Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)  Empty Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

Post  Loopy Legend Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:38 am

This is a new system I'm trying out in one of my Rp's and it could still use a little tweaking. This system uses GM given Inspiration points to reward players for creative ideas and fancy moves. Check the Google Doc below for a full review, would love some feedback on this please.

Loopy Legend
Loopy Legend
Cutie Mark Crusader
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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)  Empty Re: Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

Post  LoganAura Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:48 am

It does seem like a good idea, but Pony Tales is kind of RP and Combat seperate to a good extreme.

Maybe the RP segment can still be 'Inspiration' points, but the Combat can be Determination? The cost of the specials might need some tweaking, depending on how lenient a DM is with the points. I know in my games I'd end up throwing them around willy nilly just because I love how creative my players are.

I'd love to see this tweaked and be an official expansion sometime!

Edit: This could also be a 'personal' thing other than ust a trait at the levels the party gets boons for...

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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)  Empty Re: Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

Post  Paper Shadow Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:05 pm

Well, the specials are kinda lacking in the quantity department, and the entire system would be hard to be balanced between GMs who will give them out pretty often and those who reserve the points until something truly awesome happens...

Personally, I'd just prefer it if GMs gave extra Harmony if they feel something creative of fancy happened, especially between team mates. It shows a stronger bond is being forged between characters and helps players get to the really cool stuff in the later levels...
Paper Shadow
Paper Shadow
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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)  Empty Re: Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

Post  Philadelphus Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:02 pm

True Inspiration is a bit lackluster for creatures with the Herd Mentality racial, since they already give +4 on assists. Maybe it could be something like +7 or 8 from them?

Lead the Way – What if multiple players use this at the same time? Who actually goes first if there's a conflict? You could avoid that problem by having it do something like "roll initiative with a +20 bonus", though it wouldn't quite guarantee going first if a player rolls low and a monster with an intiative bonus rolls high. Just a thought off the top of my head.

Since you mention eventually taking a total of five specials, but there are only four in the document, can you take a special more than once? Or are you planning to include more as you think of them?

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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)  Empty Re: Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

Post  Loopy Legend Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:48 pm

Ya planning on adding more of course, and I did mention I was still tweaking the system. But the skills aside hows the idea as a whole?
Loopy Legend
Loopy Legend
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)  Empty Re: Inspiration System (New Mechanics Suggestion)

Post  kajisora Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:34 pm

I really like the idea of abilities using points gained from RP. I do agree with Logan that the combat and utility skills should be kept seperate: It's one of the main points of the PT system.
You could even use this to set up some sort of crafting system, where you use Inspiration points and some base materials to craft stuff like the Personal Project item or a whirligig (though that would be a huge inspiration cost).

Another fun thing that could be done: use inspiration points to get temporary skill check bonuses, much in the way that magic points are used:
Inspired thinking X inspiration points
Choose a skill in which you are trained, or have your CM in.
For the next 10 minutes, gain a +[AX] bonus to checks using that skill
X being up to the player, A being a modifier, depending on how often Inspiration gets assigned. Probably 1.
Equestrian Honor Guard
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