you can lift, carry, and even fly while holding that object without penalty for weight (although the struggling of an unwilling creature might still result in penalties).
Stymphalian Armor
Through some odd hereditary quirk or mystical boon, your feathers are metallic and strong as iron. While this is not necessarily particularly helpful in combat, you find that it offers some protection against high speeds. When using your Fast as Lightning ability, you take 25% less damage per second, rounded up (though any rider you may have does not recieve this protection). Additionally, all skill check DCs to smash through objects while using Fast as Lightning are reduced by 5.
Minotaur Talents
- Minotaur Talents:
At home down in the underground
Gain +5 to perception and streetsmarts checks made while underground.
Don’t Be Shy, Look ‘Em In The Eye - 3/Day
Add +10 to your own persuasion roll, or provide a +5 bonus to a persuasion assist roll rather than a +2 bonus.
Maybes Are For Babies - Daily
Target helpless creature must answer 1 question truthfully without distortion.
You Make Me Lose, I Blow My Fuse - Magic Interrupt
Trigger - You roll a natural 1 on any skill check.
Effect: You treat the roll as if it were a natural 20 and your next critical failure as a natural 10.
Nerves of Steel
You may roll twice on skill checks with a higher DC than 30, then take the higher result.
I Gotta Remember That One
If you fail a persuasion check, your next persuasion check to a different target will have a +5 bonus.
Buffalo Talents
- Buffalo Talents:
Going the Distance - 2/Day
You may roll three times on endurance checks and take the highest result.
And His Father Before Him...
If you fail a persuasion check, you may make it again, but with a -5 penalty.
The Time For Action - Daily
You can make a threat against a target which they will believe implicitly. There is no major repercussions for not following through, but the target and any other witnesses will be much less likely to believe any threats in the future.
War Paint - Daily
You may apply war paint to up to six creatures. For the next four hours they gain a +1 morale bonus to all skill checks, as well as a +4 bonus to an attribute of their choice.
Stampede - Magic
Preparation Time: 1 Minute
Charge for up to 1000 feet in any direction. You either push aside or destroy all obstacles in your way.
Zebra Talents
- Zebra Talents:
My Zebra Senses are Tingling!
Do to your Zebras' otherworldly and mysterious nature (or perhaps their keen sense of sight and hearing), you get a +10 bonus to checks made against being surprised or ambushed, as your "Zebra Senses" tingle to warn you at the first sign of trouble.
Rhyme Time
Zebras are legendary when it comes to rhyming, so much so, that they can make it seem effortless. No one knows exactly why Zebras are prone to rhyming, but when they do, sometimes magical things can happen. If a player is able to rhyme a full, coherent sentence (whether the rhyming itself is good or not) before making a skill check, they get a +2 Rhyming bonus to that check.
Last edited by Fury of the Tempest on Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:57 pm; edited 26 times in total
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
This... Would be SO helpful!
If you can do this, go for it - go!
If you can do this, go for it - go!
Stairc -Dan Felder- Lead Designer
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Re: Talent Catalog
All done! Most of the talents suggested on these boards are up here!
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Sweet Celestia... You are AWESOME!
You have earned Stairc's Seal of Approval!
You have earned Stairc's Seal of Approval!
Stairc -Dan Felder- Lead Designer
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Re: Talent Catalog
Thank you! Glad you like it!
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Hate to say it, but, er...
...shouldn't these all have some sort of credit as to who came up with them?
...shouldn't these all have some sort of credit as to who came up with them?
AProcrastinatingWriter- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
I'm sure if people decide to make them official, they'll find who made it and give credit to them...
I'm sure if people decide to make them official, they'll find who made it and give credit to them...
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
It'd be helpful, but this is a great resource either way.
If something gets made official and you see it's yours - you can claim creative design. Just quote or link to your post where you came up with it.
If something gets made official and you see it's yours - you can claim creative design. Just quote or link to your post where you came up with it.
Stairc -Dan Felder- Lead Designer
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Re: Talent Catalog
I'm afraid I don't see the point of a talent catalog if the people who accept the talents have to go looking for the talents a second time somewhere else.
I'm sorry to put the strain on you, but since you're the dude with the OP, you're the only dude who can edit it. I'd do it myself, if I could.
...in fact, give me a couple days and I can post a list of who suggested what in the topic and you can edit that in.
I'm sorry to put the strain on you, but since you're the dude with the OP, you're the only dude who can edit it. I'd do it myself, if I could.
...in fact, give me a couple days and I can post a list of who suggested what in the topic and you can edit that in.
AProcrastinatingWriter- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
... I'll do it. I made this thread so I should make sure everything is there... just not today.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:I'm afraid I don't see the point of a talent catalog if the people who accept the talents have to go looking for the talents a second time somewhere else.
Because we won't have too look all of them up. Just the ones I want to polish and make official.
AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:...in fact, give me a couple days and I can post a list of who suggested what in the topic and you can edit that in.
Sounds great.
Stairc -Dan Felder- Lead Designer
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Re: Talent Catalog
Stairc -Dan Felder wrote:AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:I'm afraid I don't see the point of a talent catalog if the people who accept the talents have to go looking for the talents a second time somewhere else.
Because we won't have too look all of them up. Just the ones I want to polish and make official.
He has a point...
... Also Staric, sent you a PM...
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Something I realized when making it.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Unfortunately, I don't think anyone likes Donkeys too much.
So, good news: here's all the people who came up with a racial talent, in alphabetical order.
Bad news: I forgot to take note of which talents belonged to which group, and possibly may have missed a talent or two. Oops.
Talking Tango
Chitinous Shell
Consume Love
Did Your Homework
Kicks McGee (Polished by Stairc and also renamed by Stairc as “Years of Apple-Bucking”)
Crash Dive
Hop, Skip, and Jump
Dowsing Spell
Finders Keepers Spell
Magneto is Best Pony
Feathered Free-for-Fall
Beak, Talon, and Tail
Squawk if you Rock
Keen Hunter
"Plot" Device
Crime Fighting With Cash
Receptive Telepathy
Disheveled Depository (Bit uncertain on this one…)
Hyperspace Arsenal
Dirac Sea
A Day At The Spa
Jason Shadow
Worth Fighting For
Animal Magnetism
Make It or Break It
Don't Phase Me, Bro
Gypsy Magic (Polished by SilentBelle)
Temporal Regression
Leaf on the Wind
Carry Burdens
Thunderbird's Gift
Roc's Strength
Stymphalian Armor
Aura of Menace
All That Glitters
Lions and Eagles (Both Quite Regal)
Lapis Lazily
Unique Disquise
Lengthy Explanation./ Enchanted Explanation
Magical School
Gypsy BARD
Falling with Style
Practice makes Perfect- sorta.
Failsafe Spell (Polished by Stairc)
Extensive Clan
Razor Wings (Polished by SimpleZen and Stairc)
Sneaky, Sneaky
Critical Appraisal
Studious Researcher
The Magic of Friendship
You're All My Very Best Friends
Teleportation (Polished by Stairc)
Talented Teleporter
I've Read A Lot About It or Egghead
Changeling Goo (Inspired by Dr. Blight)
Salt of the Earth or Close to the Earth
#1 Assistant (Polished by SilentBelle)
You Are A Natural
Thick Scales
Scion of Fleece/Son of Roam
Prof. Charles Hoofington
The most dependable of ponies.
Chosen of Luna
Storm Chaser
Flight Trail
Synchronized Flying
Weather Touched
Birfrost bridge
Hasty Trickery (Fiddled with by Stairc)
Imbue With Magic
At home down in the underground
Concoction Creating [edited by Silent Belle]
Mystic Specialization
Fast Talker
Covered Tracks
Off-Screen Teleportation
Warrior of Many Faces
Secrets and Lies
Yay. (Fine-Tuned by Philadelphus)
Want It, Need It
Stand Firm
My Zebra Senses are Tingling!
Rhyme Time
Xel Unknown
Broken Horn [Alternate Suggestion with same name brought up by LoganAura]
Nightlight - at will
Friend on the other side - 2/session
Pass the Popcorn
Shipping goggles
Love triangle
Innocuous intimidation
Intimidating introduction
Comedic/dramatic effect
Mind of madness
Villainous laughter
Picture worth a thousand words
Misfortune Magnet
Big Cheeks
Big Eater
Big Cheeky Eater
Tempt Fate
Reject Reality
Soul Gaze
Too Hot to Handle
Duct Tape
Electrified hoof-claws
Force Field (Polished by Stairc)
Personal Force Field
Masterful force field
Zip it!
Turn the clock
Temporal message
Which is which?
Aberrant alteration
Biological Byproduct
Hairy hooves
Delectable description
Melodic Musical
Pedestrian Parade
Daunting Duet
Disheveled Depository
Unheralded utensil
Impetuous Impulse (Polished and Renamed to “Refuge in Audacity” by Stairc)
The Applejack Maneuver
Static charge
Cloud decoy
Cloud accessories
Cloud cover
Soggy cloud
Spicy surprise
...as a side note, gog dan it Zarhorn
So, good news: here's all the people who came up with a racial talent, in alphabetical order.
Bad news: I forgot to take note of which talents belonged to which group, and possibly may have missed a talent or two. Oops.
Talking Tango
Chitinous Shell
Consume Love
Did Your Homework
Kicks McGee (Polished by Stairc and also renamed by Stairc as “Years of Apple-Bucking”)
Crash Dive
Hop, Skip, and Jump
Dowsing Spell
Finders Keepers Spell
Magneto is Best Pony
Feathered Free-for-Fall
Beak, Talon, and Tail
Squawk if you Rock
Keen Hunter
"Plot" Device
Crime Fighting With Cash
Receptive Telepathy
Disheveled Depository (Bit uncertain on this one…)
Hyperspace Arsenal
Dirac Sea
A Day At The Spa
Jason Shadow
Worth Fighting For
Animal Magnetism
Make It or Break It
Don't Phase Me, Bro
Gypsy Magic (Polished by SilentBelle)
Temporal Regression
Leaf on the Wind
Carry Burdens
Thunderbird's Gift
Roc's Strength
Stymphalian Armor
Aura of Menace
All That Glitters
Lions and Eagles (Both Quite Regal)
Lapis Lazily
Unique Disquise
Lengthy Explanation./ Enchanted Explanation
Magical School
Gypsy BARD
Falling with Style
Practice makes Perfect- sorta.
Failsafe Spell (Polished by Stairc)
Extensive Clan
Razor Wings (Polished by SimpleZen and Stairc)
Sneaky, Sneaky
Critical Appraisal
Studious Researcher
The Magic of Friendship
You're All My Very Best Friends
Teleportation (Polished by Stairc)
Talented Teleporter
I've Read A Lot About It or Egghead
Changeling Goo (Inspired by Dr. Blight)
Salt of the Earth or Close to the Earth
#1 Assistant (Polished by SilentBelle)
You Are A Natural
Thick Scales
Scion of Fleece/Son of Roam
Prof. Charles Hoofington
The most dependable of ponies.
Chosen of Luna
Storm Chaser
Flight Trail
Synchronized Flying
Weather Touched
Birfrost bridge
Hasty Trickery (Fiddled with by Stairc)
Imbue With Magic
At home down in the underground
Concoction Creating [edited by Silent Belle]
Mystic Specialization
Fast Talker
Covered Tracks
Off-Screen Teleportation
Warrior of Many Faces
Secrets and Lies
Yay. (Fine-Tuned by Philadelphus)
Want It, Need It
Stand Firm
My Zebra Senses are Tingling!
Rhyme Time
Xel Unknown
Broken Horn [Alternate Suggestion with same name brought up by LoganAura]
Nightlight - at will
Friend on the other side - 2/session
Pass the Popcorn
Shipping goggles
Love triangle
Innocuous intimidation
Intimidating introduction
Comedic/dramatic effect
Mind of madness
Villainous laughter
Picture worth a thousand words
Misfortune Magnet
Big Cheeks
Big Eater
Big Cheeky Eater
Tempt Fate
Reject Reality
Soul Gaze
Too Hot to Handle
Duct Tape
Electrified hoof-claws
Force Field (Polished by Stairc)
Personal Force Field
Masterful force field
Zip it!
Turn the clock
Temporal message
Which is which?
Aberrant alteration
Biological Byproduct
Hairy hooves
Delectable description
Melodic Musical
Pedestrian Parade
Daunting Duet
Disheveled Depository
Unheralded utensil
Impetuous Impulse (Polished and Renamed to “Refuge in Audacity” by Stairc)
The Applejack Maneuver
Static charge
Cloud decoy
Cloud accessories
Cloud cover
Soggy cloud
Spicy surprise
...as a side note, gog dan it Zarhorn
AProcrastinatingWriter- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
We already knew that Zarhorn was a talent maker XD
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Good gravy, did I really come up with that many talents? You kinda lose track when they're spread over multiple threads and through time. Good job on the list, by the way.
Philadelphus- Designer
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Re: Talent Catalog
Thank you.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
So, now that the talents are open to everyone. That brings up the question... what should I remain the different sections too? Or should I keep the talent catalouge as it is? Just update it a bit.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Why not put them in the categories we use for them? Like skullduggery. Or just list them entirely under author name uncategorized.
Stairc -Dan Felder- Lead Designer
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Re: Talent Catalog
Hmmm... problem is both of those would take a long while. First more then the others.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
AProcrastinatingWriter wrote:...as a side note, gog dan it Zarhorn
- Spoiler:
I believe there are a few new ones in the unicorn/everypony/season 3 section that are missing.
Zarhon- Smile Smile Smile
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Re: Talent Catalog
Zarhon wrote:I believe there are a few new ones in the unicorn/everypony/season 3 section that are missing.
I need to get everything organized first... or should I just leave things as they are and put a note saying that everyone can use these talents?
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
I don't suppose this is at all up to date?
As far as organization... *shrug* Might as well just drop the categories entirely, or really, whatever makes it easiest on you to update this.
As far as organization... *shrug* Might as well just drop the categories entirely, or really, whatever makes it easiest on you to update this.
Ramsus- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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Re: Talent Catalog
Yeah... I've been putting off updating it, due to the inability to organize it.
Fury of the Tempest- Freakin' Alicorn Princess
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