Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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My Little Warehouse

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Crystalite Sun May 11, 2014 9:42 pm

At the House

The hoofprints lead Wraith (and presumably the others) into and through a well furnished sitting room to a glass door going outside. They are certainly leading out rather than in. ((Before Busker makes a fuss.))

The backyard looks fairly well kept in comparison to the front. The big tree you saw sports a tree house, and a barrel swing off the lower branches. There is also a small vegetable garden, and a tarp covering what a nornal pony would presume are hay bales.

At The Sunset

The unicorn boss fumbles the pillow slightly. Rather than continuing to mess with it, he lets of a lightning bolt towards Trotson. Trotson feels a sort of lock-up in his joints and a weakness in his bones...

Meanwhile, the Earth Pony, getting thrown off by Wrangler, resorts to kick-boxing tactics rather than wrestling, letting off a painful assault with his front hooves. The other Earth Pony joins in, running up and swiveling around to let off a rear kick at the last moment. The Pegasus and Unicorn let off a joint lightning attack towards the melee....


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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Lapis-Lazily Sun May 11, 2014 10:04 pm

"Ugh, where'd that kid go? I just wanted to play! Oh well, I'll check under that tarp. The rest of you should stay back. There could be scary things in there. Of course, I'm not scared because I can't die and I can just reform if I break. That's why I'm doing this in the first place though. But really..." Wraith continues to ramble on as she pulls the tarp away.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Quietkal Sun May 11, 2014 10:27 pm

"What, yer not havin' fu-UHN!" Wrangler exclaims as the needle strikes him again.
With the new rush of energy, Wrangler manages to control this energy rush a bit more than his last attempt and swipes his rather sharp claws at the Unicorn boss before leaping toward the thugs hanging on the outskirts of the fight and clawing them as well.
He rebounds off the wall in an attempt to get back to the goggled unicorn for another clawing, but again is at the end of his energy burst and only manages to scratch the unicorn boss somewhat. (Or goggles uses an interrupt, i'unno)
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  tygerburningbright Mon May 12, 2014 9:13 pm

"I'm a tad bloody here so hurry up you over-sized pup." As Trotson says this he already is tossing a sizable bundle of needles into the air each landing perfectly in both Wrangler and himself.


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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Curunir Tue May 13, 2014 2:59 pm

Jade finished picking the lock, entered, closed the door, and looked to see if she could manually re-lock it from the inside- both to mask her entry, and to provide another minor obstacle to Stonehead getting back inside.

She concentrated for a moment- she had to get to the others quickly. Luckily, she had a very good sense of direction. Fairly certain she knew where Busker was at, she made her way quickly to the rest of the team.

"Hurry it up." she whispered as she reached them. "Stonehead's almost home, and he's not in a good mood. Best if he doesn't find us lurking about."

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Zarhon Thu May 15, 2014 7:15 pm

"Hey, artifact hunting isn't an exact science. Unless its the boring archeology ones, which doesn't seem to be the case yet. Running out of ideas at this point. Either, Stonehead's clinging to it, Stonehead jr. has it, it's under the tarp, or it's right in our snouts and we can't see it. Maybe check the bedroom?"

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Crystalite Fri May 16, 2014 12:53 pm

At the House

Wraith pulls back the tarp to reveal...

A pair of hay bales. Just like the ones kept in the vast majority of other ponies.

((To quote Twilight Sparkle: "Pinkie. I eat hay. YOU eat hay!"))

Meanwhile, Jade hears a loud WHUMP as her clay pony hits the door.

Meanwhile, Busker manages to discover both bedrooms are on the upper floor. Mom and Dad's bedroom is fairly neat and tidy, with a big four poster bed, a vanity mirror, and a modest dresser. He can also see a trapdoor in the ceiling.

Meanwhile, Sunspot sits and idly contemplates the term "meanwhile"...

At The Sunset

Wrangler's attack sends the Unicorn and Pegasus into the wall, and the boss scurrying back; but too slow! His claws leave long, bloody streaks down his back and side. Another Pegasus, Unicorn, and two more Earth Ponies pour in from the stairs. Three of the four Earth ponies decide to wrangle Wrangler, while the other trots on Trotson.


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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Quietkal Fri May 16, 2014 3:23 pm

Wrangler throws off some of the ponies restraining him and pushes on to continue swiping at the goggled leader.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Lapis-Lazily Sat May 17, 2014 2:25 pm

"Awww phooey. I want to find an artifact," Wraith says with a pout. She begins looking around the backyard more for any sign of something suspicious.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Zarhon Mon May 19, 2014 2:49 pm

"Ah, the noble attic. Where else to store memories and/or misbehaving heirlooms? Maybe the cellar, but this will do for now."

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  tygerburningbright Fri May 30, 2014 7:26 pm

"I am getting a feeling of Déjà vu..." Trotson sticks a need into Wrangler and removes a dart from himself.

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Curunir Mon Jun 02, 2014 4:50 pm

Jade decided to let Wraith wander off- she was probably the best able to keep herself hidden.  Her ears folded back as she heard the clay figure hit the door.  

"Running out of time." she mutters, but she follows Busker's lead- upstairs was a good place to check: and even if they didn't find anything, the attic would probably be a good place to hide.

"Hard to know what to look for when you don't know what you're looking for."  She muttered some more.  She tried to calm herself.  This was never that hard when she did this sort of thing back in the day.  Why did it feel so different now?  Because she was doing it in an official capacity?  Or just because she always knew the item she wanted, where it was kept, and how to get it?

She tried to remember what she knew about the Pony Pox, grasping for any possible lead.  Pony Settlers had tried to weaponize it against buffalo.  How did they try to spread the disease?  Blankets?  She went with that- looking through the bedrooms quickly, and then the attic once they were up there.  

Feeling a little silly, she sniffed each item that caught her attention following Wrangler's earlier advice.  Her nose wasn't likely as sensitive as his, but she was sure to pick up something (if there was anything!) if she put her nose right up against it.


Last edited by Curunir on Thu Jul 17, 2014 5:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Crystalite Tue Jun 03, 2014 12:22 pm

At the House

Wraith doesn't see anything particularly out of the ordinary, all things considered. There's an awesome looking treehouse ((Take a liberty there if you want)) and a tire swing, and a decent privacy fence around it. She does notice a gate that (presumably) leads up to the front yard.

Meanwhile, as Jade and Busker search the house, Jade recalls distinctly that blankets were in fact one way the disease was spread. The Buffalo would deliberately infect blankets the disease, and offer them up as trade material under the guise of friendly traders, and then stand back and watch the pandemonium. Jade is also able to find a wide variety of bedding: from old, thick quilts, to woolen felted, to (surprisingly) a My Little Human blanket in what she presumes to be the foal's room. Sadly, none of them strike her as likely suspects. However, finding herself finishing in the foal's room, there's a surprising amount of other miscellaneous MLH stuff in here; posters, toys, miniatures, and other things. In particular, her eye is drawn a binder on a desk labeled, "GM's Notes - DON'T TOUCH!"

Meanwhile, Busker is in the attic, noticing several things at once. For one, it's really dusty in here. For another, judging by the spots where the dust is a little thinner, someone was up here not too long ago. Thirdly, he sees a big square shape on a table that looks almost clean...

Meanwhile, Sunspot can hear voices outside the door. She can't make out what they're saying, but it's pretty apparent who it is...

((Elacular/Sunspot, roll Perception please.))

At The Sunset

Wrangler makes another attempt on the Boss's life: but alas! He teleports out of the way at the last second. A veritable swarm of Earth Ponies hits Wrangler in response, and he disappears underneath the pile as the pain train hits...


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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Zarhon Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:54 pm

Hmm, something used to be here, an' it was old... Box or chest, maybe, or an artifact itself... But which? Hang on, that spot's cleaner than the tracks left over... Hmm...
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Quietkal Wed Jun 04, 2014 1:21 am

The wolf-pony struggles somewhat before succumbing to the mob of ponies' continued blows.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  tygerburningbright Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:20 pm

Trotson drags out Wrangler's unconscious body from the pile of ponies. "Get back up this instant!" As he says this sends out a single needle glowing bight with golden energy deep into the wood wolf's body almost instantly healing every single wound. "Now go and get them!"


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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Lapis-Lazily Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:04 am

Wraith immediately begins swinging on the tire swing in the backyard, due to the fact that the others seem to have everything handled. After all, you've always got to take time to enjoy the little things and nopony would suspect a little filly trying to have a good time of anything suspicious.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Crystalite Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:21 pm

At the House

Busker realises it's not the perfect sort of square a box would leave ((My bad.)) It's too rounded at the corners and irregular at the edges. Busker thinks it was probably a stack of bedding of some kind: quilts, maybe? He's also pretty sure somebody took it not too long ago; less than a week...

At The Sunset

Wrangler practically bursts out of the pile as Trotson's needle hits him. The boss, seeing he's not going to win this fight, makes a run for the stairs...

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Zarhon Mon Jun 09, 2014 10:54 pm

Busker carefully climbs back downstairs to inform his team of this 'discovery', taking the opportunity to look for any hand-sewn, old-fashioned, or otherwise antique-looking fabrics and clothing, as he passes by and through the parent and child bedrooms.

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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Quietkal Tue Jun 10, 2014 12:32 am

The timberpony tackles the unicorn and gives them a rather nasty bite, before throwing the troublesome pony back into the room to Trotson's hooves. He then turns to the mob of earth ponies and lets out an extended snarl, caving to the instinctual response to display his dominance.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Crystalite Fri Jun 13, 2014 2:16 pm

((Sorry this took so long. Again. Especially considering that not much is happening yet.))

At the House

Busker sees a lot of different curtain, blankets, garments, and other old fashioned type things; but, a gut feeling tells him none of them are what he's looking for.

At The Sunset

Wrangler's final attack is enough to bring the unicorn down, barely conscious and not able to move very well. The remaining thugs, seeing this and Wrangler's display, practically vanish in their rush to leave.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Quietkal Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:33 pm

The timberpony snarls a bit more and snaps his snout a few times, before brusquely shutting the door. He resumes the shift back into an innocuous form as he moves back toward Trotson, and says, "G'job. Though now we might have t' russle the rest 'a the thieves if they got stuff like this." He reaches down and pulls the spiked goggles off the unicorn, before tossing them onto a desk or table in the room. He also uncovers the pillow from the quilt and gestures to it, saying, "This feels like an artifact too. Don' touch," before mostly covering it in the quilt again.
He roughly pushes one of the thugs he knocked out earlier off a bed before laying down on it himself. "Y' might wanna give Farns a look, some 'a them got to him b'fore I could get to them."
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Zarhon Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:56 pm

Busker goes downstairs to recoup with the others and share his discovery, careful to avoid encountering Stone.
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  tygerburningbright Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:27 pm

"Yes yes I shall just where is he? Didn't come up with you and all that. Also would you kindly tie those thugs with the sheets or if you have it rope."
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My Little Warehouse - Page 14 Empty Re: My Little Warehouse

Post  Crystalite Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:33 am

At the House

Busker has no difficulty getting downstairs. Peeking out the window, he can just see the two Gazelle knocking on a neighbor's door...

At The Sunset

Farnsworth chooses that moment to struggle to his feet. He looks around at the chaos. "...I dunno what happened, but something tells me Maverick isn't going to like this..."
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