Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:13 pm

The Guardians of White
From the far-flung horizon,
On the mountain’s cold height
A darkness is brewing, the horrors of night
The black cloud arises
To choke off the light
But the guardians are coming, have faith in their fight.
For the princess of sunshine,
They gather their might,
They ride forth to save us
The Guardians of White

-Inspired by the adventures of the Pony Tales campaign.

Last edited by Stairc -Dan Felder on Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
Stairc -Dan Felder
Stairc -Dan Felder
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:03 pm

Is that all your going to post?
Fury of the Tempest
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:04 pm


If the players want to add more, go for it. There's been a lot of stuff generated.
Stairc -Dan Felder
Stairc -Dan Felder
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:05 pm

I really would like to know more. That poem alone makes the campaign awesome.
Fury of the Tempest
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:08 pm

I'll pass it along to the players. They've got long winding chronicles of their adventures they've written. Plus fans have come up with original art.
Stairc -Dan Felder
Stairc -Dan Felder
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:09 pm

Sounds cool to me!
Fury of the Tempest
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  LoganAura Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:18 pm

Session Filler: Your DM is in another castle
Alt Title: The session that Dan couldn't lead.
Alt Alt Title: Scales as the DM? WE'RE DOOMED!

Scales and Solar Flare passed out for some reason (Naptime), and while the party was on the train, they heard a very soft voice call out "Angel" before a yellow pegasi with a pink mane bumped into Soaring and the two started apologizing like crazy. The pegasus ("Fluttershy") started talking about how angel hopped out of the train in the town (Later learned to be ponyville). Inky, being the paranoid mare she is, tried to see if Fluttershy was evil and got a nat20 roll. Fluttershy ran out of the train and into the Everfree forest, with the party following, (Not counting Faded Tome). Flutterfake was 'cornered' by three changelings and sicced the changelings at the party who was there. Three turn kill since they attacked the fighter first and the only one left was a healer. Soaring made it explode with happiness from Dirge of Despair. Faded who was still behind caught sight of Flutterfake flying back into Ponyville (At dusk) and followed, the party close behind. A large number of background ponies were blocking the way of the party so they had to move through the crowd, but Scrapper derped into the FLower trios's flanks, and Alcazar saved him by accidentially angering the mares. Scrapper bumped into Fluttershy (The real one) who glared as best as she could once she learned that scrapper was the one who went Suddenly Elephant a few weeks ago. Fluttershy talked Scrapper's ears off about elephant care and then we popped back to Soaring and Inky (The only two who passed through the crowd.)
Inky caught flutterfake in her magic, but Soaring got a nat1 and crashed into Flutterfake, disrupting the magic. Then he used his amulet's power to make that nat1 into a nat20, creating a magical chase scene in the sky that resulted in a Starlit Songboom (Basically a sonic rainboom, but with starlight). Then a huge conversation including cameos from Derpy, Dr. Hooves, Big Mac, and various other background ponies and learning stuff about how the chagneling (Flutterfake/Flutterbitch) got indepencene around the time Chrissy died. Al Twitchy Tailed wether or not the changeling could become the queen and I burp/growled "No." Flutterfake made her own appearence (Mostly the same as fluttershy just the colors are less muted. Red and yellow.) and name (Mirage) and the actual knowledge of changeling stuff will be given by the others since I forget what Dan said.
Not sure if there's anything else I'm forgeting though :/

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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:20 pm

Apart from not knowing about the characters, I remember reading about that in Friendship is Dragons...
Fury of the Tempest
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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  LoganAura Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:24 pm

This one's just a bit more specific. One of the party who was out (Solar Flare) said the one in FiD wasn't helpful.

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Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign Empty Re: Pony Tales - Stairc's Campaign

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Sep 23, 2012 7:29 pm

Yeah, it is more specific.
Fury of the Tempest
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