Pony Tales: Aspirations of Harmony
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Cirque du Celeste

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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  mjh6 Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:42 pm

Once all the customers were taken care of, Flare looked over the scene, trying to see how many dropped fliers were still around.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  A1C Bronymous Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:54 pm

Flashpoint debates helping the rest of the crew move things. "Well... you seem like you've got everything under control for now. I'm gonna go find them." He rushes back into the sky, away from the probably irate pony, heads once again to the meal wagon, and takes a look around for the missing Strong Mare.

A1C Bronymous
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  TheCavalry Sun Aug 03, 2014 7:38 am

Hela Prose

Three Ring watched with a raised eyebrow, suddenly staring when the door opened to reveal the skeleton pony. For a second, she was speechless.

"Okay, you made your point," she said in a low voice. "Get that thing in here before anyone else see' sit."
Unsurprisingly, the line for food is a bit more...erratic than usual, with fewer ponies present, and the ones who are there picking at their food carefully. What isn't there, however, is any trace of either of the strong mares.
"Indeed it did!" Minty said, a benevolent look spreading across his face. "It haas been a quite interesting morning, with shady stallions, tension in the tents... and, oh yes, I decided to forgive Giant for oh-so-cruelly stealing my date at the last town we were in."
"How was that my fault?" the shorter pony rumbled. "I wasn't interested. I said so. Repeatedly. Before chasing them off."
"Oh, details."
Barkov, Upbeat, Risky, Tan

"Wait, are you... are you serious?  You actually got her to say yes?"
Knots eyes and wings lit up, and the Pegasus practically leapt off the ground, fluttering in mid-air, a dopey grin on her face... for about half a second.mthe next,she coughed, landed gently, and looked away from the ponies (and accompanying individuals) with a slight grimace.

"I mean, uh... that's cool. Or whatever. I'm real good at it, so, you know,you won't regret it or anything... Uh... So look, this tent business is mostly done, and you guys are probably just going to get in my way, so, uh... You know. How about you go and... uh... take a break or something, and I'll wrap things up. Myself. Or not. Whatever."


Tale Spinner, Flare, Newton

With the last of the tickets sold, things seemed like they were finally dying down, and the crowds, slowly, dispersed... leaving some discarded, crushed and tramped led fliers behind them.
And quite a hefty bag of bits.
It had definitely been a good day of sales at least.

At least one voice agreed. Removing himself from the crowd, Daring Dives chuckled, approaching the three circus members.
"Well, that wasn't too bad, was it?" the stallion said, laughing. "Nice show with the kid, Spinner."
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Fury of the Tempest Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:11 pm

Karliah shook her head in amusement at the exchange between the two clowns. Which was likely a good thing, as amusing people was their job after all, though the normally tried to make them laugh instead of be simply amused. “Anyway, what’s this about tension between the tents and shady stallions? Or you just making things up?”
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Loud Taffy Mon Aug 04, 2014 12:20 pm

Hèla motioned for Jeeves to step inside. He closes the door behind him. "So, it's not much of a show worthy demonstration, but if you give me a chance I can prove that necromancy is a misunderstood art."
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  A1C Bronymous Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:17 pm

"Of course not..." Flashpoint takes off again, flying about 50 feet up, and begins flying in a slow, long circuit, looking for the two missing mares.

Perception: Nat1+11
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Demonu Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:11 pm

TheCavalry wrote:
Tale Spinner, Flare, Newton

With the last of the tickets sold, things seemed like they were finally dying down, and the crowds, slowly, dispersed... leaving some discarded, crushed and tramped led fliers behind them.
And quite a hefty bag of bits.
It had definitely been a good day of sales at least.

At least one voice agreed. Removing himself from the crowd, Daring Dives chuckled, approaching the three circus members.
"Well, that wasn't too bad, was it?" the stallion said, laughing. "Nice show with the kid, Spinner."
"It's what I do." Tale Spinner smiled. A smile that quickly turned into a grin upon seeing the bag of bits.

"Seems like we pulled a big haul." He said. "Better get back to the circus and inform the boss lady." He glanced around to address the others. "Unless there is still something you want to do?"
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  mjh6 Tue Aug 05, 2014 12:36 pm

"Nope, let's go." Flare said.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Brony 7 of 9 Tue Aug 05, 2014 1:00 pm

mjh6 wrote:"Nope, let's go." Flare said.
"Er... y-yes, please, c-can we... um..."

Without finishing the thought, Newton took off at a trot back for the circus grounds.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Senshuken Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:39 pm

Thinking about what he could possibly do with his time now that he was no longer required for anything, Barkov scratched himself behind the ear for a moment before saying "Well, if you're absolutely sure you no longer need my help to finish up Knot, I guess I could go back to my wagon and start coming up with ways to incorporate you into my act. When you have some time feel free to swing by and we can work on it together alright?"

While Barkov would admit to himself that adding a pony to his act sounded like a lot of hard work, the joy that had flared up around Knot for those few seconds before she tried to pretend they had never happened told him that he had done the right thing.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Quietkal Fri Aug 08, 2014 12:34 am

Lead In:
Risky smiles lightly at the pegasus's excitement. He continues working with the rope, despite her suggestion to take a break. "I'd prefer t' keep a hoof raising th' tent, if tha's alright with a big act pony like y'self."
If Tan doesn't wander off for breakfast or some alone time or...whatever, Risky asks, "So when'd you get into snakes? Cute-ceñera?"
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Dream Axis Fri Aug 08, 2014 5:25 am

"Snakes are awsome!" UpBeat suddenly declares before putting a chin to his mussel in thought "well..I think so anyway, I haven't met any other snakes then viper and vipers family so is obviously awsome....." he sort of looks at everypony questionably " are all snakes awsome? "
telepatic - ' hi viper!'
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Demonu Fri Aug 08, 2014 10:10 am

Tale Spinner quietly followed the others as they made their way back to the circus grounds. The closer they got to the tent, the more elevated he became until a gentle prodding in his ear reminded him of something.

"I trust you guys can handle the finances?" He said to Flare and Newton. "I need to see the boss about something."

And with that said, he trotted off.

If finding Three Rings requires a Perception check, Perception = 12+11 = 23
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  TheCavalry Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:27 pm

Three Ring waited until the door was closed before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Maybe it's misunderstood, but it's also kind of-" she paused, clearly substituting heat she was going to say for- "Odd. Honestly...even if I was willing to give you a chance, I can't talk for the rest of the circus. My... The previous owners would say I have to give you a chance, but if I do... you need to keep low-key for a while. I don't want bonsey causing a riot. No offence."

Tale Spinner
Three Rings wagon is easy enough to spot. As Tale approaches, however, he can hear speech from inside... so either a Three Ring has company, or she's talking to herself.
Either, really, seems as likely as the other.

Flare, Newton
Daring accompanied the group on their way back, in silence. Once Tale left, however, he turned on the pair.
"You two do know how to handle the finances, right? Cause after today's haul, you might be left to do it more often."

Barkov, Risky, Tan, Viper, Upbeat

"Yeah well, uh... No rush. Or anything. You know, cause uh... right."
Knot glanced between Barkov and Risky, and looked like she wanted to use the ropes she was tying for something else. Even so, the grin that kept pulling at her cheeks, the slight blush was obvious to both of the circus performers.

Tans laugh, therefore, was a welcome distraction.
"Earth pony magic," he said, grinning. "Since I was shorter than the kid there, I've been playin' my harmonica. Well, one day, I'm checking the picnic baskets- there's all kinds of poisonous snakes around grape farms, so we have to catch 'em and let 'em go. Well, this time, this big oil' fella is inside, hissin' and spitting. So I pull out my harmonica, and whistle a tune until he calms down."


"Karly!" Minty said, rearing back. "I am offended! I never lie!"
"Ge just exaggerates. A lot. Out of nothing," Giant rumbled. The taller stallion shot his companion a scowl, rolling his eyes.

"Well, whatever. You probably haven't seen them; these two ponies who hitched up in the last town. They've been avoiding...well, everyone. Just sort of grunt at anyone who comes their way. Kind of shifty, frankly."


In retrospect, it might have been a bad plan. Not so much because of the search pattern or anything; large sweeps of the compound was probably a good idea. Not being able to discern the ponies from above, on the other hoof, wasn't. And having to come in low, destroying possible trails? Probably worse.

So, by the end if the search, Flash was left with less idea of where to go than when he started.
Which made the voice calling up even worse.
"Hey, flyboy. You look stressed," Top Grip called, sitting in the middle of the circus, under the main tent. "Need someone to pop your wings for you?"
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  A1C Bronymous Sun Aug 17, 2014 2:25 am

"Oh there you are." Flashpoint lands a few feet away. "I wouldn't mind a backrub. But I've been looking for you. Where have you been, we had a bunch of guys almost kill themselves trying to set up the stands- and where's your partner?"
A1C Bronymous
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Brony 7 of 9 Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:41 am

"Err, you see, well..."

Newton always thought of himself as good at math but he'd need time to sort through the budget. Time he wouldn't have if people kept... TALKING to him. So he bolted straight for his and Barkov's trailer.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Fury of the Tempest Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:00 pm

Karliah look decisively unimpressed by the description of the two shifty ponies. If she had an eyebrow, it would off no doubt been arched up in an expression of disdain. As it was, just Karliah’s eyes and tone of voice would have to be enough to get the emotions of. “So, they were acting exactly like I did when I originally joined?”
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  mjh6 Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:13 pm

Flare shrugged. It was her job to do what was needed, but Math wasn't her specialty.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Paper Shadow Tue Aug 19, 2014 2:35 pm

Viper nods in agreement with Tan's story. He then turns to Upbeat and telepathically replies "Hello child."
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Demonu Tue Aug 19, 2014 8:04 pm

TheCavalry wrote:
Tale Spinner
Three Rings wagon is easy enough to spot. As Tale approaches, however, he can hear speech from inside... so either a Three Ring has company, or she's talking to herself.
Either, really, seems as likely as the other.
Tale Spinner raised his hoof to knock on the door. "Perhaps I should come back another time." He muttered to himself when he heard the talking inside. Zazi jumped out of his mane and landed on his outstretched hoof. She had a quizzical look on her face. "Nah, you're right: it's better to ask forgiveness than permission." He placed Zazi back into his mane and knocked loudly on the door three times. "Or at least it's easier." He grinned before opening the door, not bothering to wait for the all clear.

Tale Spinner looked inside at the two occupants. "Am I interrupting something?"
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Quietkal Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:51 am

Lead In:
Risky rolls his eyes and drops the unfinished rope with a half-smile. "Alrigh' alrigh', yah've made y' point." He turns to Tan and says, "Vineyards, huh? Well it looks lih' Knott's got this end tied up, so I'ma grab a bite before th' big top itself goes up, if y' wanna join." He looks to the foal and Diamond Dog and politely adds, "You two're also welcome t' join."
He pauses for a moment as he waits for an answer, but chuckles and adds in a sigh, "Tied."

Last edited by Quietkal on Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:21 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Senshuken Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:48 pm

"Some food sounds awesome right about now." Barkov admitted, rolled his shoulders a little before looking at Knot with a warm smile on his face. "Want me to save you something to eat so we can start brain storming as soon as your done?" He asked politely, making it a point to ignore anything Risky might say on the matter.
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Loud Taffy Thu Aug 21, 2014 1:06 pm

"Really! Oh thank you thank you thank you! You won't be disappointed I promise. What do you want me to do first?"
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Dream Axis Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:44 pm

"when you say a bite to eat....where exactly do you mean?" the foal says slowly as he puts a hoof to his chin " cause i remember erasing my memories last time i tried the chiefs soup.....well i hope i did, cause i found a note telling me that i had."
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Cirque du Celeste - Page 6 Empty Re: Cirque du Celeste

Post  Quietkal Tue Aug 26, 2014 9:03 pm

Risky rolls his eyes at the colt in good humor, saying, "Oh come off it. Chef's stew might be a little strong, but ih's full'a stuff tha's goof for what ails ya...usually."
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