Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Doing zeh German Monsters

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  Silver Fire Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:17 am

Halöle da! - Ellozy there!

Currently, I'm working on the German Translation for Pony Tales, Wanderlust, Living Legends and alle expansions I can get my hoofs on.

When I first encountered Pony Tales, the DM haden't had the slightest idea about encounters, monsters in special... or pen and paper at all.
I can already see loads more DMs like that coming up, when the System becomes popular in German (which I really hope for!).

I'm afraid uninspired or unexperienced DMs might end up doing the same my first Pony Tales DM did: using the summonable creatures as encounters and simply reflavoring them. Boring as counting rocks if you ask me.
I'd now like to ask you all, if I could gather all your monsters in a Bestiary for the German PT/LL/WL-translation. You'll get the credit for the monsters of course. Links in the PDFs and all, I just want to make sure I have your permission to avoid akward Situations.

Silver Fire
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Re: Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  ZamuelNow Thu Mar 26, 2015 11:26 am

The problem is that a lot of people have come and gone. While I think most would be okay with them being used (that's why they were publicly posted), they simply aren't here to ask. The ones I did in The Final Prize - Monster Repository are okay to be used but may need attack name adjustments to cover how they're translated.
Freakin' Alicorn Princess

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Re: Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  Silver Fire Thu Mar 26, 2015 1:53 pm

If you say so boss. it'll probably be the best if I just backlink to the Threads I got the monsters from.
Don't worry for the names of the attacks.
If something won't translate, we'll come up with a German name, that fits the flavour of the monster and the effect and put the english name next to the translated name.

Silver Fire
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Re: Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  ZamuelNow Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:47 pm

Yeah, I figured there would be some adjustments here and there. I can at least give suggestions for the ones I've done.
Freakin' Alicorn Princess

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Re: Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  Silver Fire Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:17 am

Nice, thank you.
By now I translated the monsters by Sable Shroud. Poison Joke was a challenge, since I never watched mlp fim in German.
Of your monsters I already translated the Siren, Alicorn OC and the icosahedron. I plan on using all three of them in a campaign I'm currently developing. I can use the Siren almost as is and got to reflavour the alicorn oc to match my idea. Yes I am a bit lazy, when it comes to monsterdevelopment but hey, it's going to be my first PT campaign! ^^
I didn't translate the icosahedron as icosahedron, but as D20. Most German players woulden't have scratch of an idea, what an icosahedron is and I'm planning for like a print version so you can "play in the park without any kind of additional book or internet acess".

Silver Fire
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Re: Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  ZamuelNow Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:26 pm

Well, that's one of the more interesting things. I actually don't even expect most people who know English to know what a icosahedron is. It plays into the character using a lot of pompous and grandiose terms. I think there's some other oddities since my movelists for The Final Prize don't mention visual descriptions, though the campaign is here in the forum. Thus, it would be less obvious that Orient and Occident are twin zebra sisters.
Freakin' Alicorn Princess

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Doing zeh German Monsters Empty Re: Doing zeh German Monsters

Post  Silver Fire Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:48 pm

Let me guess. You met some alicorn ocs in non-pnp rps? that would definetly explain the creature!

I like the idea of players going "Wait, what?" when you announce you summon a dice onto the field.

When I read the names "Orient and Occident", the first thing I thought of were two elemental spirits of opposing alignments, but part of one big entity.

The thing is, I'm not building the german monster handbook as a guide that tells you everything about a monster like its race, looks, abilities, but more like a collection of mechanics. If a description is attached to a creature, ok I'll translate that too but I rather give DMs Templates and examples to build their own monsters.

For example I'll use your solo siren in a modified form for the campaign I'm currently working on. Might take ages till i'm finished though ^^'

Silver Fire
Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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