Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Generation 1 Races

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Generation 1 Races Empty Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:14 pm

Figured it might be fun to do a few racial builds for some creatures from My Little Pony 'n Friends.  Not doing everything for both preference and sanity but figured a few wouldn't hurt.

First up are penguins.  A lot of the build is based off of King Charlatan from the episode "Baby, It's Cold Outside"  While mainly based on just one character, hey G4 has only had one minotaur so far.


The king had actual freeze vision and penguins are good swimmers so the first two were easy.  The third was what made me interested in this build.  The guy had a planet freezing machine as the crux of the main threat.  On top of that he had an arctic fortress with Bond Villain defenses so an inventor type ability seemed right.  Plus, the Pony Tales side of things lacks a creature with that kind of ability (Living Legends has one).  The fifth ability representing his refusal to back down from his plan of global purging and his son not backing down from the thought that, "Dad, that's pretty messed up".

Slowly trying to plan out what all races I'll do though the Flories are almost sure to be next.

Last edited by ZamuelNow on Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:04 am; edited 1 time in total
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  Jason Shadow Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:55 pm

I look forward to the flutterponies, at the very least. And I do like the penguin... Twisted Evil
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  Hayatecooper Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:04 am

An interesting idea, and Pony Tales defiantly needs some form of Aquatic creature to round out all the landlubbers!

Out of curiosity, why the extra training and not say, free FK or something? Not that Extra training is bad just curious as you had solid reasoning for everything else.
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  Philadelphus Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:31 am

Not to deny that penguins are good swimmers, but they can't really breathe underwater...or is that just the closest you could come in flavor?

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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Wed Jul 03, 2013 11:01 am

Philadelphus wrote:Not to deny that penguins are good swimmers, but they can't really breathe underwater...or is that just the closest you could come in flavor?

Closest in flavor. To be honest, One With The Waves is sorta underwhelming to me. Fireborn allows you to both walk in lava and breathe non-combat flames. OWtW gives you...super not drowning skills. It's useful but it doesn't feel aquatic enough. The only other option would have been Form of the Dolphin and it felt wrong to say a penguin can only swim once a day. It's one of the reasons why seaponies don't really feel right in the system. OWtW would probably fit its name a little better if you got some form of swimming skill, even if minimal and/or it debuffs you on land.

However, this makes penguins a good choice as an aquatic creature since you can still reasonably participate on land and good swimming can be handwaved by your stat loadout. May reflavor things to better claim you're reeeeaaally good at holding your breath since that's why I chose it.

Hayatecooper wrote:Out of curiosity, why the extra training and not say, free FK or something? Not that Extra training is bad just curious as you had solid reasoning for everything else.

I simply didn't think to. Was under the thought process that if you don't have a picture on your behind, you get extra training. I'll swap out for Freaky Knowledge since it actually does make more sense as something focused and thus fits the inventor vibe.
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  Zarhon Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:42 pm

Aw, no "super slippery ice slide" mechanics for the penguins? Very Happy Combined with frostborn, it can be a unique advantage for them...

Case in point, here's one I made:
Slippy Slider:

Last edited by Zarhon on Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  Philadelphus Thu Jul 04, 2013 1:34 am

ZamuelNow wrote:
Philadelphus wrote:Not to deny that penguins are good swimmers, but they can't really breathe underwater...or is that just the closest you could come in flavor?

Closest in flavor.  To be honest, One With The Waves is sorta underwhelming to me.  Fireborn allows you to both walk in lava and breathe non-combat flames.  OWtW gives you...super not drowning skills.  It's useful but it doesn't feel aquatic enough.  The only other option would have been Form of the Dolphin and it felt wrong to say a penguin can only swim once a day.  It's one of the reasons why seaponies don't really feel right in the system.  OWtW would probably fit its name a little better if you got some form of swimming skill, even if minimal and/or it debuffs you on land.
Hmm, that's an interesting point. Super Not Drowning skills, while nice, are not exactly super important for this system, generally...it might be nice if it did something like let you roll twice on all Athletics and Acrobatics checks made to swim and take the higher result.

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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  Zarhon Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:20 am

ZamuelNow wrote:Closest in flavor.  To be honest, One With The Waves is sorta underwhelming to me.  Fireborn allows you to both walk in lava and breathe non-combat flames.  OWtW gives you...super not drowning skills.  It's useful but it doesn't feel aquatic enough.  The only other option would have been Form of the Dolphin and it felt wrong to say a penguin can only swim once a day.  It's one of the reasons why seaponies don't really feel right in the system.  OWtW would probably fit its name a little better if you got some form of swimming skill, even if minimal and/or it debuffs you on land.

Maybe the current "One With The Ocean" racial can be remodeled as "Waterborn" - giving you immunity to drowning in water and double swim speed/ability, as well as the ability to act like an infinite firehose / water jet shooter / water pokemon...


Last edited by Zarhon on Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:42 am

G1 Unicorns:

While quite basic of a build, unicorns have key differences in G1 from G4.  Teleport was the universal skill instead of telekinesis and this system's base teleport works close enough to "winking" to just be dropped in without changes.  Though that draws attention to the need for an advanced teleport.  They tended to be really good at one specific thing.  Magical Tricks is actually specifically meant to be used to augment the spare utility talent but leniency is fine to give them a little more credence.  The system's default G4 unicorn is probably stronger but this serves as a basic enough alternate for those interested.
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:09 pm

Considering it was posted in the official suggestion thread, I did have some adjustment comments.


Forgot to add the cost of the racial, though it would be assumed to be 1 point.  You should probably still explicitly state they can't drown.  Also, you may want to state the DC for resisting the water jet's push.  I'm assuming DC 20 (same as Frostborn's ice slick) and Endurance since you're physically resisting a push/enduring something.

I'm a little torn on Slippy Slide.  Makes sense and was demonstrated by the penguins since they were fine while Surprise tripped multiple times.  However, it eliminates the ability to get the aquatic stuff in the build due to point costs, plus the actual buffs built into it seem a little strong.  Speaking of aquatic stuff:

One With the Waves - Revised:

I still feel there's room for both water racials since Thunderborn and Thunderbird serve different purposes.  Waterborn is good for a water dragon while the revised One With the Waves would be good for the penguin concept.

Still need to add a flavor text description to Penguins as a race.  Probably do that this evening.
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Fri Jul 12, 2013 8:40 pm

G1 had a fair number of of human mages of varying skill level ranging from the bumbling Witches of Volcano Gloom to the powerful sorceress Somnambula.  Building them was simple but I decided to go the extra mile and do builds for both Pony Tales and Living Legends.  I'll eventually get the flavor text for the PT version but does anyone have suggestions for the LL version?  It could fit a role not achieved by current LL races.  I will note that for the AoH version, Magical Attunement can be potentially swapped out for Overachiever or Specialist since outside of slapstick from the WoVG, a lot of the mages were basically pure Arcana with some Persuasion AKA squishy wizards.

Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks - Aspirations of Harmony:

Witches, Wizards, and Warlocks - Living Legends:

Last edited by ZamuelNow on Thu Aug 01, 2013 10:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:14 am

Took a while to figure it out, especially since I'm running a campaign elsewhere with a Flutter Pony player and I originally brainstormed a different build for them.  While the Utter Flutter has combat uses (thus the different original build), it's mainly a wind themed de-spell and really best compares to Sunderblade.  Then, Flutter Ponies are weak on their own but travel in legion so it's a wall of team checks.

Flutter Ponies:
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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Thu Aug 01, 2013 11:46 pm

I almost wasn't going to do a build for the gizmunks.  Having one of the absolute worst songs in G1, they fill me with mildly irrational hatred.  However, they are a better canonical fit for a crazy inventor race than the penguins so there's reason to create builds for them.  The two are quite different as far as inventor styles with King Charlatan building a rather stable machine that happened to be dangerous while the gizmunks openly admit that they build stuff for SCIENCE! and don't even know what half the stuff does.

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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:12 am

Showing up in The Movie, the grundles were one of the races nearly wiped out by The Smooze.  An example of a G1 digging race, they spoke in shorter sentences and tended to be very teamwork oriented.  Despite having a fair bit of screen time in The Movie, they don't show up much in the series proper.

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Generation 1 Races Empty Re: Generation 1 Races

Post  ZamuelNow Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:26 pm

G1 Earth Ponies:

G4 tends to have a stereotypical RPG "Linear Warriors, Quadratic Wizards" split for the three pony races with Earth Ponies clearly on the bottom of the list.  G1 is more like a platformer or side scrolling beat-em-up in its balance in that while one may be better, all have key strengths.  While vaguely implied in FiM, G1 Earth Ponies were explicitly noted as faster and stronger than the others in most situations.  Technically, you could use the AoH build for them in a G1 campaign but this is probably more accurate considering one jumped a chasm with two kids on her back while another escaped a temple cave in with a precursor to the spin dash (I'm seriously not making that up).
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