Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Monsters by Raxon

Stairc -Dan Felder
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Monsters by Raxon

Post  Raxon Thu Jul 26, 2012 8:04 am

Here are a few rough draft monsters I threw together. They need a little balancing, though.

Cyutulu (Kee-oo-too-loo) - 300 HP
An ancient and forgotten monster who sleeps in a stone temple below froggy bottom bog. Legend has it that when the stars are right, the temple will rise, and mighty Cyutulu will live again.
Hungry Fellow
When a pony's cutie mark has been devoured, Cyutulu loses interest, and turns his attention toward other present ponies.

Combat Skills
[+2] Grab
Cyutulu will grab whichever pony is closest that has a cutie mark. Deals 2 ongoing damage per turn. Save ends and releases pony from Cyutulu's grip. Target cannot retreat or flee the battle while being held.
[+2] Spicy Hug
Anypony Cyutulu has grabbed will be hugged once per turn for 5 damage, as long as they are still being held.
[+1] Entangle
Once a pony has been hugged for two consecutive turns, Cyutulu will wrap its facial tentacles around the pony, causing an additional 3 ongoing damage per turn. Save ends, but if the save for entangle fails, the save for grab automatically fails.
[-5] Devour
When a pony has been entangled for three consecutive rounds, Cyutulu devours their cutie mark. This causes no physical damage. Cyutulu loses all interest in a pony once he has devoured their cutie mark, and will discard them and turn toward the next pony with a cutie mark.

Notes -
Cyutulu ignores anypony without a cutie mark. Anypony whose cutie mark is devoured must relearn what their special talent is in order to get it back. Until they regain their cutie mark, they lose all the bonuses it grants. Losing a cutie mark can cause heavy sanity damage. Cyutulu is intended to be a marathon boss, and probably will eat all the cutie marks a party has. In addition, when there are no more cutie marks for him to devour, he will begin moving toward the nearest concentration(closest town.) At that point, the battle becomes less about survival, and more about beating him before he reaches town.

Murky Ones - 15HP
Deep within Froggy Bottom Bog, these terrifying, gloomy creatures wait. When they're not performing their creepy rituals, they often lie in wait on the bottom of the thick swamp muck, resting, but fully alert. Woe betide anypony who stumbles upon their resting place, or worse, interrupts their rituals. They worship mighty Cyutulu, and bide their time until their dark master rises from the depths. Beware, if you travel in the bog. "Shoo be doo, shoo shoo be doo" If you can hear their telltale dirge, it may already be too late. They never travel in groups of less than two.
Mostly Aquatic
Murky ones are highly adept in the water, moving quickly and efficiently. Using their fins, they can hobble on land, but anypony can outrun them simply by walking at a brisk pace.

Combat Skills
[+1] Bite
Murky one deals 1d4 damage.
[-4] Dive
Murky one dives under the swamp muck. It is now hidden, and any attack made against it has a 90% chance of missing. Roll a D10. If the outcome is 10, the attack hits. Anything else misses. This move only works in swamp muck or muddy water.
[+0] Ambush
While hidden, a murky one can make a surprise attack. Only usable in swamp muck or muddy water. Deals 1d12 damage.

Yeti - 150 HP
A yeti is a very large, powerful, solitary creature who lives in cold areas. They are good-natured and friendly. In fact, they're a little too friendly. Very strong, but kind of dim. A yeti can be reasoned with or tricked, or even taught how to be friends with ponies without hurting them.

Name Him George
Yetis love ponies. When the yeti sees a pony, it will attempt to pick the pony up and cuddle it.
Doesn't Know His Own Strength
Yetis don't really know their own strength, and their attempts to be friendly often end up harming you.

Combat Skills
Yeti grabs whichever pony strikes his fancy most, for 1d4 damage.
Yeti hugs and pets the pony he has for 3 damage.

Ice Succubus - 30 HP
These creatures seduce ponies with offers of candy and sweets, but when the unsuspecting pony tastes them, they realize their tongue is stuck. Ice succubi always travel in groups of two, and often have between two and ten minions, ponies they've drained to their last ounce of strength. "Hey, that hot chick is offering us free candy at the end of this dark alley! We've really lucked out!"

When this enemy is first encountered, it will appear as a pony, or whatever friendly race is native to the area, and tempt the party with offers of sweets. Any party member who likes sweets must make a Streetwise/Perception(either works) check, DC 15. A successful save means the target notices that the pile of sweets is actually a chunk of solid ice. Anyone who fails will have their tongue stuck to the ice. unable to retreat or flee until the fight ends, and suffer vulnerability 3.

Combat Skills
[+2] Feed
The Succubus can feed on any target stuck to the ice, causing 3 damage.
[-4] Ice Armor
The succubus grows ice over itself as a suit of armor, granting itself Resist 3.
[-3] Icy Thorns
The succubus creates sharp thorns of ice across the field. This causes 3 ongoing damage per turn until the succubus is defeated, or the pony has fled the area.
[-6] Ice Wall
The succubus creates a tall wall of ice between itself and its attackers. The wall has 10 HP. Ice wall absorbs the first ten damage directed at the succubi, though flying characters such as pegasi and gryphons can bypass it just by flying over the wall.

Beard Parasite - 1 HP
Latches onto a pony's face while they sleep, then burrows under the skin and grows a manly, luxuriant beard. Causes no pain, and has no way to attack. It's technically a parasite, because it sucks a bit of blood, but why would you want to get rid of it? It gave you this really sweet beard! If you really must, it can be killed with fire, but you need to ask yourself two questions. First of all, how desperate are you to get rid of this wonderful, magnificent beard? Second, how steady are you with a welding torch?

Beardly Knowledge checks
DC 5 "Hey, you've got a beard!"
DC 10 Beards grow on chins.
DC 15 That beard doesn't match your mane.
DC 20 Huh, that's odd. Beards don't usually grow overnight.
DC 25 That beard isn't natural. It's some kind of benign parasite.
DC 30 That sweet beard is sucking your blood! The only answer is fire, and lots of it!
(I had to include a knowledge check table for this one, because it's just too ridiculous not to.)

Transcendental Trickster - 200 HP
Oh geeze! This guy? You totally hate this guy! You just don't know it yet. He always appears alone, though that doesn't stop him from being the most annoying irritation you've ever met. It's gonna feel real good giving him what he's got coming.
The Trickster is always in meditation, and automatically gains 3 PiPs per turn.
Technically, the Trickster never attacks you, but that doesn't mean he's not a huge jerk!
Huge Jerk
This guy is a huge jerk, always taunting ponies into attacking him, and mocking them when they fail to hurt him.

Combat skills
[+4] Intense Focus
Roll a D6. If the result is a 6, the Trickster gains double PiPs for this action.
[-10] Blinding Flash
The Trickster creates a blinding flash that blinds all enemies for five rounds.
[-10] Wave of Weakness
Roll a D12. If the result is 8 or higher, all enemies are inflicted with weakness for the next two turns.
[-2] Sharp Crack
The trickster cracks a whip near a single target. Target is stunned for their next turn.
[-15] Hypnosis
The Trickster targets one pony and hypnotizes them. The target is now asleep. Save ends.
[-5] Sticky Webs
The Trickster shoots out sticky webs across the field, trapping the party. Anypony on the ground is unable to flee the battle unless the Trickster is defeated.

Notes -
The Trickster is specifically designed to draw the battle out. It's a good encounter to throw out there when you really need to stall for time, such as when your players destroy something that's plot critical, and you need to figure out a way to get the campaign to work without it. Trickster never initiates combat, so it can be schmuck bait if the party initiates combat. The Trickster is always a solo enemy.

None of them are particularly serious. In fact, I suspect they may be downright silly, but what's a pony game without a little silliness? I hope you all like them.

Last edited by Raxon on Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixing and revamping monsters.)
Cutie Mark Crusader
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  tygerburningbright Thu Jul 26, 2012 10:53 am

[+2] Grab
Cyutulu will grapple whichever pony is closest that has a cutie mark for 2 damage per turn.
We do not have grapple rules so... make it a save end also dpt should be ongoing

[+2] Hug
Any pony Cyutulu has grabbed will be hugged once per turn for 5 damage.
the name needs more spice

[+1] Entangle
Once a pony has been entangled for two turns, Cyutulu will wrap its facial tentacles around the pony, causing an ongoing 2 damage per round in addition to the hug damage.
It is a bit clunky right now for example is it any two turns or just two consecutive turns.

[-5] Devour
When a pony has been entangled for three rounds, Cyutulu devours their cutie mark. This causes no physical damage. Cyutulu loses all interest in a pony once he has devoured their cutie mark, and will discard them and turn toward the next pony with a cutie mark.
Mixing non combat things and combat and has no real effect on combat but you could change it to sanity and it would be much better.

Cyutulu ignores anypony without a cutie mark. Anypony whose cutie mark is devoured must relearn what their special talent is in order to get it back. Until they regain their cutie mark, they lose all the bonuses it grants. This is intended to be a marathon boss.
Problem 5 fillys/colts could take him? down without taking any damage.

Ice Succubus - 30 HP
These creatures seduce ponies with offers of candy and sweets, but when the unsuspecting pony tastes them, they realize their tongue is stuck. Ice succubi always travel in groups of two, and often have between two and ten minions, ponies they've drained to their last ounce of strength. "Hey, that hot chick is offering us free candy at the end of this dark alley! We've really lucked out!"
We already have a succubus-esc race changelings
When this enemy is first encountered, it will appear friendly, and tempt ponies with offers of sweets. There's a Streetwise/Perception(either works) check, DC 15. Anypony who succeeds with notice that the pile of sweets is actually a chunk of solid ice. Anypony who fails will be stuck to the ice, immobile and unable to retreat or flee until the fight ends, and suffer vulnerability 3.
Flavor issues the player with physical attacks vs the player with magic attacks big difference as the first needs to move to attack

[-6] Ice Wall
The succubus creates a wall of ice between itself and its attackers. The wall has 10 HP.
the same problem also how would it affect aoe and random attacks

Transcendental Trickster
This guy... well he is broken in two ways if alone just ignore him and continue on but if there is even one other monster the fight becomes an almost certain mass rage quit.
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  Raxon Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:25 pm

Thanks for the feedback. The idea behind Cyutulu isn't that he's particularly hard, in fact, he's designed to go down after a long beat down session. He's a comically lighter and softer Cthulhu, which the players obviously wouldn't take seriously, until he uses devour. "It ate his cutie mark! Oh No, it's coming for me!" It's supposed to cause a panic, though it does need work. Yes, it should say two consecutive turns. Thanks for pointing that out.

The trickster I wasn't sure about, but I was encouraged to submit it. It's a solo encounter, best used as schmuck bait, or a way to stall for time.

As for the tricky trait, it's just their tongue that's stuck. The succubus would still need to be close by in order to feed, and the pony's limbs would not be hindered.

The ice wall would absorb the first ten damage dealt to the succubi, but that has reasonable limitations. flying characters, such as pegasi or gryphons, could probably bypass it.

I apologize for the imprecise writing quality. The insomnia makes it easy to miss mistakes, like the grapple thing, and it really helps to have them pointed out.
Cutie Mark Crusader
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:35 pm

Great concepts, great feedback... Put them together and we're going to have great monsters!

Seriously, these ideas you guys keep coming up with are amazing. I haven't spent much of my own time on monster design yet because I want to see more of your ideas and community feedback before I swoop in... And I'm liking what I'm seeing so far!

One thing though, while player abilities should be strictly combat OR non-combat due to preventing the instinct to munchkin from interfering with cool character concepts, monsters don't need to follow those rules - the purpose of a monster is very different than player abilities. The idea of eating a cutie mark is excellent and I definitely want to see a monster with that ability. Even if you escape from that creature, you'll definitely feel the scar.
Stairc -Dan Felder
Stairc -Dan Felder
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  Raxon Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:10 am

Okay, the monsters have been modified to be more Pony Tales friendly.

[+2] Hug
Any pony Cyutulu has grabbed will be hugged once per turn for 5 damage.

the name needs more spice
I honestly had no idea what to do with that, or how to modify it so that it doesn't seem overly threatening, so the word Spicy is there for now. It may be a placeholder until an actual intelligent idea pops into my head, or I may think it sounds hilarious enough to warrant keeping when I've actually gotten sleep. I am considering naming it Sinister Hug.

Also, I don't see any reason why the ice succubi can't be a special kind of changeling.
Cutie Mark Crusader
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  tygerburningbright Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:31 pm

Two things if the ice succubi is a special kind of changeling then it should be called Ice Changeling and upon takeing a second look at the murky ones I realized that they will never be able to use dive as they need 4 turns to get enough PiPs and players only need to hit them about 2-3 times to takes them out.
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  SilentBelle Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:21 pm

Your Transcendental Trickster needs some reworking with the pips. Why put a pony to sleep, (Essentially stunned save ends) for 15 pips when you can stun a pony for 2 pips with the crack of a whip? I think the trickster is actually a really great idea, an awesome monster that irritates players into feeling great about defeating it.
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  XandZero2 Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:55 pm

Raxon, you crazy!

But the Cthulhu concept is pretty interesting. I like how you've got it ignoring anyone without a cutie-mark, but I guess that would make non-pony players completely immune to it? In which case, I suppose they'd just luck out.

I also really appreciate the yeti reference, but shouldn't it have the potential for dealing more damage? I guess with so much HP and so little damage output, it's currently meant to be ran from more than fought? I guess it's more of a nuisance than anything (kind of like in the cartoons), but I'd expect it to be capable of more damage, being so big and strong...

-Ooh! It needs to have some kind of crying/temper-tantrum ability.
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  Appkes Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:42 pm

On Topic - Spicy Hug made me laugh so hard!

Off topic - I've found youu Raxxon! Tell us a story!
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Monsters by Raxon Empty Re: Monsters by Raxon

Post  Philadelphus Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:44 am

Raxon wrote:Yeti - 150 HP
A yeti is a very large, powerful, solitary creature who lives in cold areas. They are good-natured and friendly. In fact, they're a little too friendly. Very strong, but kind of dim. A yeti can be reasoned with or tricked, or even taught how to be friends with ponies without hurting them.

Name Him George
Yetis love ponies. When the yeti sees a pony, it will attempt to pick the pony up and cuddle it.
Doesn't Know His Own Strength
Yetis don't really know their own strength, and their attempts to be friendly often end up harming you.

Combat Skills
Yeti grabs whichever pony strikes his fancy most, for 1d4 damage.
Yeti hugs and pets the pony he has for 3 damage.
Heh. This one's hilarious. With those moves, is the battle supposed to be something like grab, hug hug hug, lather, rinse, and repeat?

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