Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Discussion: Making Combat Fun Again

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Discussion: Making Combat Fun Again - Page 2 Empty Re: Discussion: Making Combat Fun Again

Post  Xel Unknown Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:30 pm

Yeah... Healing in the system is really godly in this game. With Miracle being the hands down most powerful move out of everything. And I gotta say, while the idea of using Fatal Damage is neat and I'd totally approve of it. There isn't much guidelines on how to tack it onto the game. And if it get's added wrong... It'll end up like the crappy sanity system add on that is somewhere on this forum that's really more like a self-esteam system (you crit-fail, and then your crit-fail range goes up by one... NOT any type of way to do sanity) So um... I mean I'd love to see what thoughts there are to how to change the HP to work with the the new fatal damage thing. Hell I'd also suggest some idea of non-combat fatal damage too... (cause I for one want to keep alive the combat/non-combat split even though you've found it more limiting, rebridging them is only going to lead to "you gotta build with X talents used like this or it's going to be a bad build" type of talks in my mind, but having it be an add-on optional thing that can work well with the system is most ideal in my mind. Or if you guys are so dead set on the bridged system being the standard, making a way to easily split combat and noncombat again would be nice.)

Sorry for the rambles, hopefully somebody will be able to use what I've said to do things or whatever.
Xel Unknown
Xel Unknown
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Discussion: Making Combat Fun Again - Page 2 Empty Re: Discussion: Making Combat Fun Again

Post  ZamuelNow Fri Jun 13, 2014 12:23 am

Stairc -Dan Felder wrote:The rework is fixing all of this. The natural fix is to increase player starting life to the point where monster damage fits to healing and gives monsters more room for variable damage amounts. The new system currently has players starting at 100 life (and able to heal about 23 life for a standard action). You could apply a quick patch to the current system by making it so that players start with 50 life instead of 30. That will let you set damage at 10, which will make things easier on you.

While the stickied thread mentioned Fatal Damage (and I'm already using it in my campaigns) I don't remember 50 HP being mentioned. That said, I can put that to use for more breathing room.
Freakin' Alicorn Princess

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