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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Fury of the Tempest
Doc pseudopolis
Xel Unknown
Stairc -Dan Felder
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Z2 Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:33 pm

The Old King's news may have been many things, but at some point it devolved into wacky comedy. It is not my attempt to tell a story. It IS my attempt to make it so there is a Skype campaign for people to join. Things will be improvised, and the rule of the land isn't "don't destroy the enemies building's ahead of time" instead it is "don't annoy the other players or the PH too much.

There aren't many rules left, just about any character can expect to get in; wackiness even helps. Just be responsible with the chat when it ISN'T game time.

Removed Players:
Fury of the Tempest

Headline : The griffon kingdom has magic! Nopony is entirely sure how they got it, or how it works, but spells flew from the talons of the felid-avian elite. Official inquiries abound, but the griffons are staying tight-beaked on the matter.

Cue the adventurers: Be it for academic advancement, journalistic glory, military applications, or just a really strong desire to learn teleportation; organisations, governments, and individuals from around the world have traveled to the kingdoms governmental central of Eagleland in hopes of discovering the secrets of this new form of magic for themselves.

Should you count yourselves among the curious masses, you will likely be found searching the isle of Quails. The isle is home to the Grand Augurs (similar to a supreme court, but with military power.) Probably not coincidentally, displays of Avesdidigitation seem to be seen most frequently on the island.


Last edited by Z2 on Fri May 31, 2013 11:46 pm; edited 12 times in total
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Z2 Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:34 pm

Post Character Sheets here:
I'm hoping to add between 5-7 players, depending on how things go. Ideally the campaign would star mostly non-exotic lifeforms, (ponies, minotaurs, a griffon journalist, etc.) but I'm willing to be flexible. Well-formed backstories are a plus, (the campaign is set in present day Equestria, so write accordingly) and a varied skillset will be helpful.

Also, take note that unicorns and any creatures with magical racial abilities may find themselves missing out on some rewards found along the plot.

Prohibited Aspects:
The Joke Race supplemental is not allowed.
Races with the Mechanical trait are not allowed.
The Jinx utility talent is not allowed.
The Fast as Lightning Racial trait is not allowed (mainly because it would only make things difficult for everypony if a character spontaneously ended up 50mi away from the others)
If you take the 9-lives trait, I will kill you in 8 absurd ways (please take the 9-lives trait tongue )
The 'Metagamer' and 'Planeshaper' Destinies are PROBABLY not allowed.

Links to sessions:
Session 1: http://tinyurl.com/bh6nn9q
Session2: http://tinyurl.com/bhvtrvy
Session 3: http://tinyurl.com/arx483n
Session 4: http://tinyurl.com/aaj6g3b


Dapper Soliliquy : GENTLECOLT ADVENTURER Played by kaji
Füst the Jägerpony Played by Doc Pseudopolis

Former Characters:

Flashpoint the Ultimate Manwhore played by Bronymous & Silver Tongue the Earth Pony : Master of Aggravation Played by Hayate

Cameo Auteur the Minotaur : He Makes Movies Played by Zarhon - Walked off set one day and never came back

Storm Blade the Pegasus Changeling : Royal Guard Hopeful Played by Fury - dead.

Play Time:
0:00 to 4:00 GMT on Fridays.

Last edited by Z2 on Sun Apr 28, 2013 6:13 pm; edited 18 times in total
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Zarhon Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:41 pm

Do you operate in European timezones or American?
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Stairc -Dan Felder Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:41 pm

This sounds great. I've told my friends all about it. =)

Have a great campaign!
Stairc -Dan Felder
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Z2 Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:45 pm

I am currently situated in US Central Time (GMT -6:00)
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Hayatecooper Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:46 pm

Yeah, would be interested to know about times.

Also, anything banned/restricted/just plan unwanted. Including but not limited to: player styles, Characters, Utilities, Destinies and Pets.
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Z2 Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:50 pm

Hmm, I guess I could do without the following:

No use of the Jinx utility talent
No mechanical characters
No pets (probably? I'm not really sure how they show up at the best of times)
That destiny that makes me roll a d100 and maybe turn everything into dragons, you can't have it
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  kajisora Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:56 pm

I'd definitely be interested, and I'll get to work on an Earth Pony character.
I'm in a gmt+1 timezone (Amsterdam) though: If this conflicts too much with the timezones of the rest of the players, I'll probably drop out: I have to follow classes, so I can't stay up till 4am ^^
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Hayatecooper Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:58 pm

That destiny that makes me roll a d100 and maybe turn everything into dragons, you can't have it
Which destiny is that?
Cause I kinda want that for another campaign now.
Unless you mean just laughter in general.
In which case

Any race is fine? Cause that's going to be the hard part of choosing. Already know I'm pulling in a diplomancer. (if my schedule, yeah doesn't conflict with like everyone ever)

Last edited by Hayatecooper on Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  LoganAura Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:59 pm

He means the Madness destiny.

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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Hayatecooper Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:01 pm

Oh, that thing.


Not having that will make planning stuff easier.
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Zarhon Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:10 pm

I'm kinda interested in this, but am kinda taxed with Pony Team Bravo sessions due to time zone schenanigans (UTC+01:00, Croatia, Europe), which run sundays, 1am to early morning. Is there any possibility of a schedule that wouldn't leave me sleep-deprived or mess up my sleep cycle for the rest of the week? Or if not that, something on a friday afternoon / friday night?

As for character, I might be bringing in a minotaur, zebra (modified to not have bridle gossip), or possibly earth pony. Still thinking of character concept...

Last edited by Zarhon on Sun Dec 30, 2012 2:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Xel Unknown Sat Dec 29, 2012 11:24 pm

I might try to offer something to this campaign. Not sure what. But I'll think up something...
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Hayatecooper Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:08 am


Meet Silver Tongue. My diplomatic Earth pony.
Who is not a changeling.
I swear.
Pinkie Promise.
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Xel Unknown Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:18 am

She better not... Cause I was thinking of trying to build a changeling for this game... >.>
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Hayatecooper Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:20 am

Xel my man.
Would I build a changeling and then not tell you till halfway through the game?
And Shame on you for thinking I would.
Frankly I'm insulted.
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Zarhon Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:21 am

And here is Cameo Auteur, minotaur film director/SFX & prop artist!

Cameo Auteur

EDIT: Sheet done!

Last edited by Zarhon on Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Doc pseudopolis Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:25 am

I'm posting interest.
...though I'm british which means I'm atleast 5 hours ahead of you currently.
Edit: Maybe some sort of hired bodyguard...

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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Z2 Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:33 am

I really like the IDEA of Cameo Auteur, not 100% sold on the meat of it though. (How exactly does a minotaur use witchcraft anyway?)

And I like the idea of Silver Tongue as well, just expect her first line of the campaign to get interrupted by something like the phrase "Suddenly Silver is struck by a magical bolt of lightning that traps changelings in their current form permanently, and has no effect on any other species." (P.S. I think you miss-listed Silver's persuasion, shouldn't it be 18?)
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Hayatecooper Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:48 am

Fixed to 18. Thankee!

I swear. She's an Earth Pony! Seriously!
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Zarhon Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:12 am

Z2 wrote:I really like the IDEA of Cameo Auteur, not 100% sold on the meat of it though. (How exactly does a minotaur use witchcraft anyway?)

Same way as hornless zebras do: Ambiguously, offscreen, and with plenty of misdirection? Or since it's a cartoon, leave it under rule of funny. He learned his special effects magic from the teachings of an ancient zebra master of the Ponywood peaks (a trial most film directors fail, on account of there being no stairs/steps to reach said peak).

I could also have him have "spectral contracts"... Among the skills learned from the zebra is the ability to form contracts with specters or leftover sentient energies of those involved with un-realized or blockbuster movies. His magecraft would be those specters (invisible to those untrained in the art of film-making) altering their surroundings as stated on their respective contracts, which would be perceivable as "magic".

He'd be focused on making the movie in question by traveling with someone interesting enough to make a movie out of (PCs), more or less making up the plot (or it being made for him, literally) as he goes along, with whatever resources / actors (unwitting PC/NPCs/Hostiles...) he can. His combat would be him sitting in a chair with his coffee mug, directing the enemies/allies (Making them fight each other for a cushy actor role and/or hiring/firing them), and at the same time recording "action shots" on camera.

Last edited by Zarhon on Sun Dec 30, 2012 12:39 pm; edited 6 times in total
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Xel Unknown Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:12 am

I hope so... And hope to get in my Meta-Changeling character in asap. Just got a lot I'm working on at the moment so not sure when it'll be done. Three characters so far I've got that still need to be built. >.>
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Demonu Sun Dec 30, 2012 6:46 pm

So what, are most members of PTB going to be in this game? :p

I kind of want to join in as well (especially considering the above) but I have exams until the end of January so I'm afraid I'll have to pass...
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  Fury of the Tempest Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:15 pm

As long as the day isn't sunday. I'm interested. Admittedly I'm English so that might cause problems.

However, can I resuse my current character? I prefer only using one character, and it'll be interesting to see how he develops differently in these different scenario's/RP's
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The Old King's News (Skype Campaign) Empty Re: The Old King's News (Skype Campaign)

Post  A1C Bronymous Sun Dec 30, 2012 9:26 pm

Demonu wrote:So what, are most members of PTB going to be in this game? :p

No, get out of here. I've been waiting for a decent Skype Game for months. Eastern (US) Time (GST+5, I think?). As much as I like -*cough- building new characters, I think I'll submit , Flashpointas he fits the qualifications nicely. And he's my favorite and is a beast.

I have a super flexible schedule, and can make it any day of the week. If I have a preference, though, I would like to play Sunday- Tuesday.
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