Silent Fractures
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Re: Silent Fractures
As soon as the trolley pony shut the door, Heart was betrayed by her stomach when it growled hungrily. She gave a sigh and looked over at the others. Only the minotaur had gotten food, and she didn't want any of that. She looked at the nature pony, whom she could have sworn had been looking at her. Maybe not. The other mare was still engrossed in her book. Fine with her. Heart gave another little sigh, and just waited.
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Loud Taffy- Very Special Somepony
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Re: Silent Fractures
"It's true... I don't got much in the self-control. But what I did say was true, that we will need to be working together on this mission. And I have had to work under huge ego types like yourself Miss. I mean hey, from what I guess I'm the only one of us four who's got the most experience of dealing with groups. While I might not have insight on how you work Miss, I do know how group dynamics work. And you strike me at the biggest weakest link we've got at this point. Also wouldn't be shocked if you end up blaming us for being stupid when your at fault... You still strike me as the type to do that." The Minotaur said intbetween eating his riceballs. "So as I see it... Either you step up and prove that you got the brains you think you've got to me... Or just try to get along with the rest of us before I find a reason to deal with you myself. I'm a Ninja for Hire remember... Just think about what are the jobs that title implies..."TheCavalry wrote:The Reini glances at the trolley driver, before looking at the Minotaur. "It's reassuring to see your ability to control yourself is as finely honed as your psychological insight," the pony commented.
(OOC: Partly wishing I had gone with my first plans... But whatever... Still can work with this. Hopefully.)
Re: Silent Fractures
The train begins to slow. A serene view of the gorge behind the woods could be seen out the right side of the car, and the northern most part of the Unicorn Range mountains could be seen off to the left. Almost immediately the sight was obscured by trees. The train came to a full stop next to what looked like a makeshift platform. The rearmost right door of the car swung open as if telling the passengers it was time to get off.
Loud Taffy- Very Special Somepony
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Re: Silent Fractures
"Well... Mull over what I've said, if you can..." Cold Iron mused as she headed out of the train... To see what this mission will really be like, after all it's just a mission set by the Royal Sisters & for some odd reason Discord himself is involved... What's the worst that it could be? The answers Cold's paranoia gave him were not pretty.
Re: Silent Fractures
"Awesome," Heart mutters, popping out her earplugs and moving to the door. She made it a point to get out before the other two ponies, and get to a bathroom before anything else.
Streetwise There is no Streetwise. Perception to find a bathroom at makeshift platform. Bet not.
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Re: Silent Fractures
Wormwood was about to get off the train, but was beaten to the punch by the unicorn. He followed afterwards, looking about his surroundings to see what was there, trying to get a feel for the land. A thought occurred to him - he hadn't introduced himself, and neither had most of the others. He'd have to see to that when the mare returned...
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: Silent Fractures
As Heart exited the train, a single comode appiered at the rear of the platform. At the same time a sign with an arrow pointing into the woods appiered. The post was made of candy cane.
Loud Taffy- Very Special Somepony
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Re: Silent Fractures
"That's buckin' cute." Heart says, regarding the sign as she heads to the outhouse. She makes a point to slam the door unnecessarily behind her.
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Re: Silent Fractures
- Spoiler:
- Â Â
Sorry guys. Got caught up in stuff unexpectedly. This is my first time online (in general) all day. Sorry for holding things up.
The Reini hummed in non-commission at Cold Irons words, trailing her hooves behind the party as the doors opened. The platform itself seemed largely unremarkable, her eyes instead drawn to the candy sign. She exhaled forcefully.
"The draconequis has the power to reshape reality, and he wastes it on candy-signs. Typical."
TheCavalry- Equestrian Honor Guard
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Re: Silent Fractures
"Meh, it's in his style to do that sort of thing... I mean what would you do if you had that type of power?" Cold Iron commented as he kept to heading to wherever the sign leads.
Re: Silent Fractures
"Probably very little," the pony replied, following after the ninja. "The universe is a carefully crafted mechanism, like a clock. And even a child should know not to break something you can't put back together."
TheCavalry- Equestrian Honor Guard
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Re: Silent Fractures
"What really? You wouldn't try to like test how far you could risk it? Cause I know I would try... If I had the power..." Cold Iron comments as the two walked side by side.
Re: Silent Fractures
"Risk is subjective. Sooner or later it would be necessary to conduct a large scale experiment- inverting the laws of physics, or adding a new dimension- but a proper grounding in the basics would be needed first. I wonder how much of what Discord does he had to learn, and how much is instinct..."
But I will admit my curiosity is piqued. If you had Discords powers, what would you do? All of time and space, reality itself, prepared to bend to your will. If you could do anything, what would you do?"
But I will admit my curiosity is piqued. If you had Discords powers, what would you do? All of time and space, reality itself, prepared to bend to your will. If you could do anything, what would you do?"
TheCavalry- Equestrian Honor Guard
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Re: Silent Fractures
"Well I think first thing I'll honestly do... If I could... Would likely be... Building a world full of chaotic emotions & a world built of logical order... Both worlds would be nearby like orbiting the same star, just being totally apart and junk. Try to nudge both realms into being as most ideal as they could possibly be while staying true to their ideal starting point... THEN ONE DAY LINK THEM! And see what happens?" Cold Iron replied as he mulled on the idea. "And gotta say... Not bad for just coming up with something on the spot..."
Re: Silent Fractures
Wormwood stayed silent, listening to the pair's conversation, while keeping an ear out for the unicorn mare. He didn't want to leave her behind, but then again the sign seemed self-explanatory. He compromised by heading to the sign, and from there keeping an eye on the strange mare and the minotaur, while waiting for the unicorn.
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: Silent Fractures
Heart exited the lavatory in the same way she entered it, another door slam and a huff. She walks over towards the sign, and the awaiting group. Disinterested in whatever the other mare and Minotaur were discussing, she shot a look at the Earth Pony. He was looking her way again. "Have you just been watching me this whole time?"
- Spoiler:
- Stealth check, because hiding something: 5+6=11
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Re: Silent Fractures
- Spoiler:
- I... automatically beat that stealth roll, but anyway: 7 (roll) + 15 (skill) = 22
"What? No." The truth kept the young stallion from blushing. "It'd be rude to watch while a pony was using the restroom." He then proceeded to follow after the earth pony mare and minotaur, still keeping his ears tuned towards the unicorn. "I don't believe I got your name. I'm Wormwood."
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: Silent Fractures
"I meant this whole trip. I swear you look like you keep staring at me." She eyes him up and down, and flips hr hair out of her face. "I guess I can't go this whole thing without giving a name, huh? Bleeding Heart. Heart just like half the other bucking nurses you'll ever meet, cause that must be what I'm supposed to be." She spits this last line with detest, then looks down. Quieter, she adds, "Bleeding is all I really am. Bleeding every day. Just call me that, Worms."
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Re: Silent Fractures
His ear twitched slightly at her course language, but it was negligible. He did, however, frown slightly at being called "Worms." It reminded him of something he'd been called before...
"I'm-I'm sorry if I bothered you, I just- well, I wasn't expecting a pony my own age. Sort of my own age." He didn't like where this conversation track was headed. "So... you really don't like your special talent, huh? Would you rather it was something else?"
"I'm-I'm sorry if I bothered you, I just- well, I wasn't expecting a pony my own age. Sort of my own age." He didn't like where this conversation track was headed. "So... you really don't like your special talent, huh? Would you rather it was something else?"
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: Silent Fractures
"'Sort of my own age'? You look old enough to be my dad." She says, then finishes under her breath "but that would make sense, wouldn't it." She gives him another look, and then says. "I don't want any special talent if it means that's all I get to be. It's my life, I'll decide how I live it, what I do, when it ends..." She bit her lip, regretting that last line. Last thing she needed was these ponies thinking she was suicidal or something. "The point is... no, I guess it's fine being that, because I'm not going to let it matter what it is."
- Perception result:
- Heart has been standing with her right side facing you most of this conversation, and her left sleeve appears to be pulled significantly lower than her right.
A1C Bronymous- Air Commander, Equestrian Armies Pegasus Corps, Eastern Skies Command
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Re: Silent Fractures
"Old enough to be your...? I'm not that old..." In spite of himself he smiled a little. "And I'd say that's a good attitude to have. Didn't Cold Iron talk about that on the train? About not letting your special talent define you? Something like that. Well, it's worth repeating."
He noticed she seemed to be hiding something. Alas, he couldn't quite tell what it was, but he had enough sense not to pry. He tried to avert his eyes from whatever she was hiding and tried not to make assumptions in his head.
He continued, "I guess I'm not one to talk, I love my special talent, but... I guess I can't say whether it defines or limits me. It's just... what I like doing. As far as I'm concerned nothing changed after I got my Cutie Mark."
He noticed she seemed to be hiding something. Alas, he couldn't quite tell what it was, but he had enough sense not to pry. He tried to avert his eyes from whatever she was hiding and tried not to make assumptions in his head.
He continued, "I guess I'm not one to talk, I love my special talent, but... I guess I can't say whether it defines or limits me. It's just... what I like doing. As far as I'm concerned nothing changed after I got my Cutie Mark."
Dusk Raven- Epic Pwny
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Re: Silent Fractures
As The Reini and Cold Iron began to leave Bleeding Heart and Wormwood behind, a low and dark cloud was moving toward the gorge from the north west. None of them noticed this of course because of the trees blocking it from their sight. There was a sudden movement from the tree line in front of The Reini and Cold Iron. A changeling popped out of a bush. "Greetings, I am captain 72 of her majesty Queen Gachilie's royal guard. You must be the four I was instructed to meet here."
Loud Taffy- Very Special Somepony
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Re: Silent Fractures
Cold Iron had on reflex drawn his sword and totally wasn't buying the story the Changeling was giving. "Um... Yeah... A likely story..."
Re: Silent Fractures
The pony raised an eyebrow a at Colds reaction in mild disapproval, and looked back at the Changeling.
- Spoiler:
- Quick post and rolls before I go.
First: want to find out what, if anything, the Reini knows about the Changeling Queen.
General Knowledge [10] + d20 [11] = 21
Second: rolling to see if the changeling is lying, or hiding something (for the record, I kind of picture her picking up things Sherlock-style, body language etc. She's too arrogant to empathise with others.)
Insight [11] +d20 [8] = 19
TheCavalry- Equestrian Honor Guard
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