Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  SparkImpulse Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:03 pm

Smallest homage to Fo:E, but I assure any following I accidentally accrue, this is based on a different fan-fic.

Players have mostly signed on to the OOC thread where I can answer questions about the rules as I'm abusing using them, and maybe we can discuss how/where to store battle maps, as I have every intention of using 'tabletop' rules rather than 'skype' rules. :twisted:Also I've talked about using frustration limits but I plan to allow much faster re-gain of "sanity" than suggested in that thread. But I may try and force you to push on without sleep someday ... a screwy player could be interesting.

So! Fresh from some adventuring off-screen and before-campaign, a group of individuals contemplates forming an actual group. To this end, you've all bought tickets from Fillydelphia, where you met ... to Stableside, way to the south and nigh to the coast. Reports of crime are low, Celestia's sunshine is high, and there are a variety of ways groups can earn either bits, or fame.

The "booming metropolis" as visible from the train station is primarily made of an orange orchard to the east, and you can make out a few equines tending to the trees, while behind you to the west is a strawberry field, tended by at least three griffons, but you make out several equines, most of whom have cutie marks for sure, and you don't see stripes so presumably they're all ponies.

Anyone in the party who had studied the history of the region knows that an hour's travel to the south puts you at the mouth of a local river tumbing into the sea of Eternity's Crossing, where griffon owned companies often collect tuna and other large fish for sale back in the griffon kingdoms, all of which are landlocked thus restricting saltwater fish choices to imports, such as found here.

Alchemical mining can be profitable for a few, but the city's conservation efforts have severly limited the amount of digging, and the ground is too squishy for the likes of most diamond dogs. The two biggest 'companies' (both consisting of a single pony and their sibling as a junior partner)  sell as much in herbal components, as hard minerals to the arcane colleges across Equestria.

When you arrive it's a balmy 90F & 70% humidity. I'd make you all roll endurance checks except of course you knew how much warmer it would be, and are all packing lots of water, and sunblock to keep your nose from burning. Except you Thunderscale ... you might need a hat to see but radiant heat is still just heat.

Obvious choices from this point, are to look at the strawberry field, the orange field, or you could visit the nearby suburb Un Stabel, populated primarily by migrant workers looking to work one of the fields. Or continue south on hoof to Stableside and see what trouble you can squash ... or stir up ...  in the town itself.
Very Special Somepony
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Trouble

Post  Zkin Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:17 am

Thunderscale is indeed looking to rustle up some trouble, probably starting with a doughnut.  He obviously enjoys the heat - some will view his cheerful energy as 'flaunting his heritage' - and will explore the extents of town (and its residents) once his sweet tooth is sated.

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Re: Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  Golmorgoth Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:06 am

Sparkshine, operating on the most likely erroneous assumption that covering herself in fire will make her heat-resistant, will activate Flame On, and proceed to trot happily after Thunderscale.

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Observation

Post  Seiko Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:05 pm

I will follow the party and observe them in their doings. (If I haven't done a magical examination of Sparkshine and Thunderscale I will do so now {a burning pony is a strange occurrence}) I will also remember what I know about this town and their imports and it's effects on magic. (I also use "magical tricks" to cool myself down if needed {and if possible})

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Roll 'em!

Post  SparkImpulse Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:12 pm

Seiko, give me a history roll while I write up some fille err, history.
Also, an arcana roll, but I'll let Sparkshine respond to how useful that proves to you.

Sparkshine, give me a perception roll to notice ... things ...

And an endurance roll from Thunderscale please ... it's muggy, not just hot. Lava is hot but it's a dry heat, you know Cool 

And heck, the rest of you can do the other rolls too (optional), because why not.
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Rolls

Post  Seiko Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:37 pm

History 19 + 12 = 31
Arcana 5 + 18 = 23
(if magical tricks doesn't cool me down) endurance nat 20 + 8 = 28 (waste of a nat 20)

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Some local geography, history.

Post  SparkImpulse Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:34 pm

Stableside's high humidy, long days, and low monster densities mean there are a great variety of plants that are native to the region. Many of these plants have mild medicinal value, although filtered and compressed by an expert alchemist they can become powerful potions whose effects rival any unicorn's magic.

Of similar usefulness to magic-by-nonunicorns, is phosphate, a pale rock mined and shipped by train. It has many uses, again only in potions, or as reagents used by unicorns. Since the local geology makes for sizable tracts of bog, marsh, swamp, and other generally muddy, soft ground diamond dogs and other tunneling races either tend to avoid the whole region, or remain above ground their whole stay.

Since these products don't have noticeable magic properties in their natural state, but can be turned into magical compounds, there has formed a small, junior college for unicorns, although a fair number of zebra attend as well. Some are sent as a tribe's shaman, to become more powerful in protecting and assisting their tribe, others are self-taught, hoping to make a living in a world of pony folk while still honoring their heritage as they see it.

Most of what Stableside is known across Equestria for, is citrus fruits. But there are strawberry, celery, even apple farms. Much of the surface area surrounding the city is owned by a farming family of one variety or another.

As these sizeable farms employ dozens of ponies, migrant workers from everywhere come here to find work ... and as the fishing is so lucrative for griffons, there are a wide variety of races interacting freely. There is even a slum where some changelings live. While they are mistrusted on the whole, neither their presence nor shapechanging is actually illegal. Banks, jails, and other security minded establishments however, have doors enchanted to dispel their magics specifically, and in what they consider a complete misunderstanding of their eating habits, the "slum" has been conscripted by the less scrupulous as a red-light district. Any changelings asked, will comment that, while strong, those emotions encountered in their home neighborhood taste foul. More like anger than love, or even lust.

OKAY! enough of this wall of text! I'd add a bit more but I want our other players to catch up, so I probably won't post again 'til tonight. But yes, Seiko's magic-tricks his generated a small field of cooler, drier air that extend several inches from her body.

Golmogorath if you come on tonight, go ahead and describe Sparkshine's arcane nature to your satisfaction of Seiko's '23'. And when next you post I'm going to ask you for a history roll anyway, although that won't be about the town. So ... add that to the perception roll? 'k.
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Re: Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  Zkin Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:23 pm

Not at all bothered by the heat (or distracted by his burning friend), Thunderscales' draconic senses drink in the world around him.

-edit- Abruptly changing his plans, Thunderscale makes a dime U-turn to chat up a water carrying Earth-Pony.  (Stealth check)
"Hi!  My name is Thunderscale," prompts Thunderscale, sloshing with youthful enthusiasm.

Remember, everyone receives a +1 to their rolls in my presence (but not me).

Endurance: 17 + 8 = 25 sunny 
History: 9 + 10 = 19
Perception: 20 + 6 = 26
Stealth: 5 + 8 = 13

Tip: [ hr ] will provide that fun horizontal line I'm using.

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Arcana, Rollings, and Name Change

Post  Golmorgoth Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:49 pm

Perception: 3 + 7 = 10, 11 with bonus from Thunderscale?
History: 15 + 8 = 23 (or 24)

As far as Seiko's magical examination goes, Sparkshine has an innate affinity for fire magic because fire is wild and unpredictable, much like Sparkshine herself. At least, that's how she sees it; according to anyone else, she has severe ADHD.

Also, I kinda want to change my character's name from Sparkshine to Flarestar, because I think it sounds cooler. Is that ok with people? I promise this will be the only name-change Razz 

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Flame-on spell?

Post  Seiko Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:36 am

After observing the way that Flarestar's (formerly known as Sparkshine) magic works I would like to theorize a spell (create but not cast it yet) to copy her ability.
Arcana 16 + 18 + *5 (freaky knowledge) + *1 (Thunderscale) = 40!!!
Then I continue observation of Flarestar's and Thunderscale's antics.
And where is bunny?
Perception 4 + 11 + *1 = 16

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Bunny is missing. Where is bunny?

Post  SparkImpulse Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:45 am

Hopalong Cassidy (or whatever the character's name ends up being) hasn't ... shown up yet. Hopefully soon, for that appearance.

Just now, an earth pony colt, with the well groomed mane that implies status, is carrying four large buckets filled with water. At Thunderscale's about face, he jumps, spilling (almost) not a drop, replying in a hastened voice "mah name's Sparkly Orange. 'N his name is mud. YER ON FAIRE. FAIRE AH SAY." And as he lands on the far side of Thunderscale, he bucks hard, tossing the rear two five gallon buckets, spilling water all across the fiery unicorn. Raring neatly, he accelerates the front two buckets, likewise landing their contents across shoulders and back.

Flame on! is now off.

Flarestar's history roll tells him who this ... no, wait. No it doesn't. It's just on the tip of your tongue, but while you've met this colt before, you don't know him.

He blinks hard, rocking onto his haunches, then runs forward and throws his hooves around Flarestar's neck. "Dog nab it, but it's you ... uh. Sparkle Shiny. Spark of Spiny. Shinespark. No?" He shrugs out of his harness, and offers his saddle pad as a towel to deal with excess moisture. "Heck outta high water I ain't seen you in. Since."

Blinking again, the colt, apparently an Orange family heir to the citrus empire to judge by ripening tangerines depicted on his rump, blushes. "Wait, so ... yer a filly. So not the pony that Ah." He pauses again, eyes glassy, and again glances at the unicorn, whose coat is the same color as the colt's mane. With a loud "Yee Haw!!" he jumps around the unicorn at least one full circle before declaring "Flarestar! Been years since Ah metcha. Heck girl whatcha doin' here? Where ya doin lunch? How many ya bringin? Ah kin ask mah paw 'bout lunch." He whips out a business card and tucks it into Flarestar's saddlebag girthstrap. "Lunch, and Ah'll work it out with Paw. Oh and yer group how many ya got?"

Suddenly all business he makes eye contact with the others. "Thunder Scale, was it? Right." Looking up and down at the biped discreetly, Sparkly adds "Yer a lizard type. Crock a Dial? Pardon Ah just ain't seen yer type round here none. Well the lizards what get hunted by griffon types but Y'all kin talk so ya ain't that. Welcome tah Un Stabel, or Stableside iff'n ya git that far." Moving his gaze to the donkey he politely adds "Likewise ma'am. Plenty o' work fer yer kind here. Cept." He slowly double takes, and re-evaluates. "No offense ma'am but yer right up there creepy like them zebra types. Still, Yer with mah cousin or whatever she is so Ah trust yer good folk."

Packing his empty buckets back into his harness, he explains briefly "Ya otta be careful with that fire spell thing. Lotsa plants round here, lotsa heat. Folk get nervous about big fires. Still, see you soon but I gotta get back ta work."

With that, he disappears into the crowd. Which is impressive considering there isn't much of a crowd. Blame it on his brisk movements combined with his short stature. At any rate, in addition to whatever else your party does, you have an invitation and, presumably an address on that card, to lunch with some of Flarestar's relatives.
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty A response to an abrupt encounter.

Post  Seiko Wed Jul 03, 2013 1:00 pm

"What an interesti--no... what a bizarre character. I highly doubt that the work he offers is at all intriguing, however that offer of lunch might be fine after we get into town. Oh, and perhaps you shouldn't scare all the small-folk out of their wits with your flames Flarestar, wait until we are in a less... burnable place. Such as a large stone or an islet in a stream." "Oh and Thunderscale perhaps you shouldn't talk to strangers needlessly. See? You got Flarestar all wet."

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Re: Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  Zkin Wed Jul 03, 2013 6:23 pm

"Come on, he had it coming," Thunderscale replies with a toothy grin. "I do wonder where he went off to. I think he's related to Sparkler." Sparing named Flarestar an inquisitive glance, Thunderscale continues, "Well, up to you, Flarestar - are we going? He's your Parasprite. And I want my doughnut either way." Thunderscale twiddles his claws.

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Re: Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  Golmorgoth Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:04 pm

*Shakes vigorously, spraying Thunderscale and Seiko with water*
"Ooh, lunch at the Orange Farm!  I bet they have all kinds of flammable, I mean tasty, things!  We should totally go!"
*Pulls out the business card, accidentally drops it in the water puddle, picks it up again, shoots fire at it to dry it off*

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Re: Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  Zkin Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:20 pm

As Thunderscale has made no effort to stay cool, the spray of droplets sizzle as they hit his heat-absorbent scales.
Thunderscale trots close to slake his insatiable curiosity...

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty The logical thing to do.

Post  Seiko Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:14 pm

When the water droplets hit her Seiko "turns" them into little lightning bolts that skitter off her coat using ponykenisis and magical tricks. (DC 21 to disbelieve the illusion) Then Quickly snatches the card out of Flarestar's hooves and attempts to read the note, reconstructing it with magic if required. Arcana 2 + 18 +*1 = 21 (good thing I have no Derp)
"Yes, yes doughnuts and flammable materials but only if we can get there." "Why do I feel like I'm baby sitting two baby dragons?"
We read the card.

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty you read the card

Post  SparkImpulse Thu Jul 04, 2013 2:57 am

While you're not familiar with the street layout, it isn't that big of a metropolis. Asking a couple of zebras carting oranges along the main road, you find this is the address of the new Orange family, who operate the northern orchard from a farmhouse in the middle of it.

They've only lived in Stableside for about fifteen years, but only young Sparkly still has the accent typical of their prior town. His parents Orange Bushel and Orange Creamsicle have all but lost their accent, and also you catch a quickly hushed aside about almost losing their farm too. Further attempts to coax an explanation out of the pair fail, as they politely claim not to understand the question.

In the outskirts of Un Stabel there is a pastry stand, selling pear cider to go with such delicacies as orange fritters and celery muffins. He does not carry cupcakes, but directs you to a store across town, where the proprietor carries cupcakes and soda pop, but neither cider nor muffins. The muffin dealer also claims no knowledge of troubles amongst the Orange farm.

Are you guys going anywhere before finding the Orange family? I guess I'll have to take notes on all these NPCs I'm whipping up right and left, won't I? S'okay I have half the dialogue written down already, anyway.

Once you're with Flarestar's relatives you'll need to give me a streetwise check, so maybe you can roll that now as it will inform how the dialogue goes, a bit. Since they're Flarestar's relatives, she gets a +5 to that roll.
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Re: Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory.

Post  Zkin Thu Jul 04, 2013 5:20 am

Thunderscale will have his doughnut before anything else! (Assuming nothing else grabs his attention...) Beyond that, he has no plan and little inclination to make one.

Streetwise 10 + 6 = 16 (Self)
Streetwise 8 + 6 = 14 (Attempting an assist - If successful, this is +3 due to Thunderscales' Utilities)
Persuasion 16 + 6 = 22 (Preemptive assist, offering +3 to whomever does the negotiating with the Orange Family)

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Wherein lunch is served

Post  SparkImpulse Thu Jul 04, 2013 8:19 pm

the door opens, and a pale orange stallion, short and stout, practically rippling with muscle despite his apparent advanced middle age answers the door. Over his shoulder you see Sparkly Orange looking sheepish now that he sees his visitors. The younger Orange had been speaking with a dark gray unicorn stallion who, as he looks up, startles you with his unmoving eyes and expressionless face ... and his eyes, which are blood red.
(history check is relevant if you want to try to remember the significance of gray unicorns with blood red eyes)

The earth pony who answered the door tries to grin, and was about to say hello when Sparkly shouts over the top of him. "Hey, uh, sorry 'bout that. So, Ah guess we already got company. Different relative but Ah doubt ya ever met Shadow Orange here."

Orange Bushel shakes his head, and says "No, no. You're all welcome to come in." And trying to hold a smile he backs out of the way to allow the party in. Pointing between Flarestar and Shadow Orange he explains "Now, see we know where you come from. Great grandparents married in? Or I don't know I'd have to look it up but might be grandparents' cousins married in to a different tribe. Anyway Shadow here is some sort of a throw back. Actually he is my ... ah, Shadow?" He turns to the still somber unicorn.

"Second cousin, Bushel. And you needn't hide from me, or them. I'm a grown stallion and a well respected royal guard. That I'm probably the result of an illicit tryst with a tribe you don't trust is well circulated within the family." So saying he stands and turns to Flarestar, and finally grins, albeit very lopsidedly. "Married in, eh? Sorry to hear that, but you all look like a likely group of pukes to get killed. I'll have to keep the blood tie thing in mind. Oh, but I guess you'll be hearing about that over lunch anyway."

From the kitchen comes a shrill mare's almost shriek of Shadow's name. Followed by a deep yellow coated earth pony mare, with orange and blue mane and pale orange dappling on her rump. The appaloosa coated mare, now in a more reasonable tone, says "Shadow stop talking about killing our guests. Family, no less." Turning to the party, who by this time have filtered into the well furnished home, she says, facing Flarestar but clearly to the rest of you as well "Please, you're just in time and welcome, as Bushel said. Gather round the table and I'll get young Sparkly to help me carry stuff to the table."

The two disappear into the next room while you gather around the table, and Shadow bids you all farewell. "If you involve them," he says to Orange Bushel "make sure they're hesitant to mention me. This can only work if they're at the very center of it when I come to collapse this threat."

"That only you can see." Bushel finishes for him. Shadow Orange sighs, and mumbling arcanely, he trots out the door. Which he didn't bother to open, but with a flash and a whoosh of air, he's gone nonetheless. Orange Bushel turns to his remaining guests and says "He always was like that, fer as long as I known 'im. Sees big picture ... mashinations everywhere he goes. We got us some trouble, same as every town has. No threat to the princess' rule but since he's family he hears, and storms out here, usin' up his leave to say if we find world shattering truths he can bring the heap o' 'em on their head."

The trays come out, fruit and vegetables (this is where the streetwise roll is needed. I'll PM you with significant details once I see how much you all find)
Neither senior Orange seem surprised at the rapid departure of their distant cousin Shadow Orange. Young Sparkly seems the tiniest bit upset, but Orange family reunions are uncommon, you learn, and he hasn't seem family as often as he'd like.
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Rolls concerning the grey unicorn and other events

Post  Seiko Fri Jul 05, 2013 3:25 pm

History 15 +12 + *1 = 28
Arcana (studying him for current magics/ the arcane language he spoke/ the magic he uses) 3 +18 + *1 = 22
Street-smarts 9 +8+*1 = 18
Persuasion 19 + 11 +*1 (+*5) = 31 (36 if it counts as a logical argument)

"Seems like you may be in a bit of a quandary, perhaps if you discussed it openly we could assist you. After all you have offered us a bite to eat." (persuasion)

PS: I am a silver grey colored donkey

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty all the rolls are uneventful

Post  SparkImpulse Fri Jul 05, 2013 4:37 pm

Still got a streetwise roll to go, but I think the the extreme outcomes I was kinda hoping for, aren't happening. S'okay.

Seiko I'll be PM'ing you with your history roll ... you can share it if you want but I want to emphasize the internal monologues that should happen through the course of this campaign.

As to arcana ... not bad. For a 3. From what you can tell, that was a simple teleport spell. But that he was using power words to augment them implies he was teleporting a very long ways. Also you can tell you've not heard that language / those power words before, so you didn't really catch much of the details. You can't guess which of several ancient schools that discovered/developed such, he has studied. Also he didn't need to concentrate doing it, telling you he is a regular user of power word augmentation, which you know from your studies is both rare, and a little bit dangerous.

Everyone is around the table, and Bushel sighs. Creamsicle hugs him supportively. "We've just been hit with thieves. Every two or three nights our warehouses are ransacked for about half to two thirds of our livelihood."

Digging into his carrots, Bushel raises an eyebrow at his wife. "Is that all? Just thieves." Turning to Flarestar, et al, he adds "We're able to pay our bills. These are professionals, and I guess rather than start a protection racket, they just forcefully take enough to sate their appetite without collapsing the local economy."

Looking quickly from his boiled potatoes Sparkly Orange tells his father "Flarestar could set 'em on fire. Fire, paw!" but is quickly hushed by his parents.

"Major problem," Bushel continues, between avocado and apple salad bites, and his carrots, "Is that no pony has seen them. Guard won't help, even crazy Shadow thinks it's either a world spanning conspiracy or just a coupla local yay whos what don't have nothing better to do."
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Stratego!

Post  Zkin Fri Jul 05, 2013 10:09 pm

"Warehouses in plural, then?"  Supplies Little Blue, probing for tactical details.  "How far apart?  Darkness is not an issue for me.  That reminds me;"  Thunderscale briefly turns his attention to Sparkly Orange.  "Sparkly.  Since you asked what manner of creature I am: I am a young dragon."  Thunderscale does not linger on this; turning his attention instead to the food at hand, he neatly carves his plate worth into a salad with the benefit of his claws, selecting from his knapsack a precious pewter fork with which to eat.

Buisness dwagon say Rawr.
History 12 + 10 = 22
Don't forget my preemptive assist (+3) for some Persuasion check.

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Planing a couter-raid

Post  Seiko Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:05 am

"Hmm, yes... if you have any idea when the thieves have been appearing then we could lie in wait for them and ambush the culprits. When they are caught red-handed a warrant should be obtainable and we could search for any of your crop they may have stashed. Thunderscale seems up to the task, and I am certain that Flarestar, being connected by blood has a familial obligation to assist you, and I have my own purposes in offering aid in such an en-devour. If there has been any pattern to the attacks it may help us determine which warehouse is their next target."

Cutie Mark Crusader
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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Sorry for Delay

Post  Golmorgoth Sun Jul 07, 2013 4:17 pm

Streetwise roll Nat 20 + 8 + 1* = 29, or critical success if that's a thing in this system
History roll 17 +8 +1*=26

"If they're stealing half to two-thirds of the fruit with each heist, there must either be a whole lot of thieves, or they have some way of transporting very large quantities of things without being seen."

Arcana roll 9 + 11 + 1 =21 to see if I can think of some kind of magic that would explain this

"Also, that many oranges can't possibly be sold in this town without raising lots of suspicion. Either they have another supposedly legitimate orange-seller to front for them, or they're exporting them out of town themselves. Does the family have any especially mean and nasty business rivals?"

Cutie Mark Crusader
Cutie Mark Crusader

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Sunshine and Rainbows, Factory. Empty Where does all the food go, anyway?

Post  SparkImpulse Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:00 pm

have some OOC discussion:

Flarestar nibbles at the carrots, and takes a long look at her plate. Looking quizzically at Orange Bushel, she asks "There are ... no oranges? Orange juice, perhaps?"

Bushel exhales hard, and sets his glass of water down. Creamsicle stabs at her food for a moment, eyes unfocused. Trying to fill in the awkward silence that follows as the party examine again their food, young Sparkly Orange tries to change the subject. "Dragon, right. Cousin Shadow said that's likely whatcha were, when Ah described ya."

Orange Creamsicle looked up at her distant relative, and said "It goes around. It comes around, dear. We donated a lot of oranges to the carrot farming collective two years ago when this happened. I'll admit sometimes we ... gave less than our best. Bruised fruit, stuff the workers picked too green. And now at the receiving end, we get wilted carrots and soggy lettuce. It's just a reminder that we're all ponies, I suppose."

Bushel points a hoof at the silver donkey. "Catchen' 'em red hooved would be beautiful, like you wouldn't believe, miss. We done tried. Captain Rocks Turned, a head detective in the town's guard has said one of his underlings even noticed a sort of pattern. And yes, we'd be glad to give you permission to set up camp where ever the guard say they'll hit but I want to warn you this isn't unheard of."

"They lost four on the carrot farm." Creamsicle says, staring blankly at the tablecloth. Looking up at her visitors she trembles just a little, adding "Don't get hurt. I'd feel awful if you were hurt."

"She don't mean," Bushel started again, pointing at his wife, "That four guards turned up dead. She means four guards ... are missing. Ain't nopony heard or seen 'em since that stakeout."

Food finished, the Oranges start cleaning up, and let you know how to get ahold of Rocks Turned, if you wanted to pursue that direction. "He goes by Turnover, actually. But he has to sign all his reports with Rocks Turned so that's how I remember him." explained Bushel at some point during the next few minutes.

Flarestar's imagination is bubbling at the thought of so many bushels (small 'b', she has no note to herself at some point) disappearing. Oranges now, carrots two years ago ... where did they go? How did they get there?

Stopping in his tracks, and stopping the party before they leave, Bushel Orange says "Look, if you're going to get yourself into some big risk over this, let me offer. Uhm. Hang on, okay?"

He goes back to whisper in a huddle with the other two members of his family, and then comes back. "Look it ain't much, but I can get 200 bits for your whole group if you stop this, and honestly there's probably a bounty already on some of these jokers. But if you ever find yourself with mechanical needs, all of us here can tinker with stuff ok, and we've friends in town and can build up something new, or fix pert near anything you bring. So a mechanical boon will have to be the bulk of a big bust of these barrel and bushel buyers."

Blinking at his accidental alliteration, he thinks a moment, and finally nods again, looking at each party member.

PS/Edit: no, there's no one who 'hate's the oranges. This has all the trappings of a protection racket. Except there's no direct contact with the farmers in question. And they change farm periodically, assuming the carrot thing was the same crowd and not a copycat crime. And hiring local mages from the college to put tracking spells on particular crates revealed nothing. They just disappeared, along with all the produce.

Last edited by SparkImpulse on Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:59 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I suppose my NPCs should answer the PC's questions, shouldn't they?)
Very Special Somepony
Very Special Somepony

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