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Conjured Weapon Idea's

Fury of the Tempest
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Jan 27, 2013 5:34 pm

Kindalus, master of Conjured Weapons has seen these weapons and given feedback on them. Currently WIP (you can see the WIP weapons and Kinbdalu's comments in the google doc)


[-7] Sentinel's Shield - Minor Utility
You conjure a Sentinel Shield in your hands. You can dismiss the Sentinel Shield as a free action. While you are wielding a Sentinel Shield, you cannot use your normal combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below.

Trait - Ultimate Defense
Whenever you would take damage intended for an ally, half the damage you take.

[+3] Bunker Down - Standard Utility
Gain Resist 3 and heal 3 HP

[+1] Shield Smash - Standard Attack
Deal 1d10 damage to target creature, if roll and 8 or more, then the creature is stunned until the end of your next turn.

[-1] Super Defender - Immediate Interrupt
Trigger – An ally is targeted by an attack.
Effect: The triggering attack hits you instead.

[-3] Absorb - Immediate Interrupt
Trigger - Multiple Allies would be hit by an attack
Effect: The attack(s) hits you instead, then xd8 damage to attacking enemy. Where x equals the amount of allies that would of been hit by the attack.

[-3] Shield Throw - Standard Attack
Deal 2d12 damage to target creature and every creature adjacent to it. They are stunned until the end your next turn. Sentinel's Shield Vanishes

[-7] Commander’s Sabre - Minor Utility
You conjure a Commander Sabre in your hands. You can dismiss the Commander Sabre as a free action. While you are wielding a Commander Sabre, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below.

A Captain's Presence - Trait
Your allies all gain +1 to saving throws.

[+3] An Eye for Danger - Standard Utility
Up to 3 allies gain resist 1 until the end of your next turn.

[+1] Prepare for battle - Standard Attack
Up to three allies gain 1 PiP

[-2] Attack Formation - Standard Utility
Until the end of your next turn, all your allies gains +2 to damage.

[-2] Defence Formation - Standard Utility
Until the end of your next turn, all your allies gain Resist 2.

[-6] Move Move Move! - Standard Utility
All your non-summoned allies take a standard action, Commander Sabre vanishes after using this move.

[-7] Healer’s Staff - Minor Utility
You conjure a Healer’s Staff in your hands. You can dismiss the Healer’s Staff as a free action. While you are wielding a Healer’s Staff, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Healer’s Shield - Trait
Whenever you heal someone over 30 health, they gain temporary hit points equal to the amount healed over 30 health.

[+3] Mass Cure Minor Wounds - Standard Utility
You and all your allies regain 2 health.

[+1] Cure Light Wounds - Standard Utility
You or one ally regains 2d8 health.

[-1] Lingering Healing - Reaction Utility
Trigger: You heal yourself or an ally.
Effect: You or the ally gain 2 regeneration (save ends)

[-2] Mass Syphon Life - Standard Utility
Deal 1d8 damage to all enemies, then you and your allies gain life equal to the amount rolled.

[-4] Cure Critical Wounds - Standard Utility
You or one ally regains 3d12 health.

[-7] Holy Avenger - Minor Utility
You conjure a Holy Avenger in your hands. You can dismiss the Holy Avenger as a free action. While you are wielding a Holy Avenger, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Divine Grace - Trait
You and you allies automatic succeeded (save ends) rolls for ongoing damage.

[+2] Invigorating Strike - Standard Attack
Deal 1d8 damage to target enemy and you or target ally gains health equal to the damage dealt

[+1] Lay on Hands - Minor Utility
You or target ally gains health equal to the number of PiP's you have before using this move.

[-2] Shielding Strike - Standard Attack
Deal 2d8 damage to target enemy and all allies gain resist 2 until the end of your next turn.

[-4] Purge - Standard Attack
Remove target enemy from the battle for a round (A creature removed from combat cannot affect any other creature in the battle with combat talents or be affected by any combat talents - though it may still use [+] abilities to gain PiPs), you can chose to deal 2d8 damage to target creature removed this way.

[-6] SMITE! EVIL! - Standard Attack
Deal 4d12 damage to target enemy

[-7] Knuckle Dusters - Minor Utility
You conjure two Knuckle Dusters in your hands. You can dismiss the Knuckle Dusters as a free action. While you are wielding the Knuckle Dusters, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Ki-Strike - Trait
Your attacks ignore Resistance

[+3] Bitchslap - Standard Utility
Deal 1d8 damage to target enemy, enemy is dazed until the end of your next turn.

[+1] Flurry of Blows - Standard Attack
Deal 1d10 damage to up to two target enemies. You can then pay X amount of PiP’s, dealing an additional Xd10 damage to target enemy of your choice, each roll can be against a different enemy.

[-1] Deflect Attack - Reaction Utility
Trigger: An enemy targets you with an attack
Effect: You take no damage from that attack

[-2] Stunning Fist - Standard Attack
Deal 1d12 damage to target enemy and that enemy is stunned until the end of your next turn.

[-6] Quivering Palm - Standard Utility
During the beginning of your opponent’s next turn, their health is halved. The Knuckle Dusters vanishes after using this move.

[-7] Berserker Axes - Minor Utility
You conjure a two Berserker Axes in your hands. You can dismiss the Berserker Axes as a free action. While you are wielding the Berserker Axes, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Whenever you take damage, your next attack does bonus damage equal to ¼ the damage you took, to a minimum of 1.

[+3] Savage Attack - Standard Attack
Deal 1d8 damage to target enemy, if bloodied, deal 2d8 damage instead.

[+1] Raging Assault - Standard Attack
Deal 1d10 damage to target enemy and that enemy receives vulnerability equal to the half the damage until the end of your next turn.

[-2] Battle Frenzy - Standard Utility
For the rest of the battle or until you lose the Berserker Axes you deal an extra 2d6 damage and suffer vulnerability 3

[-3] Blood Drink - Standard Attack
Deal 1d8 to target enemy, if both you and your enemy are bloodied, deal 4d12 damage instead

[-3] Pain to Power - Standard Attack
Deal damage to target enemy equal to 30 - your current health.

[-7] This is a Drill - Minor Utility
You conjure a Drill in your hands. You can dismiss the Drill as a free action. While you are wielding a Drill, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Piercing Drill - Trait
When you deal damage to one enemy, that enemy gains vulnerability equal to ½ the damage dealt, to a minimum of 1 until the end of your next turn.

[+3] Drill Strike - Standard Attack
Deal 1d8 to target enemy, ignoring resistance.

[+1] Armour Break - Standard Attack
Deal 1d12 to target enemy and remove any resistance they had.

[-1] Power Drill - Minor Utility
Double the vulnerability target enemy has.

[-2] Hyper Strike - Standard Attack
Deal 2d8 to target enemy, ignoring resistance and removing any resistance they had. Target enemy cannot regain health until the end of your next turn.

[-4] GIGA DRILL BREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - EPIC ATTACK (Standard Attack)
This move requires the character and player to shout the name outloud. Deal x+1d12 damage to target enemy. Where x = the number of allies that are currently fighting with you.

[-7] Chainsaw Good - Minor Utility
You conjure a Chainsaw in your hands. You can dismiss the Chainsaw as a free action. While you are wielding a Chainsaw, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Rip and Tear! - Trait
Whenever you deal damage, increase the ongoing damage that enemy is taking by 1 for each die used.

[+3] Shred - Standard Attack
Deal 1d8 damage to target enemy and give them 1 ongoing damage (save ends).

[+1] Bloody Gash - Standard Attack
Deal 2d8 damage to target enemy and that enemy is weakened until the end of your next turn.

[-2] Rev it up! - Minor Utility
Double the amount the ongoing damage is increased by Rip and Tear! In your next attack.

[-3] Dismemberment - Standard Attack
Deal 3d8 damage to target enemy and that enemy takes 1d8 damage whenever it makes an attack (save ends)

[-6] Eviscerate - Standard Attack
Deal 5d8 damage to target enemy and that enemy cannot recover health (save ends)

[-7] Perfect Sniper - Minor Utility
You conjure a Perfect Sniper in your hands. You can dismiss the Perfect Sniper as a free action. While you are wielding a Perfect Sniper, you cannot use your other combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below

Magic Scope - Trait
Whenever you roll to attack, roll the attack twice. You can take either result.

[+3] Quick Shot - Standard Attack
Do 1d8 damage to target enemy, on a 7 or 8, the damage is doubled.

[+1] Precise Shot - Standard Attack
Deal 2d8 damage to target enemy. All rolls of a 6, 7 or 8 are count as double that amount.

[0] Line the Sights - Minor Utility
Deal an extra 3 damage on your next single target attack.

[-1] Cripple Shot - Standard Attack
Deal 2d8 damage to target enemy, enemy is weakened (save ends)

[-4] Execute - Standard Attack
Deal 2d10 damage to target enemy, all rolls of 7 and above are counted as double that amount

Last edited by Fury of the Tempest on Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:53 am; edited 1 time in total
Fury of the Tempest
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  sunbeam Mon Jan 28, 2013 2:31 am

Sweet mother of Spain, I've had this up on my computer since about 4 today, and I'm only just now getting around to it. These look awesome.

Commander's Saber:
-Is the Commander's Saber's "Focus Fire" talent supposed to make every ally deal 1d8 damage each to a single enemy? Because that's what it sounds like, and that seems as though it would be broken in teamfights (4-6d8 for a [+1] move? ouch). Was it maybe meant to be "you and all allies deal +1d8 damage to target enemy until the end of your next turn" or something to that effect?

-Move, Move, Move: I have to ask, what exactly is the balance for summoned weapon combat talents? how much of a boost is the -7 pips cost, coupled with the disappearance of the weapon, worth? Because in a teamfight (optimal use for this weapon), this is pretty much the equivalent of two Pincer Maneuvers (-10 pips over 2 standard actions total) for 6 pips and one standard action, which seems absolutely mad. Also, unless your DM wants to be overrun by a dozen small summoned creatures because ALL your allies take a standard action, you should probably change the wording to "up to 6 allies."

Holy Avenger:
-When the Holy Avenger's Divine Grace trait says "negate all ongoing damage," does that mean that everyone automatically saves against their ongoing damage? Or just that the effects are suppressed until you dismiss the Holy Avenger?

-Purge: Remove target enemy from the battle for a rounds. What does this mean?

-I thinks declaring that you summon two Knuckledusters is a bit awkward, as it makes me think that I can somehow dismiss only one of them. I'm not entirely certain how to rephrase it, though, so I guess this bullet point is moot.

-Flurry of Blows: Deal 1d10 damage to up to two target enemies. You can then pay X amount of PiP’s, dealing an additional Xd10 damage to target enemy of your choice, each roll can be against a different enemy. I'm going to try to rephrase this, to make it a touch more intuitive.
--Deal 1d10 damage to up to two target enemies. You may immediately use the following combat talent
---[-X] Flurry
Deal 1d10 damage to target enemy x times. You may choose a different target each time.
...meh. But I think it's a little more clear.

Beserker axes:
-Beserker axes in general. Again, I'd like to see the metric for balance with summoned weapons, because the entire setup looks like somebody asked "Hey, what happens if we lower the cost of all the barbarian moves by 3?" Notables include:
--Savage attack, a version of rampage that deals almost twice as much damage and gains 1 extra pip.
--Battle Frenzy, a word for word version of Wild Abandon (Which already has a nerf in the works), at less than 1/3 the cost.
--Blood Drink, which is not actually particularly bad by comparison. I understand what you tried to do, giving Furious Rage less power before and more power after bloodying, but that sort of thing upsets the balance of it alot. Especially when you consider that 4d12 damage, on the spot, is more akin to something like Call Lightning, a -9 move, it seems...scary.
I don't know the metric for summoned weapon talents, so these may be balanced within the system. I just know they scare me, and I want ten.
-Also, is Pain to Power supposed to make the axes disappear?
-For some reason I didn't think of having the option of only dismissing one beserker axe like I did for the knuckle duster. It might be the "a" that's grammatically erring in the sentence, and I just read it as "a beserker axe" the first time. Maybe we should just keep the weapon names to singular.

This is a drill:
-GIGA DRILL BREAKER! This talent seems weak. Not just for giga drill breaker, for a [-4] talent. Lightning bolt is a [-1] talent, if memory serves, and itdoes 1d10+X, where X can be between zero and about 10, usually (if used smartly) leaning towards the 6-8 region. In a 6 person teamfight, you deal 5 + 1d12 damage, which is about equal, but costs three more pips to use.
-I just realized... did you maybe mean for it to deal (X+1)d12? Because that would make a lot more sense, and be much more balanced.

-Shred is strictly superior to Draw Blood, but I'm starting to cotton on to the idea that summoned weapon traits are supposed to be at least marginally better than their counterparts.

-Dismemberment: As it is, the (save ends) condition won't activate rip and tear. Was that intentional?

Perfect sniper:
-Perfect Sniper. I freaking love this idea. Combined with Unacceptable this is absolutely wonderful.

-For precise shot, would it perhaps be simpler to represent the extra die roll as flat damage? I mean something like this:
[+1] Precise Shot - Standard Attack
Deal 2d8 damage to target enemy. Each time you roll a 6, 7, or 8, deal an additional 7 damage to the same target enemy.
Same for execute:
[-4] Execute - Standard Attack
Deal 2d10 damage to target enemy. Each time you roll 7, 8, 9, or 10, deal an additional 9 damage to the same target enemy.
We'd need to make it clear that you can't activate this effect more than twice using magic scope. We could always just say "You cannot activate this ability more than twice per use of this talent.

So all in all, these are wonderfully badass, explain what Kindulas told you when making these.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Mon Jan 28, 2013 7:40 am

Okay, first things first.

Conjured Weapon Moves are a +2 to normal moves, except for the moves where they disappear, which is a +3

The 'two' for the knuckle dusters and beserkers axes are just flavour, no functional difference.

Will address everything later, don't have the time atm.

EDIT: Okay... Lets see now...

Focus Fire... yeah... probably a bit OP... not sure how to change it through as your suggest it just as powerful basically.

I'll probably change it so summons can't be affected by Move Move Move... but the Commander DOES lose his turn.

Holy Aveneger - Probably should change it to 'automaticly make save ends', less OP. Nice spotting the typo BTW

Pain to Power isn't meant to make the axes vanish, no.

Yes, Giga Drill Breaker is (X+1)d12. I'll make that clear.

Your concerned with the Perfect Sniper shots are invalid, you only get double damage if you rolled those numbs on one set of the die. The other set is invalid... and only that number is doubled.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Ramsus Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:07 am

Hmm, well this doesn't say anything about it being just for Fury and I'm too lazy to make my own thread...

[-7] The Non-euclidean Staff - Minor Utility
You conjure the Non-euclidean Staff in your hands. You can dismiss the Non-euclidean Staff as a free action. While you are wielding the Non-euclidean Staff, you cannot use your normal combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below.

Trait - R'lyeh Inspired Architecture
At the start of every round you advance one place in the Initiative roster.

[+2] Relativity - Standard Utility
Target ally and target enemy may not attack each other until the start of your next turn.

[+1] The Persistence of Memory - Standard Attack
Deal 1d4 damage to target creature. If the target is suffering from a save ends effect, you may copy this effect, choosing a different target for the copy. Each creature may only be targeted by this effect once per turn.

[+1] Subtle Entropy - Minor Utility
Target creature suffers 1 ongoing damage (save ends).

[-1] Quantum Entanglement - Standard Utility
Two target creatures become subject to all save ends effects currently effecting the other. Additionally they become subject to any save ends effects the other does (save ends).

[-3] Fear and Loathing - Standard Utility
Target creature suffers Dazed and Confusion (save ends both).

[-X] Maze - Standard Attack
Deal Xd6 damage to target creature and it is removed from combat (save ends). If you deal 20 damage or higher, it takes a -5 penalty to its first save vs this effect. The Non-euclidean Staff vanishes after using this move.

[-7] Air Guitar - Minor Utility
You pretend to conjure an Air Guitar in your hands. You can pretend to dismiss the Air Guitar as a free action. While you are pretending to wield the Air Guitar, you cannot use your normal combat talents. Instead you may use the combat talents below.

Trait - Way Too Into It
Whenever you gain or spend pips, gain that many temporary hitpoints.

[+3] Silent Riff - Standard Utility
You and target enemy and all adjacent enemies suffer vulnerability 2 until the end of your next turn.

[+1] Sappy Love Song - Standard Utility
Target save ends effect is replaced with Regeneration 3 (save ends).

[0] Hair Toss - Minor Utility
Flip a coin. If heads, target Ally gains 1 Temp HP. If tails, target Ally gains 1 pip.

[-2] Pop Battle Anthem - Standard Utility
All allies gain +3 damage on their next attack.

[-4] Air Guitar Solo - Standard Utility
You remove yourself from combat until the start of your next turn and regain 1d8 hitpoints.

[-5] Hit Single - Standard Utility
Choose four target enemies. Roll a d8 for each. Based on the roll, they suffer the following. Pretend the Air Guitar vanishes after using this move.
1  The target is confused (save ends).
2-3 The target is blinded (save ends).
4-5 The target is weakened (save ends).
6-7  The target is dazed (save ends).
8 The target is stunned (save ends).

Last edited by Ramsus on Sat Jul 06, 2013 5:16 am; edited 2 times in total
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  SilentBelle Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:43 am

I especially liked that Air Guitar, so I'll post a fun one I thought up:

[-3] Conjure Sticky Bomb – Reaction Utility
Trigger: You are dealt damage by a creature's attack
Effect: Triggering creature is the only creature you can target with your moves while you wield the (Remote to a) Sticky Bomb. You now wield the (Remote to a) Sticky Bomb. You may dismiss the Stick Bomb as a free action. While wielding the (Remote to a) Sticky Bomb, you cannot access your normal combat talents and can only use these ones instead:

[+2] Bigger Explosion – Standard Utility
Choose target creature. Creatures adjacent to that target can now be targeted by your combat talents.

[+2] Finger Slip – Reaction Utility (1/use of Conjure Sticky Bomb)
Trigger: You take damage from an attack.
You may make an attack as a free action.

[-2] It's Only Fireworks – Standard Attack
Deal up to three target creatures 1d12 damage. They are blinded (save ends). The (Remote to a) Sticky Bomb vanishes.

[-5] The Big One – Standard Attack
Choose up to three different targets. Deal 1d12 to the first target and all adjacent creatures. Deal 1d10 to the second target and all adjacent creatures, and deal 1d8 to the third target and all adjacent creatures. The (Remote to a) Sticky Bomb vanishes.

Last edited by SilentBelle on Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Ramsus Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:40 am

Thanks =)

Finger Slip needs a trigger.

(Btw, have you seen the Grenadier combat set thematthew and I made in his combat thread? If not, check it out.)
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:07 pm

Sticky bomb is a very... unique weapon. I like it.

The staff reminds me a bit of the lyre weapon I'm making...
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Z2 Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:46 pm

Hey, I designed a weapon I could use some feedback on. I came up with it after seeing a somewhat underserved need.

[-7] Crescent Moon Spade - Minor Action
Call forth a holy weapon of burial.

Trait: Darkness suppressant, all creatures gain a +4 to saving throws

[+3] Slash strike - Standard Attack
Deal 1d8 damage or 1d12 to bloodied target
[+X] Flowing Soul - Minor Utility
Suffer X^2 ongoing damage (save ends) and 2X vulnerability (save ends), x cannot be more than 3.
[-2] Second strike - Minor attack
Deal 1d12 damage if you have already dealt damage this turn.
[-2] Guarded Rest - Free Utility
Target comatose ally becomes immune to damage, effect ends when user is knocked unconscious.
[-5] Burial - Standard Attack
Deal 3d10 damage to a target, if target is knocked unconscious, remove target from the battle and gain half the damage dealt as temporary hp

I felt like this fills a need (make comatose not a death sentence), but it could probably use some refinement. Feedback?
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  thematthew Mon Feb 04, 2013 10:36 am

Giving save ends effects on a weapon who's trait is 'all creatures get a bonus to saves' is kinda insulting. Also, Flowing Soul should be -X not +X. Seriously, getting 3 pips because you gave something OD 9 and Vuln 6 as a minor action is insane even with the bonus to saves, since you can do it again the following turn and they take the damage before they get to save. Thirdly, the 'comatose is a death sentence' idea is part of what drives the combat system. If you didn't have to hurry up when a party member dropped, you could just continue twiddling your thumbs with weird combat tricks until you can do something like a double It's Over or something equally ridiculous.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:03 am

thematthew wrote:Also, Flowing Soul should be -X not +X. Seriously, getting 3 pips because you gave something OD 9 and Vuln 6 as a minor action is insane even with the bonus to saves, since you can do it again the following turn and they take the damage before they get to save.

Dude, seriously? The weapon is inflicting the save ends onto the wielder of the weapon.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  LoganAura Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:21 am

I thought it was like that too. Maybe change it to "The weilder" to make it clear?
In that case, it really should be worth more due to how crippling it can be if you fail the save.

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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  thematthew Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:28 pm

For some reason I read that as targeting something else. Whatever.

I would just toss the ability outright to be honest, since it has 3 major issues to it:

1) It's an up to +3 Minor, we don't need that. Seriously this is an ability which rolls in with a ridiculously large pip gain, allowing you to have 15 pips at the end of turn 3 when you drop this thing while still having done a bunch of random crap, that isn't necessary or really a good thing.

2) It circumvents it's own downside. Between the +4 to your saves and the easy access to doing a Mind Over Matter fire and forget, this really can either be really easily nothing or a nightmare for your opponent. (Fun fact: Turn 1: Gather Energy, Bloody Ritual, Summon this Turn 2: Flowing Soul, Crazy Concotion, Unsummon weapon, Mind Over Matter is entirely possible and gives an opponent OD 9 (save ends), Vuln 6 (save ends), and -5 to saves/+2 Dam (save ends))

3) If you do actually fail the save on that crap, you basically knock yourself out. Seriously you can do half your own health to in damage at the start of your next turn because you rolled poorly, which means that this either has no bite or rips you leg off, with little to no middle ground.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  SilentBelle Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:48 pm

Alright so I tweaked my summon to be a weapon instead.

[-10] Limit Break – Minor Utility
You conjure your Final Form and now wield it. You can dismiss it as a free action. When you conjure your Final Form you gain 30 temporary HP and you cannot use your regular combat talents. They are instead replaced with the following.

Overflowing Energy
At the start of your turn, you take 10 damage

Final Burst
When you no longer have temporary hit points, you are reduced to 0 hitpoints.

[+1] A Sight of Inspiration – Minor Utility
Up to five allies may roll 1d8, 1d10, and 1d12

[0] Unstoppable Might – Standard Attack
Deal 2d10 damage to target creature and stun it until the end of that creature's next turn; this attack ignores all resistance.

[-3] Ending Burst – Interrupt Attack
Trigger: You would be reduced to 0 temporary hitpoints
Roll 3d8, 2d10, and 1d12. Deal that much damage to up to five creatures. For each 8 rolled on a d8, 10 rolled on a d10 and 12 rolled on a d12 in this manner, trigger a random ally's corresponding special move. You lose any remaining temporary HP.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:31 pm

... Unstoppable Might...

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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Caden2112 Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:21 pm

Well, the thing is, one: You only get three turns of stunlock, tops.

Two: You're kissing canvas at the end of this without traits.

And 3: If things are so dire you're willing to pop this, the enemy probably has multiple turns. I've noted that's a favorite among DM's for tough enemies to prevent little jerk tactics like stunlocking. ...Come to think of it, my DM REALLY needs to consider that to prevent our local cheeseomancer from utterly destroying everything.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:31 pm

Yeah, I know its only 3 turns...

Still, very powerful... but at the big cost... not sure its balanced.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:19 pm

Caden2112 wrote:Well, the thing is, one: You only get three turns of stunlock, tops.

Not if one of your allies went to cleric-school.

Caden2112 wrote:And 3: If things are so dire you're willing to pop this, the enemy probably has multiple turns. I've noted that's a favorite among DM's for tough enemies to prevent little jerk tactics like stunlocking. ...Come to think of it, my DM REALLY needs to consider that to prevent our local cheeseomancer from utterly destroying everything.

Multiple turns are brilliant for solo monsters or just big bads in general. They make the combat feel more dynamic and reduce the effectiveness of both (save ends) effects and "until end of next turn" effects. Of course, ongoing damage is better - which is neat.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:29 pm

Stairc -Dan Felder wrote:
Caden2112 wrote:Well, the thing is, one: You only get three turns of stunlock, tops.

Not if one of your allies went to cleric-school.

Well, Temporary HP doesn't stack... and they lose 10 temporary HP a turn...
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:31 pm

Resistance does wonders though.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:32 pm

Okay, that can buy you an extra turn if your not being attacked...
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:34 pm

Which is a whole extra stun plus extra damage. And if you have resist 4 from that armor or a similar source and any sort of defensive trait...

Note - that can be fixed by simply saying "You lose 10 hp a turn". However, the whole combination of repeatable stuns and a quick end to this form (2-3 turns max) just seems painful for good gameplay. However, making the temp hp drain lets you put a lower pip cost on this than otherwise. Perhaps significant resistance and temp hp loss that bypasses said resistance would be a nice combination - so you're more guarunteed those 3 turns.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  SilentBelle Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:44 am

The neat thing about the move is that a lot of allies can't respond with moves that say: 'an ally would take damage', since you don't take damage unless they break through your temp HP. I also imagine that you will become the target of aggression when you use this move. If you're worried about stunlock, You could lose 5 HP per turn and suffer 4 or 5 vulnerability. That way you'd be a bigger target.
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:05 am

Making it being "you lose 10 hp" instead of, "you take 10 damage" would prevent any possible problems from occurring.

Alternatively, if you're worried about stun lock... You could just make the talent not stun the target. Cool
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  Fury of the Tempest Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:23 pm

I have to say I dislike the potential to stun, even with the drawback...

To be honest, I dislike the entire premise of it, high power for high cost... reminds me of It's Over!

And the name really doesn't fit...
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Conjured Weapon Idea's Empty Re: Conjured Weapon Idea's

Post  SilentBelle Wed Feb 27, 2013 5:14 pm

Yeah the stun could be removed and it would probably be more balanced... The main thing I wanted to focus on wasn't really dealing damage, so much as it was to activate people's specials by being a force of inspiring might...

Though I do think the name fits fairly well. Limit Break, like transforming into the Hulk, going Supersaiyan, using a Bankai, or what-have-you.

Still, I think it could use some reworking. I'll mull it over some more.
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