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Freaky Knowledge for everypony! AKA skill specialization based on character background

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Freaky Knowledge for everypony!  AKA skill specialization based on character background Empty Freaky Knowledge for everypony! AKA skill specialization based on character background

Post  Greywander Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:57 pm

So I've been working on my character's background in a game I'll be joining soon, and, while I hadn't intended to write a novel, it's up to 7 pages and fast approaching 3000 words (apologies to my DM), and it occurred to me that based on my character's background, I pretty much HAD to take Freaky Knowledge, since there are certain areas in which my character is not really trained (i.e. low skill scores), but that he would be knowledgeable in due to his upbringing. This got me thinking, the point of separating the utility side from the combat aspect was to free characters up from min/maxing for combat at the expense of roleplaying, or, more simply, to encourage roleplaying. So I thought, why not give every character one rank of Freaky Knowledge for free based on their backgrounds (whether it's what their parents did, what they studied in school, their hobbies, etc.)? To those players who would write a background for their character anyway, it would allow them to pick specializations that are more likely to be useful if and when their character background becomes relevant to the campaign. To those players who normally don't bother coming up with character backgrounds, it would force them to think about what their background might be in order to justify their chosen specializations of Freaky Knowledge. Even if they only provide the bare minimum of a background, that's at least a starting point for the DM to develop it by tying it in with the campaign.

Thoughts? Opinions? Disagreements? Lolcats?
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Freaky Knowledge for everypony!  AKA skill specialization based on character background Empty Re: Freaky Knowledge for everypony! AKA skill specialization based on character background

Post  SilentBelle Sun Oct 28, 2012 3:17 pm

I think that everypony getting the use of Freaky Knowledge could certainly be fine if the DM agrees to it. Though the problem comes from the fact that part of what makes the Earthpony such a great race to choose is that Freak Knowledge talent. I think that if there is going to be some sort of mechanical bonus for backstory, it should probably be something other than Freaky Knowledge, though I don't know what that would be. But for now, I think it's a good solution, especially if the DM is having a hard time getting the players to come up with a backstory.

I know I tend to choose at least 2 uses of Freaky Knowledge when I make my characters because it works so well with making backstories.
Monster Overseer
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Freaky Knowledge for everypony!  AKA skill specialization based on character background Empty Re: Freaky Knowledge for everypony! AKA skill specialization based on character background

Post  YFTechno Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:44 pm

Now that I think about it, if one would allow everyone fluff in the characters knowledge. Now, what a GM could do is have a less 'freaky' freaky knowledge that all ponys can get for free once if they have a backstory for it. But it would not be a total +5 in those area's, maybe just a plus 2 or 3. I am thinking of something like this:

Past Knowledge:
This Utility Talent is free, but can only be taken once. Pick 2 specific topics, when you roll and those topics are picked, you get a plus 3 to that roll. If you take Freaky Knowledge, you can not pick topics that can help each other, but you can decide to move the Past Knowledge into the Freaky Knowledge and come up with a new topic for your past knowledge.

I am sorry if wording is a bit confusing, I am not the best at combining words to make sentences that make sense.

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Freaky Knowledge for everypony!  AKA skill specialization based on character background Empty Re: Freaky Knowledge for everypony! AKA skill specialization based on character background

Post  Videocrazy Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:49 pm

SilentBelle wrote:I think that everypony getting the use of Freaky Knowledge could certainly be fine if the DM agrees to it. Though the problem comes from the fact that part of what makes the Earthpony such a great race to choose is that Freak Knowledge talent. I think that if there is going to be some sort of mechanical bonus for backstory, it should probably be something other than Freaky Knowledge, though I don't know what that would be. But for now, I think it's a good solution, especially if the DM is having a hard time getting the players to come up with a backstory.

I know I tend to choose at least 2 uses of Freaky Knowledge when I make my characters because it works so well with making backstories.

Actually, what makes the Earth Pony race appealing is the "19 = critical on Cutie Mark skill", "+4 bonus when assisting", and their talents. The Earth's Pony free Freaky Knowledge is basically a weaker version of the Unicorn's free utility talent.
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Freaky Knowledge for everypony!  AKA skill specialization based on character background Empty Re: Freaky Knowledge for everypony! AKA skill specialization based on character background

Post  SilentBelle Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:51 pm

Well, maybe, but I know the first reason I chose an Earthpony was for that Freaky Knowledge Smile And then i proceeded to take another freaky knowledge upon creation. It's definitely my favourite utility talent.
Monster Overseer
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