Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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The story of the most embarrassing death ever for a boss

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The story of the most embarrassing death ever for a boss Empty The story of the most embarrassing death ever for a boss

Post  Zancross Fri May 31, 2013 5:29 pm

In the Pony Tales session we have a character called Hecate who is a changeling, but really hates her mother (Chrysalis). Even worse, Chrysalis was out to kill her, afraid that her offspring was going to dethrone her after the player went through a metamorphosis- which was kinda unnecessary, since Hecate didn't want to be a queen anyway. But it didn't matter, Chrysalis was bitchy like that.

In order to kill Hecate, Chrysalis captured one of her friends by disguising herself as Princess Celestia, and imprisoned her friend (it's a long story, trust me) in the castle's cells. When the party went there to rescue him, they were informed by the fake princess that the captured guy only wanted to meet with Hecate, since they kinda had a "best friend/possible shipping" thing going on. The party wasn't that stupid, and ended up following them both, letting them go ahead.

When Hecate and "Celestia" arrived at the cells, Hecate noticed her friend was unconscious, due to other events. Chrysalis was alone with her and revealed herself, causing them to snap back at each other like a mother and daughter in a Doctor Phil show, but with the constant threat of Hecate being killed right there on the spot. And then... the party arrived.

Now, here's where things go 180ยบ. Chrysalis made it seem like the captured team member killed someone, which happened to be one the player character's in-game girlfriend, a baby dragon called Greg. And Greg was pretty pissed when he found out Chrysalis was the culprit.

What was supposed to happen was that they would try to fight her, she would laugh, say evil-ish stuff, tell Hecate she would return for her, and then poof away. What a certain GM wasn't expecting was that a) Chrysalis was distracted with Hecate and b) Greg was crazy as buck.

First he tried to jump on top of her. He rolled, and failed. So then, he asked two guys to throw him at Chrysalis. They agreed. So they roll, and get really good scores. I roll, and get a critical fail.

All in all, a dragon was thrown SO HARD by TWO PONIES that they smacked Chrysalis against the wall and got her UNCONSCIOUS. Cue in Greg killing her with a dagger and the GM poker facing at the fact that he lost a boss battle in the most ridiculous way possible. Did I mention he kept her wings and horn to turn into a dagger? Yeah...
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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The story of the most embarrassing death ever for a boss Empty Re: The story of the most embarrassing death ever for a boss

Post  AProcrastinatingWriter Fri May 31, 2013 6:10 pm

One time in a RL game of Pony Tales I DMed the Element of Laughter stranded the entire party in an illusory paradisaical beach, which would have been fine if they weren't simultaneously in the middle of a group of hostile enemies at the same time in the real world. The island had a nice neat town nearby that was repetitive in its friendly greetings and daily go-abouts. The shopkeeps were a little more intelligent, but literally incapable of answering any questions about how to leave the island, or even acknowledging that reality around them was an illusion.

A character of one my players was...playing...had a very high Persuasion as was, and made a high roll, and made such an impassioned attack regards the obvious "this place isn't real and we need to go back and how do we get there" scenario, on top of adding the freaking Stare to all of that, that...well, she succeeded. But the shopkeeper, despite this, was still literally incapable - built that way by the illusion - of acknowledging the reality of the situation.

Long story short, due to a paradox in existentialism, one of my players logic'd a shopkeeper into exploding.
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